

  • 首先把字符串ab补齐到同样长度,前面补零
  • 然后对应位做加法器,设置一个进位位
  • 字符转换成数字需要 -'0'
  • 数字转换为字符需要 +'0'
  • 结果字符数组需要比ab多一位
  • 最前面的一位为最后的进位位
    • 判断最后的进位如果为1,则设置结果数组第一位为1,创建字符串用result数组全部
    • 如果为0,则设置结果字符数组第一位为0,创建字符串用1到最后
      • 注意
        • 10都需要转换为char,不然会乱码,因为是acssi
        • 创建字符1到最后,是1result.lenght-1


package leetcode;



* Given two binary strings, return their sum (also a binary string). For

* example, a = "11" b = "1" Return "100".



public class AddBinary {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String a = "101";

        String b = "1";

        int max_a_b = Math.max(a.length(), b.length());

        if (a.length() >= b.length()) {

            b = String.format("%0" + max_a_b + "d", Integer.parseInt(b));

        } else {

            a = String.format("%0" + max_a_b + "d", Integer.parseInt(a));



        System.out.println("after zeroize string a is " + a + "\n"

                + "after zeroize string b is " + b);

        char[] achar = a.toCharArray();

        char[] bchar = b.toCharArray();


        char[] result = new char[Math.max(achar.length, bchar.length) + 1];

        int k = result.length - 1;// k is to the start of result

        int i = max_a_b - 1;


        int carry = 0;// 进位

        int aint = 0;

        int bint = 0;

        while (i >= 0) {

            aint = achar[i] - '0';

            bint = bchar[i] - '0';

            if (aint + bint + carry > 1) {

                result[k] = (char) ('0' + aint + bint + carry - 2);

                carry = 1;


            } else {

                result[k] = (char) ('0' + aint + bint + carry);

                carry = 0;






        if (carry == 1) {

            result[k] = (char) ((char) carry + '0');

            System.out.println("result is " + new String(result));

        } else {

            result[k] = (char) ((char) carry + '0');

            System.out.println("result is "

                    + new String(result, 1, result.length - 1));





posted @ 2015-03-25 19:41  keedor  阅读(157)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报