PowerShell - Hashtable
PowerShell - Hashtable
#### Hashtable
$numbers = 1..9
#1st Approach
$HT = @{}
#2nd Approach
$HT = @{
Tony = 30
Rony = 40
Sam = 35
# 3rd Approach -Inline
$HT = @{Tony = 30;Rony = 40; Sam = 35}
## Ordered Hashtable
$HT = [Ordered]@{Tony = 30;Rony = 40; Sam = 35}
#### Adding key and value to a HT
# Method 1
$HT.Add("Sony", 33)
# Method 2
$HT["Rohan"] = 25
# Method 3
$HT."Ramesh" = 20
# Method 4
$HT = $HT + @{"Rohit" = 21}
# Accessing the Paris out of HashTable
# Approach 1 - Index Key
# Approach 2 - Multiple
$HT["Sony", "Rohan"]
# Approach 3 - All the Values of All the Keys
$HT.GetEnumerator()|where{$_.value -eq 33}
#### Iteration against each item of a Hashtable
foreach($entry in $HT)
{"The age of $HT.key is $HT.Value"} # Got error
# Approach 1
$HTKeys = $HT.Keys
foreach($prashant in $HTKeys)
{"The age of $prashant is $($HT.$prashant)"}
# Approach 2 - Enumeration
foreach($prashant in $HT.GetEnumerator())
{"The age of $($prashant.name) is $($prashant.Value)"}
# Making Conditions and Logics Using Hashtable
$HT.Keys -like "Sony"
$HT = @{
Tony = 30
Rony = 40
Sam = 35
# Removing Key Values from Hashtable
### Custom Colom Name
$HT|ft name,@{Name = "age"; expression = {$_.Value}}
## Sorting HT
$HT|Sort-Object -Property Name
$HT.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name
# Table with Multiple Coloms
$HT = @{
"Type" = "Car"
"Color" = "Red"
"Brand" = "Maruti"
$HT = [PsCustomObject]@{
"Type" = "Car"
"Color" = "Red"
"Brand" = "Maruti"
$HT | export-csv .\abc.csv
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