Android T about screen rotation(二)
1.Android 11 -- 强制清理app后台,关于权限引发的问题2.Android 11 (MTK)状态栏图标反色-->跟随当前应用变化代码流程3.Android 11 --关于Toast的异常4.Android 11 -- 关于dialog和悬浮窗导致SystemUI状态栏下拉频繁闪烁(窗口焦点问题)5.Android 11 下拉菜单长按WiFi图标SystemUI ANR6.Android 11 sim卡来电不弹出悬浮通知,默认来电默认全屏7.Android Bluetooth 蓝牙开发/蓝牙协议 小结8.Android11 —— 自定义添加一个System Services9.Android系统——AOSP相关-->随记10.Android11 , Launcher3 切换阿拉伯语,最近应用(后台)不能滑动11.Android 底层问题日志记录12.Android 11 -- app 服务保活13.Android11 - 添加自定义服务注意事项14.Android 11 导航栏添加一个虚拟按钮--问题合集15.Android 11--设置第三方Launcher并默认 与 如何预置apk16.Android11 系统修改 AOSP输入法的默认输入键盘布局17.Settings里面切换不同Launcher的代码流程18.关于Android`系统默认屏保`19.关于Android 11 Settings添加新的选项界面的细节20.Android 11 自由窗口模式 || 全屏模式启动app21.强制app横屏显示或者竖屏显示(动态)22.Android 11 禁止从SD卡上安装第三方应用23.实体物理音量键替换为home键24.AMS- kill Launcher进程的代码流程25.Android 11 recovery恢复出厂设置保留某些文件26.Android 11 禁用 adb root (userdebug版本)27.Android11 应用默认获取通知使用权限(可以获取系统所有通知信息)28.Android 11 UsbDebug 关于adb RSA 认证29.Android 11 NavigationBar && Status Bar 如果改变背景颜色30.Anroid 11 关于NotificationManager && NotificationManagerService -- 衍生到权限管理31.Android13 控制设置界面 双栏显示或单栏显示32.Android 13 大屏显示时关于SystemUI和Launcher3问题33.Android 系统适配无源码app34.Android 11 关于app的权限重置35.Android 11.0 关于app进程保活36.Android 11 关于按键拦截/按键事件处理分享37.Android R Settings关于屏保/PowerManagerService欺骗系统不让其进入休眠状态38.Android13 关于SystemUI更新/Nav Bar add volume button&&other button39.Android 13 移植EthernetSettings/Ethernet更新40.Anrdoir 13 关于设置静态IP后,突然断电,在上电开机卡动画41.Android T(13) The app is granted permissions by default42.Android T 关于屏幕旋转 (一)
43.Android T about screen rotation(二)
44.Android 13 about launcher3 (1)45.Android T don't abort background activity starts46.Android T adout replace bootanimation47.Launcher start App WINDOWING_MODE_FREEFORM48.Android 11 About SleepToken / (Settings)Screen timeout49.Settings.System数据监听/prop&SystemProperties数据监听需求:客户因为模具问题,屏幕方向需要动态的变动.(方向: 0 , 90 , 180 ,270)
拆分:设备开机过程中图像显示可分为三个阶段,boot logo(1)->kernel logo(2),这一段的处理需要驱动层,所以暂时忽略.
开机动画 Bootanimation(3)阶段 和 Home Launcher应用显示(4)阶段是需要修改的.
