10-1 Python 学习笔记
1. 项目
在文本编辑器中新建一个文件,写几句话来总结一下你至此学到的 Python 知识,其中每一行都以“In Python you can”打头。
第三次打印时将各行存储在一个列表中,再在 with 代码块外打印它们。
2. 代码
filename = 'learning_python.txt' print("************************1st*************************") with open(filename) as file_object: contents = file_object.read() print(contents.rstrip()) print("************************2nd*************************") with open(filename) as file_object: for line in file_object: print(line.rstrip()) print("************************3rd*************************") with open(filename) as file_object: lines = file_object.readlines() for line in lines: print(line.rstrip())
3. 执行结果
D:\python编程:从入门到实践\venv\Scripts\python.exe "D:/python编程:从入门到实践/第10章 文件和异常/learning_python.py" ************************1st************************* In Python you can learn string In Python you can learn tuple In Python you can learn sequence In Python you can learn dictionary ************************2nd************************* In Python you can learn string In Python you can learn tuple In Python you can learn sequence In Python you can learn dictionary ************************3rd************************* In Python you can learn string In Python you can learn tuple In Python you can learn sequence In Python you can learn dictionary Process finished with exit code 0