OSCP Security Technology - Information Gathering Common Tools Google https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/2466433?hl=en Exploit-DB/Google Hacki 阅读全文
OSCP Security Technology - Introduction Modules Introduction to Kali Linux Information Gathering Scanning Enumeration Netcat Buffer Overflows Exploita 阅读全文
Master in Burp Suite - Tools Introductions(1) Introduction to Burp Proxy tab How to configure proxy and intercept request Deploy our target website - 阅读全文
Enterprise OAuth 2.0 - OAuth2.0OpenID Connect For the Enterprise(4) OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect OAuth 2.0 is for authorization Access token should co 阅读全文
Enterprise OAuth 2.0 - Using okta(1) Okta Authorization Server Okta setup and Endpoints https://developer.okta.com/signup/ Custom Resource Server usin 阅读全文
Enterprise OAuth 2.0 - OAuth Basics The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework enables a third-party application to obtain limited access to an HTTP servic 阅读全文
Enterprise OAuth 2.0 - Enterprise and Social Media Application Landscape Security Basics - Providers User, Identity Where are the user credentials sto 阅读全文
Security and Cryptography in Python - TLS SSL protocol Refer to :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security 阅读全文
Security and Cryptography in Python - HMAC Implement in Python import hashlib # Alice and Bob share a secret key secret_key = "secret key".encode() # 阅读全文
Security and Cryptography in Python - Hash Functions(4) Why iterate over hash function and demonstrated by implementation in Python Code in Python: im 阅读全文