How to Install The Alpha Control Packages.
Uninstalling previous version of the package
If you have a previous version of the package already installed, you should remove it using the following method.
- Open the "Component/Install packages" menu item in Delphi/C++ Builder and remove Alpha packages there
- Remove all AlphaControls files in the AlphaControls directory. This directory should be equal to directory which was defined in the Delphi/C++ Builder "Library path" field
- Search all acnt*.bpl and acnt*.dcp files and remove them. These files are created in directories which are defined in Delphi/C++ Builder as "BPL output directory" and "DCP output directory" usually
- If such packages as AlphaDB or AlphaExtra were installed, then remove them too.
Installing the package in Delphi 5..XE8
- Unpack all files in the AlphaControls directory. It is very advisable to unpack each new version to the same path, so it would not produce extra folders with older versions
- Folder with components must be registered in Delphi (Tools->Environment Options->Library->Library Path)
- Open the run-time package project file (acntX_r.dpk file, X - version of Delphi)*
- In the "Project manager" window click the right mouse button and choose the "Build" menu item
- Open the design-time package project file (acntX.dpk file)*
- In the "Project manager" window click the right mouse button and choose the "Install" menu item
- AlphaDB and AlphaExtra packages may be installed like the main AlphaControls package