








#version 450

layout(location = 0) in vec2 inPosition;
layout(location = 1) in vec3 inColor;

layout(location = 0) out vec3 fragColor;

void main() {
    gl_Position = vec4(inPosition, 0.0, 1.0);
    fragColor = inColor;



#version 450

layout(location = 0) in vec3 fragColor;

layout(location = 0) out vec4 outColor;

void main() {
    outColor = vec4(fragColor, 1.0);




struct VertexIn
    float4 color : COLOR;

struct VertexOut
    float4 color : COLOR;

VertexOut VS(VertexIn vIn)
    VertexOut vOut;
    vOut.color = vIn.color;
    return vOut;


struct VertexOut
    float4 posH : SV_POSITION;
    float4 color : COLOR;

float4 PS(VertexOut pIn) : SV_Target
    return pIn.color;






Windows VulkanSDK中可执行程序为glslangValidator.exe


后缀 说明
.conf 提供一个配置文件来替换缺省配置。通过-c参数可生成一个模板配置文件。
.vert vertex shader
.tesc tessellation control shader
.tese tessellation evaluation shader
.geom geometry shader
.frag fragment shader
.comp compute shader
.mesh mesh shader
.task task shader
.rgen ray generation shader
.rint ray intersection shader
.rahit ray any hit shader
.rchit ray closest hit shader
.rmiss ray miss shader
.rcall ray callable shader
.glsl .vert.glsl, .tesc.glsl, ..., .comp.glsl两级后缀
.hlsl .vert.hlsl, .tesc.hlsl, ..., .comp.hlsl两级后缀


$(VULKAN_SDK)\Bin\glslangValidator.exe -V -S vert Test.vert.glsl -o Test.1.vert.spv  // 将vs转换为SPIR-V
$(VULKAN_SDK)\Bin\glslangValidator.exe -V -S frag Test.frag.glsl -o Test.1.frag.spv  // 将ps转换为SPIR-V

注:-V换成-G可创建OpenGL4.6及以上使用的spir-v,更多详见How to Load SPIR-V Shaders in OpenGL




$(VULKAN_SDK)\Bin\glslangValidator.exe -D -V -S vert -e VS Test.vert.hlsl -o Test.1.vert.spv  // 将vs转换为SPIR-V
$(VULKAN_SDK)\Bin\glslangValidator.exe -D -V -S frag -e PS Test.frag.hlsl -o Test.1.frag.spv  // 将ps转换为SPIR-V



E:\VulkanSDK\shader\glsl>E:\VulkanSDK\\Bin\glslangValidator.exe --help
Usage: glslangValidator [option]... [file]...

'file' can end in .<stage> for auto-stage classification, where <stage> is:
    .conf   to provide a config file that replaces the default configuration
            (see -c option below for generating a template)
    .vert   for a vertex shader
    .tesc   for a tessellation control shader
    .tese   for a tessellation evaluation shader
    .geom   for a geometry shader
    .frag   for a fragment shader
    .comp   for a compute shader
    .mesh   for a mesh shader
    .task   for a task shader
    .rgen    for a ray generation shader
    .rint    for a ray intersection shader
    .rahit   for a ray any hit shader
    .rchit   for a ray closest hit shader
    .rmiss   for a ray miss shader
    .rcall   for a ray callable shader
    .glsl   for .vert.glsl, .tesc.glsl, ..., .comp.glsl compound suffixes
    .hlsl   for .vert.hlsl, .tesc.hlsl, ..., .comp.hlsl compound suffixes

