两种方法获取shadow ssdt
ULONG GetShadowSsdtCurrentAddresses( PSSDT_ADDRESS AddressInfo, PULONG Length ) { PSYSTEM_SERVICE_TABLE KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow = NULL; ULONG NumberOfService = 0; ULONG ServiceId = 0; PKAPC_STATE ApcState; ULONG i; if (AddressInfo == NULL || Length == NULL) { KdPrint(("[GetShadowSsdtCurrentAddresses] 输入参数无效")); return 0; } //KdPrint(("pid = %d", PsGetCurrentProcessId())); ServiceId = (ULONG)PsGetCurrentProcessId(); if (!g_CsrssProcess) { PsLookupProcessByProcessId((PVOID)ScPsGetCsrssProcessId(), &g_CsrssProcess); } KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow = GetKeServiceDescriptorTableShadow(); if (KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow == NULL) { KdPrint(("[GetShadowSsdtCurrentAddresses] GetKeServiceDescriptorTableShadow failed")); return 0; } NumberOfService = KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow->NumberOfService; if (Length[0] < NumberOfService * sizeof(SSDT_ADDRESS)) { Length[0] = NumberOfService * sizeof(SSDT_ADDRESS); return 0; } ApcState = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(KAPC_STATE), MEM_TAG); KeStackAttachProcess((PRKPROCESS)g_CsrssProcess, ApcState); for (ServiceId = 0; ServiceId < NumberOfService; ServiceId ++) { AddressInfo[ServiceId].FunAddress = (ULONG) KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow->ServiceTableBase[ServiceId]; AddressInfo[ServiceId].nIndex = ServiceId; } KeUnstackDetachProcess(ApcState); ExFreePool(ApcState); Length[0] = NumberOfService * sizeof(SSDT_ADDRESS); return NumberOfService; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // 功能实现:枚举当前Shadow SSDT 表函数地址 // 输入参数:void // 输出参数:返回Shadow ssdt table // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PSYSTEM_SERVICE_TABLE GetKeServiceDescriptorTableShadow(VOID) { PSYSTEM_SERVICE_TABLE ShadowTable = NULL; ULONG ServiceTableAddress = 0; PUCHAR cPtr = NULL; for (cPtr = (PUCHAR)KeAddSystemServiceTable; cPtr < (PUCHAR)KeAddSystemServiceTable + PAGE_SIZE; cPtr += 1 ) { if (!MmIsAddressValid(cPtr)) continue; ServiceTableAddress = *(PULONG)cPtr; if (!MmIsAddressValid((PVOID)ServiceTableAddress)) continue; if (memcmp((PVOID)ServiceTableAddress, &KeServiceDescriptorTable, 16) == 0) { if ((PVOID)ServiceTableAddress == &KeServiceDescriptorTable) continue; ShadowTable = (PSYSTEM_SERVICE_TABLE)ServiceTableAddress; ShadowTable ++; return ShadowTable; } } return NULL; } // // 方法2,通过硬编码实现,不通用 // PSYSTEM_SERVICE_TABLE GetKeServiceDescriptorTableShadow_2(VOID) /*++ 805ba5a3 8d8840a65580 lea ecx,nt!KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow (8055a640)[eax] 805ba5a9 833900 cmp dword ptr [ecx],0 --*/ { PSYSTEM_SERVICE_TABLE ShadowTable; ULONG ServiceTableAddress; PUCHAR cPtr, pOpcode; ULONG Length = 0; for (cPtr = (PUCHAR)KeAddSystemServiceTable; cPtr < (PUCHAR)KeAddSystemServiceTable + PAGE_SIZE; cPtr += Length ) { if (!MmIsAddressValid(cPtr)) return NULL; Length = SizeOfCode(cPtr, &pOpcode); if (!Length || (Length == 1 && *pOpcode == 0xC3)) return NULL; if (*(PUSHORT)pOpcode == 0x888D) { ServiceTableAddress = *(PULONG)(pOpcode + 2); ShadowTable = (PSYSTEM_SERVICE_TABLE)ServiceTableAddress; ShadowTable ++; return ShadowTable; } } return NULL; }
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
E-mail: kedebug0@gmail.com
GitHub: http://github.com/kedebug