sql server多重行列转置的优化





 1 select id, type,sum([1]) [1],sum([2]) [2],sum([3]) [3],sum([4]) [4] from
 2 (
 3     select 'a' as type, * from   Table_1
 4     pivot(sum(a)  for p in([1],[2],[3],[4])) as a 
 5 union all
 6     select 'b' as type,* from   Table_1
 7     pivot(sum(b)  for p in([1],[2],[3],[4])) as b
 8 union all
 9     select 'c'  as type,* from   Table_1
10     pivot(sum(c)  for p in([1],[2],[3],[4])) as c
11 union all
12     select 'd'  as type,* from   Table_1
13     pivot(sum(d)  for p in([1],[2],[3],[4])) as d
14 ) t1
15 group by id,type
16 order by id,type
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1 declare @str varchar(8000)  
2 set @str = ''
3 select  @str = @str + ' SELECT '''+ NAME + ''' AS TYPE,* FROM Table_1 pivot(SUM('+ NAME +') 
4         for p in ([1],[2],[3],[4])) as '+ NAME +' union ALL ' 
5         from syscolumns 
6         where object_id('Table_1') = id AND NAME <> 'P' AND NAME <> 'ID'
7 select @str = left(@str,len(@str)-len('union ALL'))
8 select @str ='select id, type,sum([1]) [1],sum([2]) [2],sum([3]) [3],sum([4]) [4] from ('+ @str +') t1 group by id,type order by id,type'
9 exec (@str)
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posted @ 2016-12-08 18:23  Kevin-kw  阅读(1347)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报