When a notification is selected, Tabs activity is called passing the intent. I want to access the unique notificationId of the notification that was selected in Tabs. I tried intent.putExtra() to save the notificationId in the intent. But, for multiple notifications its overwriting the notificationId and returns the latest one. I dont understand as to why this is happening and how can i avoid this overwriting of notificationId.
I got the answer. The intents were getting cached in. To, make a new intent, just add the following piece of code:
1 intent.setData((Uri.parse("custom://"+System.currentTimeMillis())));
This makes the intent unique.
Also, someone suggested me the following piece of code to make the intent unique:
1 intent.setAction("actionstring" + System.currentTimeMillis());
It didnt help me, but might be of help to someone else.
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