DPA从DPA 10.0.352升级到DPA 11.0.373
2017-03-13 23:46 潇湘隐者 阅读(920) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报1: 解压安装文件SolarWinds-DPA-11.0.373-64bit.tar.gz
[root@lnxmonitor tmp]# tar -xzvf SolarWinds-DPA-11.0.373-64bit.tar.gz
2: 查看解压目录下的readme.txt,里面有升级DPA的处理步骤。
Prerequisite: System has an existing installation.
1. Install the new version of SolarWinds DPA on your existing server.
2. Disable cron jobs set up for SolarWinds DPA.
3. Run the shutdown.sh command from the old installation directory.
4. Locate the directory created when you installed the new version:
/home/dpa_10_1_xxx <= old installation home (may be ignite_8_x_xxx or dpa_9_x_xxx)
/home/dpa_10_2_xxx <= new SolarWinds DPA home
5. Copy or move these directories from the old to the new installation directory:
WARNING: Do not copy hotfix files.
cp -fr <OLD_home>/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/* <NEW_home>/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/
cp -fr <OLD_home>/iwc/tomcat/logs/* <NEW_home>/iwc/tomcat/logs/
mv <OLD_home>/iwc/tomcat/licensing <NEW_home>/iwc/tomcat/
6. If you are:
- using LDAPS,
- using SSL, or
- changed the default SolarWinds DPA ports,
then also complete the following tasks:
a. Copy the keystore to the new installation:
cp -fr <OLD_home>/iwc/tomcat/conf/.keystore <NEW_home>/iwc/tomcat/conf/
b. Edit <NEW_home>/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/idc/system.properties file as follows:
If the "javax.net.ssl.trustStore" entry is present, make sure it refers
to a key store file inside the new DPA installation directory structure
if possible.
If the "com.confio.security.trustStore" entry is present, make sure it
refers to a trust store file inside the new DPA installation directory
structure if possible.
If the referenced trust store file is in the new DPA installation
directory structure, make sure the path is relative to the
<NEW_home>/iwc/tomcat directory. For example, the absolute path
"/home/user/dpa_10_2_xxx/iwc/tomcat/conf/.keystore" should be represented
as "conf/.keystore" in the "com.confio.security.trustStore" entry.
c. If you changed default port values or if you are using SSL on DPA 9.1.x or
earlier, open server.xml from the old and the new installation
d. Copy over the appropriate values. Make sure that ports on the HTTP and
HTTPS connector do not conflict. The files are located at:
- <OLD_home>/iwc/tomcat/conf/server.xml
- <NEW_home>/iwc/tomcat/conf/server.xml
7. If you disabled a cron job, update the path in those scripts to the new directory
name and re-enable the job.
8. The upgrade is complete. The next step is to start SolarWinds DPA (see
the section on Startup Instructions).
#chmod +x dpa_11_0_373_x64_installer.sh
3: 禁用DPA相关的crontab作业。停止DPA服务(版本为DPA 10.0.352),
[root@lnxmonitor dpa_10_0_352]# ./shutdown.sh
* If this script fails you can manually stop the program by
* doing the following steps:
* 1) Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to your Java installation.
* 2) Add <JAVA_HOME>/bin to your PATH environment variable.
* 3) Go to the <DPA Home>/tomcat/bin directory.
* 4) Run ./shutdown.sh
Catalog exists...
Found java 1.6 or 1.7
JAVA HOME IS SET TO /home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/jre_linux
PATH IS SET TO /home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/jre_linux/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_25/bin:/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin
IBM Jvm Is Set To NO
Setting the -server option for JVM
JAVA_OPTS is -server -Xss264k -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dnet.sf.ehcache.skipUpdateCheck=true
Using CATALINA_BASE: /home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME: /home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/jre_linux
Using CLASSPATH: /home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config
* DPA is shutting down.
Exiting script after webserver stopped.
cp -fr <OLD_home>/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/* <NEW_home>/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/
cp -fr <OLD_home>/iwc/tomcat/logs/* <NEW_home>/iwc/tomcat/logs/
mv <OLD_home>/iwc/tomcat/licensing <NEW_home>/iwc/tomcat/
root@lnxmonitor solarwinds]# cp -fr /home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/* /home/solarwinds/dpa_11_0_373/iwc/tomcat/ignite_config/
[root@lnxmonitor solarwinds]# cp -fr /home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/logs/* /home/solarwinds/dpa_11_0_373/iwc/tomcat/logs/
[root@lnxmonitor solarwinds]# mv /home/solarwinds/dpa_10_0_352/iwc/tomcat/licensing /home/solarwinds/dpa_11_0_373/iwc/tomcat/
[root@lnxmonitor solarwinds]# ls
dpa_10_0_352 dpa_11_0_373 dpa_9_1_85
[root@lnxmonitor solarwinds]# cd dpa_11_0_373/
[root@lnxmonitor dpa_11_0_373]# ls
iwc license.txt shutdown.sh SolarWindsEula.rtf startup.sh
[root@lnxmonitor dpa_11_0_373]# ./startup.sh
* If this script fails you can manually start the program by
* doing the following steps:
* 1) Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to your Java installation.
* 2) Add <JAVA_HOME>/bin to your PATH environment variable.
* 3) Go to the <DPA Home>/tomcat/bin directory.
* 4) Run ./startup.sh
* 5) Bring up the link (http://machine Name:8123
* or http://machine IP:8123) in your browser.
Catalog exists...
Found java 1.8
JAVA HOME IS SET TO /home/solarwinds/dpa_11_0_373/iwc/jre_linux
PATH IS SET TO /home/solarwinds/dpa_11_0_373/iwc/jre_linux/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_25/bin:/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin
The server port is 8127
The HTTP port is 8123
The HTTPS port is 8124
DPA is not running.
The port 8123 is open
The port 8124 is open
The port 8127 is open
Starting DPA
IBM Jvm Is Set To NO
Setting the -server option for JVM
JAVA_OPTS is -server -Xss300k -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dnet.sf.ehcache.skipUpdateCheck=true
Tomcat started.
Waiting on initialization...please be patient
* DPA has been launched, wait one minute then bring up
* one of the following links in your browser:
* http://<Machine Name>:8123 or http://<Machine IP>:8123
* https://<Machine Name>:8124 or https://<Machine IP>:8124
* If the link does not work, check <iwc_dir>/tomcat/logs
* and make sure a firewall is not running on this machine.
Exiting script after webserver launched.
如果监控了较多的数据库服务器,则打开DPA时有可能需要等待一小段时间,如下所示。另外,如果一个License Key被拆分到两个DPA服务器,则启动DPA的时候,需要激活License,如果你服务器可以访问外网,那么就可以在线激活License,如果不能访问外网,只能使用离线激活方式。如果不激活License,则Upgrade则会受阻,无法继续进行!