
The annotated element must not be {@code null}.

校验参数一定不能为null,但是可以为" "。

The annotated element must not be {@code null} nor empty. Supported types are:
1、{@code CharSequence} (length of character sequence is evaluated);
2、{@code Collection} (collection size is evaluated);
3、{@code Map} (map size is evaluated);
4、Array (array length is evaluated);


The annotated element must not be {@code null} and must contain at least one non-whitespace character. Accepts {@code CharSequence}.

校验String字符串不能为null,且不能是空字符串(" "),即调用trim()之后字符串的长度不能为0。

The annotated element must be a positive number or 0.


posted @ 2021-12-29 10:27  西门长海  阅读(760)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报