* readyToRun()负责构建开机动画,进入readyToRun()中 就来加载显示每一帧动画
* createSurface()负责绘制开机动画页面
status_t BootAnimation::readyToRun() {
mDisplayToken = SurfaceComposerClient::getInternalDisplayToken();
if (mDisplayToken == nullptr)
DisplayMode displayMode;
const status_t error =
SurfaceComposerClient::getActiveDisplayMode(mDisplayToken, &displayMode);
if (error != NO_ERROR)
return error;
mMaxWidth = android::base::GetIntProperty("ro.surface_flinger.max_graphics_width", 0);
mMaxHeight = android::base::GetIntProperty("ro.surface_flinger.max_graphics_height", 0);
ui::Size resolution = displayMode.resolution;
resolution = limitSurfaceSize(resolution.width, resolution.height);
+ //add text
+ char cOrientation [PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
+ property_get("persist.customer.set.orientation",cOrientation,"0");
+ int temp_orientation = atoi(cOrientation);
+ SurfaceComposerClient::Transaction t;
+ int temp_width = 0;
+ int temp_height = 0;
+ if(temp_orientation == 90){
+ temp_width = resolution.getHeight();
+ temp_height = resolution.getWidth();
+ Rect destRect(temp_width, temp_height);
+ t.setDisplayProjection(mDisplayToken, ui::ROTATION_90, destRect, destRect);
+ ALOGD("BootAnimation rotation is 90");
+ }else if(temp_orientation == 180){
+ Rect destRect(temp_width, temp_height);
+ t.setDisplayProjection(mDisplayToken, ui::ROTATION_180, destRect, destRect);
+ ALOGD("BootAnimation rotation is 180");
+ }else if(temp_orientation == 270){
+ temp_width = resolution.getHeight();
+ temp_height = resolution.getWidth();
+ Rect destRect(temp_width, temp_height);
+ t.setDisplayProjection(mDisplayToken, ui::ROTATION_270, destRect, destRect);
+ ALOGD("BootAnimation rotation is 270");
+ }
// create the native surface
sp<SurfaceControl> control = session()->createSurface(String8("BootAnimation"),
resolution.getWidth(), resolution.getHeight(), PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565);
- SurfaceComposerClient::Transaction t;
+ //add text
// this guest property specifies multi-display IDs to show the boot animation
// multiple ids can be set with comma (,) as separator, for example:
//系统自带根据ro.bootanim.set_orientation_<display_id> 旋转屏幕动画方向
// Rotate the boot animation according to the value specified in the sysprop ro.bootanim.set_orientation_<display_id>.
// Four values are supported: ORIENTATION_0,ORIENTATION_90, ORIENTATION_180 and ORIENTATION_270.
// If the value isn't specified or is ORIENTATION_0, nothing will be changed.
// This is needed to support having boot animation in orientations different from the natural
// device orientation. For example, on tablets that may want to keep natural orientation
// portrait for applications compatibility and to have the boot animation in landscape.
void BootAnimation::rotateAwayFromNaturalOrientationIfNeeded() {
const auto orientation = parseOrientationProperty();
if (orientation == ui::ROTATION_0) {
// Do nothing if the sysprop isn't set or is set to ROTATION_0.
if (orientation == ui::ROTATION_90 || orientation == ui::ROTATION_270) {
std::swap(mWidth, mHeight);
std::swap(mInitWidth, mInitHeight);
mFlingerSurfaceControl->updateDefaultBufferSize(mWidth, mHeight);
Rect displayRect(0, 0, mWidth, mHeight);
Rect layerStackRect(0, 0, mWidth, mHeight);
SurfaceComposerClient::Transaction t;
t.setDisplayProjection(mDisplayToken, orientation, layerStackRect, displayRect);
ui::Rotation BootAnimation::parseOrientationProperty() {
const auto displayIds = SurfaceComposerClient::getPhysicalDisplayIds();
if (displayIds.size() == 0) {
return ui::ROTATION_0;
const auto displayId = displayIds[0];
const auto syspropName = [displayId] {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "ro.bootanim.set_orientation_" << displayId.value;
return ss.str();
const auto syspropValue = android::base::GetProperty(syspropName, "ORIENTATION_0");
if (syspropValue == "ORIENTATION_90") {
return ui::ROTATION_90;
} else if (syspropValue == "ORIENTATION_180") {
return ui::ROTATION_180;
} else if (syspropValue == "ORIENTATION_270") {
return ui::ROTATION_270;
return ui::ROTATION_0;
动画的屏幕方向,一阶段是由上面的代码决定,二阶段由Framework display决定
+ private int mCustomerRotation = Surface.ROTATION_0;//add text
DisplayRotation(WindowManagerService service, DisplayContent displayContent,
DisplayAddress displayAddress, DisplayPolicy displayPolicy,
DisplayWindowSettings displayWindowSettings, Context context, Object lock,
@NonNull DeviceStateController deviceStateController) {
mService = service;
mDisplayContent = displayContent;
+ //add text
+ int temp_orientation = SystemProperties.getInt("persist.customer.set.orientation", 0);
+ if (temp_orientation == 0) {
+ mCustomerRotation = Surface.ROTATION_0;
+ } else if (temp_orientation == 90) {
+ mCustomerRotation = Surface.ROTATION_90;
+ } else if (temp_orientation == 180) {
+ mCustomerRotation = Surface.ROTATION_180;
+ } else if (temp_orientation == 270) {
+ mCustomerRotation = Surface.ROTATION_270;
+ }
+ mRotation = mCustomerRotation;//end replace
+ //add text
//观察 user_rotation
if (isDefaultDisplay) {
final Handler uiHandler = UiThread.getHandler();
mOrientationListener =
new OrientationListener(mContext, uiHandler, defaultRotation);
mSettingsObserver = new SettingsObserver(uiHandler);
if (mSupportAutoRotation && mContext.getResources().getBoolean(
R.bool.config_windowManagerHalfFoldAutoRotateOverride)) {
mFoldController = new FoldController();
} else {
mFoldController = null;
} else {
mFoldController = null;
boolean updateRotationUnchecked(boolean forceUpdate) {
final int displayId = mDisplayContent.getDisplayId();
final int oldRotation = mRotation;
final int lastOrientation = mLastOrientation;
- int rotation = rotationForOrientation(lastOrientation, oldRotation);
+ int rotation = mCustomerRotation;//rotationForOrientation(lastOrientation, oldRotation);//add text
// Use the saved rotation for tabletop mode, if set.
