

    参考 enuola
 1 -(void) testNSJSONSerialization
 2 {
 3     // define error
 4     NSError *error;
 5     // define url request
 6     NSURLRequest *urlRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString: @"http://m.weather.com.cn/data/101010100.html"]];
 7     // get reponse data from url request
 8     NSData *dataResponse = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest: urlRequest returningResponse: nil error: nil];
 9     // use nsjson transfer data to dictionary
10     NSDictionary *dictionaryWeather = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData: dataResponse options: NSJSONReadingMutableLeaves error: &error];
11     // get weather info from weather dictionary
12     NSDictionary *dictionaryWeatherInfo = [dictionaryWeather objectForKey: @"weatherinfo"];
13     // output weather of today
14     NSLog(@"今天是 %@  %@  %@  的天气状况是:%@  %@ ", [dictionaryWeatherInfo objectForKey: @"date_y"], [dictionaryWeatherInfo objectForKey: @"week"],[dictionaryWeatherInfo objectForKey: @"city"], [dictionaryWeatherInfo objectForKey: @"weather1"], [dictionaryWeatherInfo objectForKey: @"temp1"]);
15     // output
16     NSLog(@"Weather字典里面的内容为--》%@", dictionaryWeather);
17 }
2013-01-27 11:14:24.649 测试[1886:c07] 今天是 2013年1月27日  星期日  北京  的天气状况是:晴  2℃~-7℃ 
2013-01-27 11:14:24.649 测试[1886:c07] Weather字典里面的内容为--》{
    weatherinfo =     {
        city = "\U5317\U4eac";
        "city_en" = beijing;
        cityid = 101010100;
        date = "";
        "date_y" = "2013\U5e741\U670827\U65e5";
        fchh = 08;
        fl1 = "\U5c0f\U4e8e3\U7ea7";
        fl2 = "\U5c0f\U4e8e3\U7ea7";
        fl3 = "\U5c0f\U4e8e3\U7ea7";
        fl4 = "\U5c0f\U4e8e3\U7ea7";
        fl5 = "\U5c0f\U4e8e3\U7ea7\U8f6c4-5\U7ea7";
        fl6 = "\U5c0f\U4e8e3\U7ea7";
        fx1 = "\U5fae\U98ce";
        fx2 = "\U5fae\U98ce";
        img1 = 0;
        img10 = 0;
        img11 = 0;
        img12 = 99;
        img2 = 99;
        img3 = 0;
        img4 = 99;
        img5 = 0;
        img6 = 99;
        img7 = 0;
        img8 = 2;
        img9 = 2;
        "img_single" = 0;
        "img_title1" = "\U6674";
        "img_title10" = "\U6674";
        "img_title11" = "\U6674";
        "img_title12" = "\U6674";
        "img_title2" = "\U6674";
        "img_title3" = "\U6674";
        "img_title4" = "\U6674";
        "img_title5" = "\U6674";
        "img_title6" = "\U6674";
        "img_title7" = "\U6674";
        "img_title8" = "\U9634";
        "img_title9" = "\U9634";
        "img_title_single" = "\U6674";
        index = "\U51b7";
        index48 = "\U51b7";
        "index48_d" = "\U5929\U6c14\U51b7\Uff0c\U5efa\U8bae\U7740\U68c9\U8863\U3001\U76ae\U5939\U514b\U52a0\U7f8a\U6bdb\U886b\U7b49\U51ac\U5b63\U670d\U88c5\U3002\U5e74\U8001\U4f53\U5f31\U8005\U5b9c\U7740\U539a\U68c9\U8863\U6216\U51ac\U5927\U8863\U3002";
        "index48_uv" = "\U5f31";
        "index_ag" = "\U6781\U4e0d\U6613\U53d1";
        "index_cl" = "\U9002\U5b9c";
        "index_co" = "\U8f83\U4e0d\U8212\U9002";
        "index_d" = "\U5929\U6c14\U51b7\Uff0c\U5efa\U8bae\U7740\U68c9\U8863\U3001\U76ae\U5939\U514b\U52a0\U7f8a\U6bdb\U886b\U7b49\U51ac\U5b63\U670d\U88c5\U3002\U5e74\U8001\U4f53\U5f31\U8005\U5b9c\U7740\U539a\U68c9\U8863\U6216\U51ac\U5927\U8863\U3002";
        "index_ls" = "\U57fa\U672c\U9002\U5b9c";
        "index_tr" = "\U8f83\U9002\U5b9c";
        "index_uv" = "\U5f31";
        "index_xc" = "\U9002\U5b9c";
        st1 = 1;
        st2 = "-4";
        st3 = 2;
        st4 = "-3";
        st5 = 2;
        st6 = "-4";
        temp1 = "2\U2103~-7\U2103";
        temp2 = "3\U2103~-5\U2103";
        temp3 = "3\U2103~-5\U2103";
        temp4 = "3\U2103~-3\U2103";
        temp5 = "1\U2103~-7\U2103";
        temp6 = "0\U2103~-8\U2103";
        tempF1 = "35.6\U2109~19.4\U2109";
        tempF2 = "37.4\U2109~23\U2109";
        tempF3 = "37.4\U2109~23\U2109";
        tempF4 = "37.4\U2109~26.6\U2109";
        tempF5 = "33.8\U2109~19.4\U2109";
        tempF6 = "32\U2109~17.6\U2109";
        weather1 = "\U6674";
        weather2 = "\U6674";
        weather3 = "\U6674";
        weather4 = "\U6674\U8f6c\U9634";
        weather5 = "\U9634\U8f6c\U6674";
        weather6 = "\U6674";
        week = "\U661f\U671f\U65e5";
        wind1 = "\U5fae\U98ce";
        wind2 = "\U5fae\U98ce";
        wind3 = "\U5fae\U98ce";
        wind4 = "\U5fae\U98ce";
        wind5 = "\U5fae\U98ce\U8f6c\U5317\U98ce4-5\U7ea7";
        wind6 = "\U5fae\U98ce";

posted on 2013-01-27 11:22  紫澜  阅读(3246)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报