SUN PORTAL 7.2安装在windows 的问题解决办法!

Portal Server 7.2 on Windows XP, fail to run "setup.bat" command, plz help   
2008-6-23 ??9:33
Hi all,

I want to install Java System Portal Server 7.2 on Windows.

I hava unzip the file to C:/ drive.

but when I run the command "setup.bat", it returned failure " Webcontainer Ports are unavailable"

Here is the error message:

Buildfile: C:"PS7.2"share"psrepo"auto"ant"Migrate-Host.xml








[echo] Using [localhost] as the FQDN Hostname
[input] Continue? : (y, [n])
[echo] Checking for Port conflicts






[echo] Checking Webcontainer Port Conflicts...
[echo] Ports: 8080 / 8181
[echo] Ports: 3700 / 4848

C:"PS7.2"share"psrepo"auto"ant"Migrate-Host.xml:56: The following error occurred
while executing this line:
C:"PS7.2"share"psrepo"auto"ant"Env.xml:216: The following error occurred while e
xecuting this line:
C:"PS7.2"share"psrepo"auto"ant"Env.xml:171: Webcontainer Ports are unavailable

did i do anything wrong?

plz help! Thx!

Registered: 5/15/06
Re: Portal Server 7.2 on Windows XP, fail to run "setup.bat" command, plz   
2008-6-23 ??1:48 (reply 1 of 5)
The failure is because the script is unable to bind to those TCP/IP ports on your local machine.

Do you have other processes running that are bound to those TCP/IP ports on your machine?

To find out, try to run 'netstat -a -o' and look for processes listening on 8080/8081/3700/4848.
If you find any, kill them (by looking at the 'PID' column and then killing the process with that
PID using the task manager, e.g. ctrl-alt-delete).

Do you have a C:"windows"system32"drivers"etc"hosts file? Does it look like the one here:

If not, try to add a 'localhost' entry and as above and try again.
Registered: 6/23/08
Re: Portal Server 7.2 on Windows XP, fail to run "setup.bat" command, plz   
2008-6-23 ??6:27 (reply 2 of 5)
Thanks for your replay.

I've already tried running the "netstat -abn" command, and the result showed that no process was listening on 8080/8181/3700/4848.

That' why I feel puzzle and turn to you guys for help!

I have installed Java System Application Server 9.1 before, but I have stopped its service.

And here is the funny thing, Running "setup.bat" returns failure.

but when I run"startportal.bat", it seems that it's working.
i tried "http://localhost:8080/psconsole" on the IE, there is a response on the IE, it shows the Portal Server Console Front Page, the Login Page.

I tried username: psadmin , and password: password. But then it happened nothing.

But if i input the wrong username or password, it returned a error message"Authentication Failure"

What's wrong? Thanks!

Registered: 8/29/07
Re: Portal Server 7.2 on Windows XP, fail to run "setup.bat" command, plz   
2008-6-24 ??4:19 (reply 3 of 5)
Please try the following:
1] C:"PS7.2"bin"stopportal.bat
2] Remove C:"PS7.2
3] Unzip from the downloaded zip file at C:"PS7.2
4] Edit C:"PS7.2"share"psrepo"auto"ant"Migrate-Host.xml and comment out the antcall for target checkports. Diff shown below
5] Turn off any Firewalls
6] Execute C:"PS7.2"bin"setup.bat
7] Report any issue you might have observed. This will help me help you further.

Index: Migrate-Host.xml
--- Migrate-Host.xml (revision 2806)
+++ Migrate-Host.xml (working copy)
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<record name="${}/logs/setup.log" action="start"/>
<!-- Check for port conflicts before setting up -->
<echo message="Checking for Port conflicts"/>
- <antcall target="checkports"/>
+ <!-- <antcall target="checkports"/> -->
<!-- Update the pattens file which is used to token replace strings -->
<replace file="${backup.location}/patterns" token="@@NEWHOSTFQDN@@" value="${hostname.domain}"/>
<replace file="${backup.location}/patterns" token="@@NEWHOSTDOMAIN@@" value="${domain}"/>

Registered: 6/23/08
Re: Portal Server 7.2 on Windows XP, fail to run "setup.bat" command, plz   
2008-6-26 ??8:16 (reply 4 of 5)
Huge Thanks to ruppalapati!

Following your instruction, Setup has been successfully completed!

Thanks again!

But, may I ask why commenting those code will build the setup successfully?

Edited by: wilsonfv on Jun 26, 2008 11:17 PM

Registered: 8/29/07
Re: Portal Server 7.2 on Windows XP, fail to run "setup.bat" command, plz   
2008-6-27 ??1:58 (reply 5 of 5)
That check was added to ensure that another version of Glassfish or Tomcat is not already running there by impacting the setup. But it appears on some systems that check itself fails :-(
That you confirmed there is no other process on listening on these ports, I suggested that you disable the check.
Each flavor of Windows (even security fixes) make a difference. Also firewalls and other spyware sniffing software might impact the code that checks if a Port on Windows is currently occupied.

posted on 2008-07-04 15:35  kenty  阅读(666)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报