  -C          cascading errors; risk crash from accumulation of error recoveries
  -D          input is HLSL (this is the default when any suffix is .hlsl)
  -D<name[=def]> | --define-macro <name[=def]> | --D <name[=def]>
              define a pre-processor macro
  -E          print pre-processed GLSL; cannot be used with -l;
              errors will appear on stderr
  -G[ver]     create SPIR-V binary, under OpenGL semantics; turns on -l;
              default file name is <stage>.spv (-o overrides this);
              'ver', when present, is the version of the input semantics,
              which will appear in #define GL_SPIRV ver;
              '--client opengl100' is the same as -G100;
              a '--target-env' for OpenGL will also imply '-G';
              currently only supports GLSL
  -H          print human readable form of SPIR-V; turns on -V
  -I<dir>     add dir to the include search path; includer's directory
              is searched first, followed by left-to-right order of -I
  -Od         disables optimization; may cause illegal SPIR-V for HLSL
  -Os         optimizes SPIR-V to minimize size
  -R          use relaxed verification rules for generating Vulkan SPIR-V,
              allowing the use of default uniforms, atomic_uints, and
              gl_VertexID and gl_InstanceID keywords.
  -S <stage>  uses specified stage rather than parsing the file extension
              choices for <stage> are vert, tesc, tese, geom, frag, or comp
  -U<name> | --undef-macro <name> | --U <name>
              undefine a pre-processor macro
  -V[ver]     create SPIR-V binary, under Vulkan semantics; turns on -l;
              default file name is <stage>.spv (-o overrides this)
              'ver', when present, is the version of the input semantics,
              which will appear in #define VULKAN ver
              '--client vulkan100' is the same as -V100
              a '--target-env' for Vulkan will also imply '-V'
  -c          configuration dump;
              creates the default configuration file (redirect to a .conf file)
  -d          default to desktop (#version 110) when there is no shader #version
              (default is ES version 100)
  -e <name> | --entry-point <name>
              specify <name> as the entry-point function name
              'hlsl_functionality1' enables use of the
              SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1 extension
  -g          generate debug information
  -g0         strip debug information
  -gV         generate nonsemantic shader debug information
  -gVS        generate nonsemantic shader debug information with source
  -h          print this usage message
  -i          intermediate tree (glslang AST) is printed out
  -l          link all input files together to form a single module
  -m          memory leak mode
  -o <file>   save binary to <file>, requires a binary option (e.g., -V)
  -q          dump reflection query database; requires -l for linking
  -r | --relaxed-errors              relaxed GLSL semantic error-checking mode
  -s          silence syntax and semantic error reporting
  -t          multi-threaded mode
  -v | --version
              print version strings
  -w | --suppress-warnings
              suppress GLSL warnings, except as required by "#extension : warn"
  -x          save binary output as text-based 32-bit hexadecimal numbers
  -u<name>:<loc> specify a uniform location override for --aml
  --uniform-base <base> set a base to use for generated uniform locations
  --auto-map-bindings | --amb       automatically bind uniform variables
                                    without explicit bindings
  --auto-map-locations | --aml      automatically locate input/output lacking
                                    'location' (fragile, not cross stage)
  --auto-sampled-textures           Removes sampler variables and converts
                                    existing textures to sampled textures
  --client {vulkan<ver>|opengl<ver>} see -V and -G
  --depfile <file>                  writes depfile for build systems
  --dump-builtin-symbols            prints builtin symbol table prior each compile
  -dumpfullversion | -dumpversion   print bare major.minor.patchlevel
  --flatten-uniform-arrays | --fua  flatten uniform texture/sampler arrays to
  --glsl-version {100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 |
                300es | 310es | 320es | 330
                400 | 410 | 420 | 430 | 440 | 450 | 460}
                                    set GLSL version, overrides #version
                                    in shader sourcen
  --hlsl-offsets                    allow block offsets to follow HLSL rules
                                    works independently of source language
  --hlsl-iomap                      perform IO mapping in HLSL register space
  --hlsl-enable-16bit-types         allow 16-bit types in SPIR-V for HLSL
  --hlsl-dx9-compatible             interprets sampler declarations as a
                                    texture/sampler combo like DirectX9 would,
                                    and recognizes DirectX9-specific semantics
  --hlsl-dx-position-w              W component of SV_Position in HLSL fragment
                                    shaders compatible with DirectX
  --invert-y | --iy                 invert position.Y output in vertex shader
  --enhanced-msgs                   print more readable error messages (GLSL only)
  --keep-uncalled | --ku            don't eliminate uncalled functions
  --nan-clamp                       favor non-NaN operand in min, max, and clamp
  --no-storage-format | --nsf       use Unknown image format
  --quiet                           do not print anything to stdout, unless
