Linux-internal command & external command

Linux internal commands

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Linux commands
Linux commands are nothing but the text written in the shell or terminal that the terminal understands. Linux commands usually performs certain specific operations such as editing a text file, making, removing and moving a directory etc. The shell or the terminal of Linux provides a use set of commands and allows us to write the script that are able to perform various operations.
Commands in Linux are usually divided into two sections internal commands and the external commands. The internal commands are the commands that that are built into the shell and the external command are those that requires a path to execute.
For example :
the command echo is an external command which is availabe at /bin/echo
while the exit command is an internal command which is available at the shell
posted @ 2011-01-11 10:59  kelin1314  阅读(266)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报