if (mFoldController != null && mFoldController.shouldRevertOverriddenRotation()) {
int prevRotation = rotation;
int rotationForOrientation(@ScreenOrientation int orientation,
@Surface.Rotation int lastRotation) {
+ //add text
+ if(true){
+ return mCustomerRotation;
+ }
+ //add text
if (isFixedToUserRotation()) {
return mUserRotation;
int getOrientation() {
+ //add text
+ int mCustomerRotation = 0;
+ int temp_orientation = SystemProperties.getInt("persist.customer.set.orientation", 0);
+ if (temp_orientation == 0) {
+ mCustomerRotation = Surface.ROTATION_0;
+ return mCustomerRotation;
+ } else if (temp_orientation == 90) {
+ mCustomerRotation = Surface.ROTATION_90;
+ return mCustomerRotation;
+ } else if (temp_orientation == 190) {
+ mCustomerRotation = Surface.ROTATION_180;
+ return mCustomerRotation;
+ } else if (temp_orientation == 270) {
+ mCustomerRotation = Surface.ROTATION_270;
+ return mCustomerRotation;
+ }
+ //add text
if (mWmService.mDisplayFrozen) {
if (mWmService.mPolicy.isKeyguardLocked()) {
<!-- If true, the screen can be rotated via the accelerometer in all 4
rotations as the default behavior. -->
- <bool name="config_allowAllRotations">false</bool>
+ <bool name="config_allowAllRotations">true</bool>
<!-- If true, the direction rotation is applied to get to an application's requested
orientation is reversed. Normally, the model is that landscape is
about SurfaceFlinger
修改getPhysicalDisplayOrientation 显示方向,也可以实现上面的效果.
如何解决,(修改init.mount_all_early.rc和参考:RK平台android12 动态调整屏幕方向
ui::Rotation SurfaceFlinger::getPhysicalDisplayOrientation(DisplayId displayId,
bool isPrimary) const {
/*const auto id = PhysicalDisplayId::tryCast(displayId);
if (!id) {
return ui::ROTATION_0;
if (getHwComposer().getComposer()->isSupported(
Hwc2::Composer::OptionalFeature::PhysicalDisplayOrientation)) {
switch (getHwComposer().getPhysicalDisplayOrientation(*id)) {
case Hwc2::AidlTransform::ROT_90:
return ui::ROTATION_90;
case Hwc2::AidlTransform::ROT_180:
return ui::ROTATION_180;
case Hwc2::AidlTransform::ROT_270:
return ui::ROTATION_270;
return ui::ROTATION_0;
if (isPrimary) {
using Values = SurfaceFlingerProperties::primary_display_orientation_values;
switch (primary_display_orientation(Values::ORIENTATION_0)) {
case Values::ORIENTATION_90:
return ui::ROTATION_90;
case Values::ORIENTATION_180:
return ui::ROTATION_180;
case Values::ORIENTATION_270:
return ui::ROTATION_270;
return ui::ROTATION_270;
void SurfaceFlinger::startBootAnim() {
// Start boot animation service by setting a property mailbox
// if property setting thread is already running, Start() will be just a NOP
// Wait until property was set
if (mStartPropertySetThread->join() != NO_ERROR) {
ALOGE("Join StartPropertySetThread failed!");
Android显示系统SurfaceFlinger详解 超级干货
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