                                    requested by another option
  --reflect-strict-array-suffix     use strict array suffix rules when
  --reflect-basic-array-suffix      arrays of basic types will have trailing [0]
  --reflect-intermediate-io         reflection includes inputs/outputs of linked
                                    shaders rather than just vertex/fragment
  --reflect-separate-buffers        reflect buffer variables and blocks
                                    separately to uniforms
  --reflect-all-block-variables     reflect all variables in blocks, whether
                                    inactive or active
  --reflect-unwrap-io-blocks        unwrap input/output blocks the same as
                                    uniform blocks
  --resource-set-binding [stage] name set binding
                                    set descriptor set and binding for
                                    individual resources
  --resource-set-binding [stage] set
                                    set descriptor set for all resources
  --rsb                             synonym for --resource-set-binding
  --set-block-backing name {uniform|buffer|push_constant}
                                    changes the backing type of a uniform, buffer,
                                    or push_constant block declared in
                                    in the program, when using -R option.
                                    This can be used to change the backing
                                    for existing blocks as well as implicit ones
                                    such as 'gl_DefaultUniformBlock'.
  --sbs                             synonym for set-block-storage
  --set-atomic-counter-block name set
                                    set name, and descriptor set for
                                    atomic counter blocks, with -R opt
  --sacb                            synonym for set-atomic-counter-block
  --set-default-uniform-block name set binding
                                    set name, descriptor set, and binding for
                                    global default-uniform-block, with -R opt
  --sdub                            synonym for set-default-uniform-block
  --shift-image-binding [stage] num
                                    base binding number for images (uav)
  --shift-image-binding [stage] [num set]...
                                    per-descriptor-set shift values
  --sib                             synonym for --shift-image-binding
  --shift-sampler-binding [stage] num
                                    base binding number for samplers
  --shift-sampler-binding [stage] [num set]...
                                    per-descriptor-set shift values
  --ssb                             synonym for --shift-sampler-binding
  --shift-ssbo-binding [stage] num  base binding number for SSBOs
  --shift-ssbo-binding [stage] [num set]...
                                    per-descriptor-set shift values
  --sbb                             synonym for --shift-ssbo-binding
  --shift-texture-binding [stage] num
                                    base binding number for textures
  --shift-texture-binding [stage] [num set]...
                                    per-descriptor-set shift values
  --stb                             synonym for --shift-texture-binding
  --shift-uav-binding [stage] num   base binding number for UAVs
  --shift-uav-binding [stage] [num set]...
                                    per-descriptor-set shift values
  --suavb                           synonym for --shift-uav-binding
  --shift-UBO-binding [stage] num   base binding number for UBOs
  --shift-UBO-binding [stage] [num set]...
                                    per-descriptor-set shift values
  --sub                             synonym for --shift-UBO-binding
  --shift-cbuffer-binding | --scb   synonyms for --shift-UBO-binding
  --spirv-dis                       output standard-form disassembly; works only
                                    when a SPIR-V generation option is also used
  --spirv-val                       execute the SPIRV-Tools validator
  --source-entrypoint <name>        the given shader source function is
                                    renamed to be the <name> given in -e
  --sep                             synonym for --source-entrypoint
  --stdin                           read from stdin instead of from a file;
                                    requires providing the shader stage using -S
  --target-env {vulkan1.0 | vulkan1.1 | vulkan1.2 | vulkan1.3 | opengl |
                spirv1.0 | spirv1.1 | spirv1.2 | spirv1.3 | spirv1.4 |
                spirv1.5 | spirv1.6}
                                    Set the execution environment that the
                                    generated code will be executed in.
                                    Defaults to:
                                     * vulkan1.0 under --client vulkan<ver>
                                     * opengl    under --client opengl<ver>
                                     * spirv1.0  under --target-env vulkan1.0
                                     * spirv1.3  under --target-env vulkan1.1
                                     * spirv1.5  under --target-env vulkan1.2
                                     * spirv1.6  under --target-env vulkan1.3
                                    Multiple --target-env can be specified.
  --variable-name <name>
  --vn <name>                       creates a C header file that contains a
                                    uint32_t array named <name>
                                    initialized with the shader binary code





