
 一 资源的配平:有始有终,


1 释放的顺序与分配的顺序相反,以防止资源浪费。

2 总是以相同的顺序分配资源,防止死锁。

 二 配平与异常:



try {


   Node *n= new Node;

}catch {

delete n;

throw ;


delete n;

重复删除 违反DRY,so 利用局部对象退出包含块时会被自动清除,you can change it to be a object contain a point .

在java 有GC,and finally ,but i don't know why GC can't fix it  alone?is it necessary to add the finally statement ?

三 无法配平

程序中确实需要某一块长期存在的动态内存块,SO HOW TO FIX ?

there must be a top block to manage the memory,then we have 3 choices to free it.

3 choices:

1 make a recursion to free it from top to bottom.

2 just free itself ,and disert its children rudely.

3 free itself ,and chilldren manage itself.

answer to prectice.

in c++ and java when you free  a point ,why make p = null ? is there differences between them?

1 c++ in case of wild point.p == null is a running error,so it is possible to be checked.

2  java  :it is convenience for garbage collection, p = null means the count of the object which p point at --,when p = 0,gc begint to finish it;

how to make couple minimize between modules?

(Principal of) Least Knowledge,(The) Law of Demeter。

what is exactly it ?

don't talk with stranger .in the method you just access method directly by stack/heap object  created inside it,the member of class ,and arguments .

if you wanna use the method in the third class ,you can access it by the second class .of cause you need to package the interface in the second one.

posted on 2011-03-29 22:57  chegvra  阅读(90)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报