Your task is to write a program that can decide whether you can nd an arithmetic expression consisting of ve given numbers ai (1 i 5) that will yi 阅读全文
ksq2013 UVA 11205 Accepted C++11 5.3.0 2016-08-04 14:25:22 题目大意如下:给定n个LED灯串,每个灯串由p个LED灯构成,并给出每个灯串当下的状态,需要让所有灯串中规定的某些灯灭掉,询问最少剩下几盏正常的灯可以让我们分辨出LED灯原先代表的数 阅读全文
The Psychic Poker Player Time Limit: 3000MS 64bit IO Format: %lld & %llu Description In 5-card draw poker, a player is dealt a hand of five cards (whi 阅读全文