$(VULKAN_SDK)\Bin\glslc.exe -fshader-stage=vert Test.vert.glsl -o Test.2.vert.spv  // 将vs转换为SPIR-V
$(VULKAN_SDK)\Bin\glslc.exe -fshader-stage=frag Test.frag.glsl -o Test.2.frag.spv  // 将ps转换为SPIR-V




$(VULKAN_SDK)\Bin\glslc.exe -fshader-stage=vert -fentry-point=VS Test.vert.hlsl -o Test.2.vert.spv  // 将vs转换为SPIR-V
$(VULKAN_SDK)\Bin\glslc.exe -fshader-stage=frag -fentry-point=PS Test.frag.hlsl -o Test.2.frag.spv  // 将ps转换为SPIR-V


E:\VulkanSDK\shader\glsl>E:\VulkanSDK\\Bin\glslc.exe --help
glslc - Compile shaders into SPIR-V

Usage: glslc [options] file...

An input file of - represents standard input.

  -c                Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps.
  -Dmacro[=defn]    Add an implicit macro definition.
  -E                Outputs only the results of the preprocessing step.
                    Output defaults to standard output.
                    Automatically assign bindings to uniform variables that
                    don't have an explicit 'binding' layout in the shader
                    Automatically assign locations to uniform variables that
                    don't have an explicit 'location' layout in the shader
                    Removes sampler variables and converts existing textures
                    to combined image-samplers.
                    Specify the entry point name for HLSL compilation, for
                    all subsequent source files.  Default is "main".
                    Enable 16-bit type support for HLSL.
  -fhlsl_functionality1, -fhlsl-functionality1
                    Enable extension SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1 for HLSL
  -fhlsl-iomap      Use HLSL IO mappings for bindings.
  -fhlsl-offsets    Use HLSL offset rules for packing members of blocks.
                    Affects only GLSL.  HLSL rules are always used for HLSL.
  -finvert-y        Invert position.Y output in vertex shader.
                    Specify resource limits. Each limit is specified by a limit
                    name followed by an integer value.  Tokens should be
                    separated by whitespace.  If the same limit is specified
                    several times, only the last setting takes effect.
  -flimit-file <file>
                    Set limits as specified in the given file.
  -fnan-clamp       Generate code for max and min builtins so that, when given
                    a NaN operand, the other operand is returned. Similarly,
                    the clamp builtin will favour the non-NaN operands, as if
                    clamp were implemented as a composition of max and min.
                    Preserve all binding declarations, even if those bindings
                    are not used.
  -fresource-set-binding [stage] <reg0> <set0> <binding0>
                        [<reg1> <set1> <binding1>...]
                    Explicitly sets the descriptor set and binding for
                    HLSL resources, by register name.  Optionally restrict
                    it to a single stage.
  -fcbuffer-binding-base [stage] <value>
                    Same as -fubo-binding-base.
  -fimage-binding-base [stage] <value>
                    Sets the lowest automatically assigned binding number for
                    images.  Optionally only set it for a single shader stage.
                    For HLSL, the resource register number is added to this
  -fsampler-binding-base [stage] <value>
                    Sets the lowest automatically assigned binding number for
                    samplers  Optionally only set it for a single shader stage.
                    For HLSL, the resource register number is added to this
  -fssbo-binding-base [stage] <value>
                    Sets the lowest automatically assigned binding number for
                    shader storage buffer objects (SSBO).  Optionally only set
                    it for a single shader stage.  Only affects GLSL.
  -ftexture-binding-base [stage] <value>
                    Sets the lowest automatically assigned binding number for
                    textures.  Optionally only set it for a single shader stage.
                    For HLSL, the resource register number is added to this
  -fuav-binding-base [stage] <value>
                    For automatically assigned bindings for unordered access
                    views (UAV), the register number is added to this base to
                    determine the binding number.  Optionally only set it for
                    a single shader stage.  Only affects HLSL.
  -fubo-binding-base [stage] <value>
                    Sets the lowest automatically assigned binding number for
                    uniform buffer objects (UBO).  Optionally only set it for
                    a single shader stage.
                    For HLSL, the resource register number is added to this
                    Treat subsequent input files as having stage <stage>.
                    Valid stages are vertex, vert, fragment, frag, tesscontrol,
                    tesc, tesseval, tese, geometry, geom, compute, and comp.
  -g                Generate source-level debug information.
  -h                Display available options.
  --help            Display available options.
  -I <value>        Add directory to include search path.
  -mfmt=<format>    Output SPIR-V binary code using the selected format. This
                    option may be specified only when the compilation output is
                    in SPIR-V binary code form. Available options are:
                      bin   - SPIR-V binary words.  This is the default.
                      c     - Binary words as C initializer list of 32-bit ints
                      num   - List of comma-separated 32-bit hex integers
  -M                Generate make dependencies. Implies -E and -w.
  -MM               An alias for -M.
  -MD               Generate make dependencies and compile.
  -MF <file>        Write dependency output to the given file.
  -MT <target>      Specify the target of the rule emitted by dependency
  -O                Optimize the generated SPIR-V code for better performance.
  -Os               Optimize the generated SPIR-V code for smaller size.
  -O0               Disable optimization.
  -o <file>         Write output to <file>.
                    A file name of '-' represents standard output.
  -std=<value>      Version and profile for GLSL input files. Possible values
                    are concatenations of version and profile, e.g. 310es,
                    450core, etc.  Ignored for HLSL files.
  -S                Emit SPIR-V assembly instead of binary.
  --show-limits     Display available limit names and their default values.
                    Set the target client environment, and the semantics
                    of warnings and errors.  An optional suffix can specify
                    the client version.  Values are:
                        vulkan1.0       # The default
                        vulkan          # Same as vulkan1.0
                        opengl          # Same as opengl4.5
                    Set the SPIR-V version to be used for the generated SPIR-V
                    module.  The default is the highest version of SPIR-V
                    required to be supported for the target environment.
                    For example, default for vulkan1.0 is spv1.0, and
                    the default for vulkan1.1 is spv1.3,
                    the default for vulkan1.2 is spv1.5.
                    the default for vulkan1.3 is spv1.6.
                    Values are:
                        spv1.0, spv1.1, spv1.2, spv1.3, spv1.4, spv1.5, spv1.6
  --version         Display compiler version information.
  -w                Suppresses all warning messages.
  -Werror           Treat all warnings as errors.
  -x <language>     Treat subsequent input files as having type <language>.
                    Valid languages are: glsl, hlsl.
                    For files ending in .hlsl the default is hlsl.
                    Otherwise the default is glsl.





