9-4 就餐人数/ 9-5 尝试登录次数
1. 题目
2. 代码
class Restaurant(): def __init__(self, restaurant_name, cuisine_type): self.restaurant_name = restaurant_name self.cuisine_type = cuisine_type self.number_served = 0 # 添加属性,设置默认值为0 def describle_restaurant(self): print(self.restaurant_name, self.cuisine_type) def open_restaurant(self): print("Now is opening...") def read_restaurant(self): print("The restaurant have " + str(self.number_served) + ' people eating.') def set_number_served(self, member): # 添加方法,设置就餐人数 self.number_served = member def increment_number_served(self, members): # 添加方法,设置递增人数 self.number_served += members restaurant = Restaurant('Kaoyu',10) # 创建实例 restaurant.read_restaurant() # 初始化设置为0 restaurant.number_served = 30 # 修改值 restaurant.read_restaurant() restaurant.set_number_served(100) # 调用方法,传值 restaurant.read_restaurant() restaurant.increment_number_served(200) restaurant.read_restaurant() print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>") class User(): # 创建User类 def __init__(self, first_name, last_name, age, address, phone): # 属性 self.first_name = first_name self.last_name = last_name self.age = age self.address = address self.phone = phone self.login_attempts = 0 # 添加属性 def describe_user(self): # 方法 print(self.first_name, self.last_name, self.age, self.address, self.phone) def greet_user(self): # 方法 print("How beautiful name " + self.last_name + self.last_name, "\n too young, too simple", "your homeland " + self.address + " is a warm place, ", "could you tell me your contact?") def increment_login_attempts(self, number1): # 递增方法 self.login_attempts += number1 # 值加1 print("共登录用户量:" + str(self.login_attempts)) def reset_login_attempts(self, number2): # 重置方法,重置为0 self.login_attempts = 0 print("共登录用户量:" + str(self.login_attempts)) user = User('Michile', 'Jadon', 40, 'Chicago', 10089) # 创建实例 user.increment_login_attempts(1) #调用递增方法 user.reset_login_attempts(0) # 调用重置方法 user.increment_login_attempts(1) #调用递增 user.increment_login_attempts(1) #再次调用 user.increment_login_attempts(1) #第三次调用,此时值应该为3(每次递增1)
3. 执行结果
D:\python编程:从入门到实践\venv\Scripts\python.exe D:/python编程:从入门到实践/Restaturant02.py The restaurant have 0 people eating. The restaurant have 30 people eating. The restaurant have 100 people eating. The restaurant have 300 people eating. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 共登录用户量:1 共登录用户量:0 共登录用户量:1 共登录用户量:2 共登录用户量:3 Process finished with exit code 0