Flex AsDoc正确的注释,专业的体现

AS注释代码 实例

 @langversion 3.0 AS版本
*  @playerversion Flash 10   Flash版本
*  @playerversion AIR 1.5   AIR发布版本
*  @productversion Flex 4   编译环境
  @param  target 这是一个变量定义

  @see www.manlong3.com类似详细信息请看链接
@default null 这个地方还不是太明白,发现在FLEX源代码中对单个的独立变量似乎比较有用
<p>The following example sets the <code>borderStroke</code> property:</p>
*  <pre>
*  <s:BorderContainer cornerRadius="10">
*     <s:borderStroke>
*         <mx:SolidColorStroke
*             color="black"
*             weight="3"/>
*     </s:borderStroke>
*  </s:BorderContainer> </pre>


package comp
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.media.Camera;
	import mx.core.UIComponentDescriptor;
	public class BaseTest
		public function BaseTest()
		 *  Background image of a container.  
		 *  If you have both a <code>backgroundColor</code> and a
		 *  <code>backgroundImage</code> set at the same time,  <code>backgroundColor</code>
		 *  is ignored.  
		 *  The default value is <code>undefined</code>, meaning "not set".
		 *  If this style and the <code>backgroundColor</code> style are undefined,
		 *  the component has a transparent background.
		 *  @langversion 3.0
		 *  @playerversion Flash 10
		 *  @playerversion AIR 1.5
		 *  @productversion Flex 4
		 *  @param target 目标是个测试源
		 * @return 返回时隔空
		 * @default false
		 * @see www.manlong3.com
		public function testHandler(target:Number = 5,ui:Boolean = false):String
			var k:String = "23";
			return k;
		 *  Defines the stroke of the BorderContainer container. 
		 *  Setting this property override the <code>borderAlpha</code>, 
		 *  <code>borderColor</code>, <code>borderStyle</code>, <code>borderVisible</code>, 
		 *  and <code>borderWeight</code> styles.  
		 *  <p>The following example sets the <code>borderStroke</code> property:</p>
		 *  <pre>
		 *  <s:BorderContainer cornerRadius="10">
		 *     <s:borderStroke> 
		 *         <mx:SolidColorStroke 
		 *             color="black" 
		 *             weight="3"/> 
		 *     </s:borderStroke> 
		 *  </s:BorderContainer> </pre>
		 *  @default null
		 *  @langversion 3.0
		 *  @playerversion Flash 10
		 *  @playerversion AIR 1.5
		 *  @productversion Flex 4
		public function get borderStroke():Sprite
			var _borderStroke:Sprite = new Sprite();
			return _borderStroke;

posted on 2010-07-20 16:34  Keith Yan  阅读(522)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