$(VULKAN_SDK)\Bin\dxc.exe -T vs_6_0 -E VS Test.vert.hlsl -Fo Test.3.vert.dxil  // 将vs转换为DXIL
$(VULKAN_SDK)\Bin\dxc.exe -T ps_6_0 -E PS Test.frag.hlsl -Fo Test.3.frag.dxil  // 将ps转换为DXIL

注:如果报warning: DXIL signing library (dxil.dll,libdxil.so) not found.  Resulting DXIL will not be signed for use in release environments.,请升级dxc版本

使用windows SDK中的dxc.exe工具,就不会报上面的warning

"E:\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64\dxc.exe" -T vs_6_0 -E VS Test.vert.hlsl -Fo Test.3.vert.dxil  // 将vs转换为DXIL
"E:\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64\dxc.exe" -T ps_6_0 -E PS Test.frag.hlsl -Fo Test.3.frag.dxil  // 将ps转换为DXIL



"E:\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64\dxc.exe" -T vs_6_0 -E VS Test.vert.hlsl -Fo Test.3.vert.dxil /Zi /Fd F:\Temp\pdb\   // 将vs转换为DXIL,同时输出lld调试文件
"E:\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64\dxc.exe" -T ps_6_0 -E PS Test.frag.hlsl -Fo Test.3.frag.dxil /Zi /Fd F:\Temp\pdb\   // 将ps转换为DXIL,同时输出lld调试文件




更多可参考:SPIR‐V-CodeGenHLSL to SPIR-V Feature Mapping Manual

$(VULKAN_SDK)\Bin\dxc.exe -spirv -T vs_6_0 -E VS Test.vert.hlsl -Fo Test.3.vert.spv  // 将vs转换为SPIR-V
$(VULKAN_SDK)\Bin\dxc.exe -spirv -T ps_6_0 -E PS Test.frag.hlsl -Fo Test.3.frag.spv  // 将ps转换为SPIR-V



E:\VulkanSDK\shader\hlsl>E:\VulkanSDK\\Bin\dxc.exe --help
OVERVIEW: HLSL Compiler for Windows

Version: dxcompiler.dll: 1.7 - (d04c296ad)

USAGE: dxc.exe [options] <inputs>

Common Options:
  -help              Display available options
  -Qunused-arguments Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments
  --version          Display compiler version information

Compilation Options:
  -all-resources-bound    Enables agressive flattening
  -auto-binding-space <value>
                          Set auto binding space - enables auto resource binding in libraries
  -Cc                     Output color coded assembly listings
  -default-linkage <value>
                          Set default linkage for non-shader functions when compiling or linking to a library target (internal, external)
  -denorm <value>         select denormal value options (any, preserve, ftz). any is the default.
                          Disables support for payload access qualifiers for raytracing payloads in SM 6.7.
  -D <value>              Define macro
  -enable-16bit-types     Enable 16bit types and disable min precision types. Available in HLSL 2018 and shader model 6.2
                          Enable generation of lifetime markers
                          Enables support for payload access qualifiers for raytracing payloads in SM 6.6.
  -encoding <value>       Set default encoding for source inputs and text outputs (utf8|utf16(win)|utf32(*nix)|wide) default=utf8
  -export-shaders-only    Only export shaders when compiling a library
  -exports <value>        Specify exports when compiling a library: export1[[,export1_clone,...]=internal_name][;...]
  -E <value>              Entry point name
  -Fc <file>              Output assembly code listing file
                          Print option name with mappable diagnostics
  -fdisable-loc-tracking  Disable source location tracking in IR. This will break diagnostic generation for late validation. (Ignored if /Zi is passed)
  -Fd <file>              Write debug information to the given file, or automatically named file in directory when ending in '\'
  -Fe <file>              Output warnings and errors to the given file
  -Fh <file>              Output header file containing object code
  -Fi <file>              Set preprocess output file name (with /P)
                          Expand the operands before performing token-pasting operation (fxc behavior)
                          Reserve unused explicit register assignments for compatibility with shader model 5.0 and below
  -fnew-inlining-behavior Experimental option to use heuristics-driven late inlining and disable alwaysinline annotation for library shaders
                          Do not print option name with mappable diagnostics
  -force-rootsig-ver <profile>
                          force root signature version (rootsig_1_1 if omitted)
  -Fo <file>              Output object file
  -Fre <file>             Output reflection to the given file
  -Frs <file>             Output root signature to the given file
  -Fsh <file>             Output shader hash to the given file
  -ftime-report           Print time report
  -ftime-trace=<value>    Print hierchial time tracing to file
  -ftime-trace            Print hierchial time tracing to stdout
  -Gec                    Enable backward compatibility mode
  -Ges                    Enable strict mode
  -Gfa                    Avoid flow control constructs
  -Gfp                    Prefer flow control constructs
  -Gis                    Force IEEE strictness
  -HV <value>             HLSL version (2016, 2017, 2018, 2021). Default is 2018
  -H                      Show header includes and nesting depth
  -ignore-line-directives Ignore line directives
  -I <value>              Add directory to include search path
  -Lx                     Output hexadecimal literals
  -Ni                     Output instruction numbers in assembly listings
  -no-legacy-cbuf-layout  Do not use legacy cbuffer load
  -no-warnings            Suppress warnings
  -No                     Output instruction byte offsets in assembly listings
  -Odump                  Print the optimizer commands.
  -Od                     Disable optimizations
  -pack-optimized         Optimize signature packing assuming identical signature provided for each connecting stage
  -pack-prefix-stable     (default) Pack signatures preserving prefix-stable property - appended elements will not disturb placement of prior elements
  -recompile              recompile from DXIL container with Debug Info or Debug Info bitcode file
  -res-may-alias          Assume that UAVs/SRVs may alias
  -rootsig-define <value> Read root signature from a #define
  -T <profile>            Set target profile.
        <profile>: ps_6_0, ps_6_1, ps_6_2, ps_6_3, ps_6_4, ps_6_5, ps_6_6, ps_6_7,
                 vs_6_0, vs_6_1, vs_6_2, vs_6_3, vs_6_4, vs_6_5, vs_6_6, vs_6_7,
                 gs_6_0, gs_6_1, gs_6_2, gs_6_3, gs_6_4, gs_6_5, gs_6_6, gs_6_7,
                 hs_6_0, hs_6_1, hs_6_2, hs_6_3, hs_6_4, hs_6_5, hs_6_6, hs_6_7,
                 ds_6_0, ds_6_1, ds_6_2, ds_6_3, ds_6_4, ds_6_5, ds_6_6, ds_6_7,
                 cs_6_0, cs_6_1, cs_6_2, cs_6_3, cs_6_4, cs_6_5, cs_6_6, cs_6_7,
                 lib_6_1, lib_6_2, lib_6_3, lib_6_4, lib_6_5, lib_6_6, lib_6_7,
                 ms_6_5, ms_6_6, ms_6_7,
                 as_6_5, as_6_6, as_6_7,

