Reflective Journal

Through the first two workshops, I have gained a better understanding of multimodality. There are five modes of multimodality, including language, image, audio, video, etc. As for videos, pedagogic metalanguage can be adopted, such as integral features, ways of interaction, representation of ideas and interplay of meanings. While composing, I can apply various modes to it so that the composition can be more than a little multimodal and vivid. I can also analyze the semiotic choices in video about a character from different aspects. For instance, low angle camera shots signal superiority or elicit feelings of fear and dread while high angle shots usually create a feeling of inferiority. It can help me better understand the character’s emotions and the true meanings that the video wants to convey.
To improve future workshops, I think more digital multimodal composing skills can be taught. It will be better if some concrete examples can be shown. Increasing class interaction is also helpful. Personally, the workshops are more than beneficial as well as meaningful. At first, I was curious about digital multimodal composing because I had never heard of it before. Nevertheless, after the workshops, I know much more about multimodality. They have a great impact on my English learning. I’m also very happy to acquire such knowledge.

posted @ 2024-03-24 16:41  匡春艳  阅读(11)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报