PowerShell - Deep Dive
PowerShell - Deep Dive
# Creating Simple Function
Write-Host "I have Dell Laptops with Windows OS"
Function Global:Get-MachineInfo
Write-Host "I have Dell Laptops with Windows OS"
Get-ChildItem Function:\Get-MachineInfo |fl *
# specify parameters of a function
Function Get-MachineInfo
{ param ($make,$OperatingSystem)
Write-Host "I have $make Laptops with $OperatingSystem OS"
Get-MachineInfo -make "Lenovo"
Get-MachineInfo -make "IBM" -OperatingSystem "Linux"
## Creating Advanced Function
(Get-command -Name Get-Service).parameters.keys
(Get-command -Name Get-MachineInfo).parameters.keys
Function Get-MachineInfo
param ($make,$OperatingSystem)
Write-Verbose "Sharing Information about my Laptop Stock"
Write-Host "I have $make Laptops with $OperatingSystem OS"
(Get-command -Name Get-MachineInfo).parameters.keys
Get-MachineInfo -Verbose
# Adding WhatIf & Confirm Parameter
(Get-command -Name Get-MachineInfo).parameters.keys
Function Get-MachineInfo
param ($make,$OperatingSystem)
Write-Verbose "Sharing Information about my Laptop Stock"
Write-Host "I have $make Laptops with $OperatingSystem OS"
(Get-command -Name Get-MachineInfo).parameters.keys
# Declaring Madatory Parameter
Function Get-MachineInfo
param (
Write-Verbose "Sharing Information about my Laptop Stock"
Write-Host "I have $make Laptops with $OperatingSystem OS"
## ensuring single Value against a parameter
Function Get-MachineInfo
param (
Write-Verbose "Sharing Information about my Laptop Stock"
Write-Host "I have $make Laptops with $OperatingSystem OS"
Get-MachineInfo -make "Dell", "Lenovo"
Function Get-MachineInfo
param (
Write-Verbose "Sharing Information about my Laptop Stock"
Write-Host "I have $make Laptops with $OperatingSystem OS"
Get-MachineInfo -make "Dell", "Lenovo"
## Defining default value of a parameter
Function Get-MachineInfo
param (
[String[]]$make = "IBM",$OperatingSystem)
Write-Verbose "Sharing Information about my Laptop Stock"
Write-Host "I have $make Laptops with $OperatingSystem OS"
Get-MachineInfo -make "Dell"
# Writing Comment based help for a function
Help get-service -ShowWindow
Help Get-MachineInfo -ShowWindow
Function Get-MachineInfo
Sharing Machine Info
This is being used to display about my laptop stock
This parameter is used to provide brand of laptop
.PARAMETER OperatingSystem
This tell OS of my llaptops
Get-MachineInfo -make "Dell"
param (
[String[]]$make = "IBM",$OperatingSystem)
Write-Verbose "Sharing Information about my Laptop Stock"
Write-Host "I have $make Laptops with $OperatingSystem OS"
Help Get-MachineInfo -ShowWindow
# Creating menu of Possible values of a parameter
Function Get-MachineInfo
param (
[ValidateSet ("Dell","IBM","Lenovo")]
[String[]]$make = "IBM",$OperatingSystem)
Write-Verbose "Sharing Information about my Laptop Stock"
Write-Host "I have $make Laptops with $OperatingSystem OS"
Get-MachineInfo -make
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