  -Vd                     Disable validation
  -verify<value>          Verify diagnostic output using comment directives
  -Vi                     Display details about the include process.
  -Vn <name>              Use <name> as variable name in header file
  -WX                     Treat warnings as errors
  -Zi                     Enable debug information. Cannot be used together with -Zs
  -Zpc                    Pack matrices in column-major order
  -Zpr                    Pack matrices in row-major order
  -Zsb                    Compute Shader Hash considering only output binary
  -Zss                    Compute Shader Hash considering source information
  -Zs                     Generate small PDB with just sources and compile options. Cannot be used together with -Zi

  -MD        Write a file with .d extension that will contain the list of the compilation target dependencies.
  -MF <file> Write the specfied file that will contain the list of the compilation target dependencies.
  -M         Dumps the list of the compilation target dependencies.

Optimization Options:
  -ffinite-math-only    Allow optimizations for floating-point arithmetic that assume that arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Infs.
  -fno-finite-math-only Disallow optimizations for floating-point arithmetic that assume that arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Infs.
  -O0                   Optimization Level 0
  -O1                   Optimization Level 1
  -O2                   Optimization Level 2
  -O3                   Optimization Level 3 (Default)

Rewriter Options:
  -decl-global-cb         Collect all global constants outside cbuffer declarations into cbuffer GlobalCB { ... }. Still experimental, not all dependency scenarios handled.
  -extract-entry-uniforms Move uniform parameters from entry point to global scope
                          Set extern on non-static globals
  -keep-user-macro        Write out user defines after rewritten HLSL
  -line-directive         Add line directive
                          Remove unused functions and types
  -remove-unused-globals  Remove unused static globals and functions
  -skip-fn-body           Translate function definitions to declarations
  -skip-static            Remove static functions and globals when used with -skip-fn-body
  -unchanged              Rewrite HLSL, without changes.

