/// <summary>

     ///  Class designed to give information
     ///  about the current system
     ///  </summary>
     public  static  class Environment
         #region Public Static Properties
         ///  <summary>
         ///  Name of the machine running the app
         ///  </summary>
         public  static  string MachineName
             get {  return System.Environment.MachineName; }

         ///  <summary>
         ///  Gets the user name that the app is running under
         ///  </summary>
         public  static  string UserName
             get {  return System.Environment.UserName; }

         ///  <summary>
         ///  Name of the domain that the app is running under
         ///  </summary>
         public  static  string DomainName
             get {  return System.Environment.UserDomainName; }

         ///  <summary>
         ///  Name of the OS running
         ///  </summary>
         public  static  string OSName
             get {  return System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform. ToString(); }

         ///  <summary>
         ///  Version information about the OS running
         ///  </summary>
         public  static  string OSVersion
             get {  return System.Environment.OSVersion.Version. ToString(); }

         ///  <summary>
         ///  The service pack running on the OS
         ///  </summary>
         public  static  string OSServicePack
             get {  return System.Environment.OSVersion.ServicePack; }
         ///  <summary>
         ///  Full name, includes service pack, version, etc.
         ///  </summary>
         public  static  string OSFullName
             get {  return System.Environment.OSVersion.VersionString; }

         ///  <summary>
         ///  Gets the current stack trace information
         ///  </summary>
         public  static  string StackTrace
             get {  return System.Environment.StackTrace; }

         ///  <summary>
         ///  Returns the number of processors on the machine
         ///  </summary>
         public  static  int NumberOfProcessors
             get {  return System.Environment.ProcessorCount; }

         ///  <summary>
         ///  The total amount of memory the GC believes is used
         ///  by the app in bytes
         ///  </summary>
         public  static  long TotalMemoryUsed
             get {  return GC. GetTotalMemory( false); }

         ///  <summary>
         ///  The total amount of memory that is available in bytes
         ///  </summary>
         public  static  long TotalMemory
                 long ReturnValue =  0;
                ObjectQuery TempQuery =  new  ObjectQuery( "SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration");
                 using (ManagementObjectSearcher Searcher =  new  ManagementObjectSearcher(TempQuery))
                     foreach (ManagementObject TempObject  in Searcher. Get())
                        ReturnValue =  long. Parse(TempObject[ "TotalPhysicalMemory"]. ToString()) *  1024;
                 return ReturnValue;