Today, I want to install a Genghis server on my windows server, and I thought it would be easy. (Indeed, it is easy), but a little bit tricky.

1. Download Genghis from

2. Install Apache server with PHP, I want to make it easy, so I just install xampp (v1.7.7) instead.

3. After xampp installed, I copied the Genghis folder into <xampp>\htdocs\

4. Then, I started the Apache service, it said, no "php-mongo" driver found.

5. Download the driver from here:

6. As the xampp (v1.7.7) version is a little bit old, it contains the PHP 5.3.x (likely), so I should download the driver version = php_mongo-1.6.12-5.3-ts-vc9-x86

Note: You should download the thread safe driver, as php as a module of Apache.

7. Then copy the "php_mongo.dll" into the extend folder of PHP, <xampp>\php\ext

8. Config the php.ini file, insert a line "extension=php_mongo.dll"

9. Then restart the Apache service, it should be OK, but if it said "PHP Starup: Unable to load the dynamic module php_mongo.dll",

10. Try to copy the "libsasl.dll" (<xampp>\php\libsasl.dll) into the Apache\bin folder, (<xampp>\apache\bin)

posted on 2016-01-05 16:44  漂浮的心  阅读(164)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报