SPIR-V CodeGen Options:
  -fspv-debug=<value>     Specify whitelist of debug info category (file -> source -> line, tool, vulkan-with-source)
                          Specify the SPIR-V entry point name. Defaults to the HLSL entry point name.
  -fspv-extension=<value> Specify SPIR-V extension permitted to use
                          Flatten arrays of resources so each array element takes one binding number
  -fspv-print-all         Print the SPIR-V module before each pass and after the last one. Useful for debugging SPIR-V legalization and optimization passes.
  -fspv-reduce-load-size  Replaces loads of composite objects to reduce memory pressure for the loads
  -fspv-reflect           Emit additional SPIR-V instructions to aid reflection
                          Specify the target environment: vulkan1.0 (default), vulkan1.1, vulkan1.1spirv1.4, vulkan1.2, vulkan1.3, or universal1.5
                          Assume the legacy matrix order (row major) when accessing raw buffers (e.g., ByteAdddressBuffer)
                          Apply fvk-*-shift to resources without an explicit register assignment.
  -fvk-b-shift <shift> <space>
                          Specify Vulkan binding number shift for b-type register
  -fvk-bind-globals <binding> <set>
                          Specify Vulkan binding number and set number for the $Globals cbuffer
  -fvk-bind-register <type-number> <space> <binding> <set>
                          Specify Vulkan descriptor set and binding for a specific register
  -fvk-invert-y           Negate SV_Position.y before writing to stage output in VS/DS/GS to accommodate Vulkan's coordinate system
  -fvk-s-shift <shift> <space>
                          Specify Vulkan binding number shift for s-type register
                          Follow Vulkan spec to use gl_BaseInstance as the first vertex instance, which makes SV_InstanceID = gl_InstanceIndex - gl_BaseInstance (without this option, SV_InstanceID = gl_InstanceIndex)
  -fvk-t-shift <shift> <space>
                          Specify Vulkan binding number shift for t-type register
  -fvk-u-shift <shift> <space>
                          Specify Vulkan binding number shift for u-type register
  -fvk-use-dx-layout      Use DirectX memory layout for Vulkan resources
  -fvk-use-dx-position-w  Reciprocate SV_Position.w after reading from stage input in PS to accommodate the difference between Vulkan and DirectX
  -fvk-use-gl-layout      Use strict OpenGL std140/std430 memory layout for Vulkan resources
  -fvk-use-scalar-layout  Use scalar memory layout for Vulkan resources
  -Oconfig=<value>        Specify a comma-separated list of SPIRV-Tools passes to customize optimization configuration (see http://khr.io/hlsl2spirv#optimization)
  -spirv                  Generate SPIR-V code

Utility Options:
  -dumpbin              Load a binary file rather than compiling
  -extractrootsignature Extract root signature from shader bytecode (must be used with /Fo <file>)
  -getprivate <file>    Save private data from shader blob
  -link                 Link list of libraries provided in <inputs> argument separated by ';'
  -P                    Preprocess to file
  -Qembed_debug         Embed PDB in shader container (must be used with /Zi)
  -Qstrip_debug         Strip debug information from 4_0+ shader bytecode  (must be used with /Fo <file>)
  -Qstrip_priv          Strip private data from shader bytecode  (must be used with /Fo <file>)
  -Qstrip_reflect       Strip reflection data from shader bytecode  (must be used with /Fo <file>)
  -Qstrip_rootsignature Strip root signature data from shader bytecode  (must be used with /Fo <file>)
  -setprivate <file>    Private data to add to compiled shader blob
  -setrootsignature <file>
                        Attach root signature to shader bytecode
  -verifyrootsignature <file>
                        Verify shader bytecode with root signature

Warning Options:
  -W[no-]<warning> Enable/Disable the specified warning





"E:\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64\fxc.exe" Test.vert.hlsl /E VS /T vs_5_0 /Fc Test.3.vert.d3dasm  // 将vs转换为DXBC
"E:\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64\fxc.exe" Test.frag.hlsl /E PS /T ps_5_0 /Fc Test.3.frag.d3dasm  // 将ps转换为DXBC


// Generated by Microsoft (R) HLSL Shader Compiler 10.1
// Input signature:
// Name                 Index   Mask Register SysValue  Format   Used
// -------------------- ----- ------ -------- -------- ------- ------
// COLOR                    0   xyzw        0     NONE   float   xyzw
// Output signature:
// Name                 Index   Mask Register SysValue  Format   Used
// -------------------- ----- ------ -------- -------- ------- ------
// COLOR                    0   xyzw        0     NONE   float   xyzw
dcl_globalFlags refactoringAllowed
dcl_input v0.xyzw
dcl_output o0.xyzw
mov o0.xyzw, v0.xyzw
// Approximately 2 instruction slots used


// Generated by Microsoft (R) HLSL Shader Compiler 10.1
// Input signature:
// Name                 Index   Mask Register SysValue  Format   Used
// -------------------- ----- ------ -------- -------- ------- ------
// SV_POSITION              0   xyzw        0      POS   float       
// COLOR                    0   xyzw        1     NONE   float   xyzw
// Output signature:
// Name                 Index   Mask Register SysValue  Format   Used
// -------------------- ----- ------ -------- -------- ------- ------
// SV_Target                0   xyzw        0   TARGET   float   xyzw
dcl_globalFlags refactoringAllowed
dcl_input_ps linear v1.xyzw
dcl_output o0.xyzw
mov o0.xyzw, v1.xyzw
// Approximately 2 instruction slots used



E:\VulkanSDK\shader\hlsl>"E:\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64\fxc.exe" /?
Microsoft (R) Direct3D Shader Compiler 10.1 (using E:\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64\D3DCOMPILER_47.dll)
Copyright (C) 2013 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Usage: fxc <options> <files>

   /?, /help           print this message

   /T <profile>        target profile
   /E <name>           entrypoint name
   /I <include>        additional include path
   /Vi                 display details about the include process

   /Od                 disable optimizations
   /Op                 disable preshaders
   /O{0,1,2,3}         optimization level 0..3.  1 is default
   /WX                 treat warnings as errors
   /Vd                 disable validation
   /Zi                 enable debugging information
   /Zss                debug name with source information
   /Zsb                debug name with only binary information
   /Zpr                pack matrices in row-major order
   /Zpc                pack matrices in column-major order

   /Gpp                force partial precision
   /Gfa                avoid flow control constructs
   /Gfp                prefer flow control constructs
   /Gdp                disable effect performance mode
   /Ges                enable strict mode
   /Gec                enable backwards compatibility mode
   /Gis                force IEEE strictness
   /Gch                compile as a child effect for FX 4.x targets

   /Fo <file>          output object file
   /Fl <file>          output a library
   /Fc <file>          output assembly code listing file
   /Fx <file>          output assembly code and hex listing file
   /Fh <file>          output header file containing object code
   /Fe <file>          output warnings and errors to a specific file
   /Fd <file>          extract shader PDB and write to given file
   /Vn <name>          use <name> as variable name in header file
   /Cc                 output color coded assembly listings
   /Ni                 output instruction numbers in assembly listings
   /No                 output instruction byte offset in assembly listings
   /Lx                 output hexadecimal literals

   /P <file>           preprocess to file (must be used alone)

   @<file>             options response file
   /dumpbin            load a binary file rather than compiling
   /Qstrip_reflect     strip reflection data from 4_0+ shader bytecode
   /Qstrip_debug       strip debug information from 4_0+ shader bytecode
   /Qstrip_priv        strip private data from 4_0+ shader bytecode
   /Qstrip_rootsignature         strip root signature from shader bytecode

   /setrootsignature <file>      attach root signature to shader bytecode
   /extractrootsignature <file>  extract root signature from shader bytecode
   /verifyrootsignature <file>   verify shader bytecode against root signature

   /compress           compress DX10 shader bytecode from files
   /decompress         decompress bytecode from first file, output files should
                       be listed in the order they were in during compression

   /shtemplate <file>  template shader file for merging/matching resources
   /mergeUAVs          merge UAV slots of template shader and current shader
   /matchUAVs          match template shader UAV slots in current shader
   /res_may_alias      assume that UAVs/SRVs may alias for cs_5_0+
   /enable_unbounded_descriptor_tables  enables unbounded descriptor tables
   /all_resources_bound  enable aggressive flattening in SM5.1+

   /setprivate <file>  private data to add to compiled shader blob
   /getprivate <file>  save private data from shader blob
   /force_rootsig_ver <profile>  force root signature version (rootsig_1_1 if omitted)

   /D <id>=<text>      define macro
   /nologo             suppress copyright message

   <profile>: cs_4_0 cs_4_1 cs_5_0 cs_5_1 ds_5_0 ds_5_1 gs_4_0 gs_4_1 gs_5_0
      gs_5_1 hs_5_0 hs_5_1 lib_4_0 lib_4_1 lib_4_0_level_9_1
      lib_4_0_level_9_1_vs_only lib_4_0_level_9_1_ps_only lib_4_0_level_9_3
      lib_4_0_level_9_3_vs_only lib_4_0_level_9_3_ps_only lib_5_0 ps_2_0
      ps_2_a ps_2_b ps_2_sw ps_3_0 ps_3_sw ps_4_0 ps_4_0_level_9_1
      ps_4_0_level_9_3 ps_4_0_level_9_0 ps_4_1 ps_5_0 ps_5_1 rootsig_1_0
      rootsig_1_1 tx_1_0 vs_1_1 vs_2_0 vs_2_a vs_2_sw vs_3_0 vs_3_sw vs_4_0
      vs_4_0_level_9_1 vs_4_0_level_9_3 vs_4_0_level_9_0 vs_4_1 vs_5_0 vs_5_1



"E:\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64\fxc.exe" Test.vert.hlsl /E VS /T vs_5_0 /Zi /Zss /Fc Test.3.vert.d3dasm /Fd F:\Temp\pdb\   // 将vs转换为DXBC,同时输出pdb调试文件
"E:\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0\x64\fxc.exe" Test.frag.hlsl /E PS /T ps_5_0 /Zi /Zss /Fc Test.3.frag.d3dasm /Fd F:\Temp\pdb\   // 将ps转换为DXBC,同时输出pdb调试文件




DirectXShaderCompiler生成shader PDB

Using automatic shader PDB resolution in PIX

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