drop table #t
create table #t(whid varchar(10),itemcode varchar(32),TotalAmount money,StockDate datetime)
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',100,'2007-09-01')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',null,'2007-09-02')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',null,'2007-09-03')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',200,'2007-09-04')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',null,'2007-09-05')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',null,'2007-09-06')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',null,'2007-09-07')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',null,'2007-09-08')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',300,'2007-09-09')
update #t
set TotalAmount=(select top 1 TotalAmount from #t where
StockDate<a.StockDate and TotalAmount is not null order by StockDate desc)
from #t a where a.TotalAmount is null
select * from #t
select top 1 TotalAmount from #t where
StockDate<a.StockDate and TotalAmount is not null order by StockDate desc
drop table tb
create table tb
name varchar(20),
kind varchar(20),
address varchar(20),
sex varchar(20)
insert into tb
'王大', '员工', '北京市 ', '男' union all select
'李小名', '员工', '天津市', '男' union all select
'周露' , '管理员' , '陕西省', '女' union all select
'吴林' , '管理员' , '北京市' , '女'
select * from tb
declare @s varchar(8000)
set @s ='select address'
select @s = @s+','+kind+'=sum(case kind when '''+kind+''' then 1 else 0 end)'+','+
sex+'=sum(case sex when '''+sex+''' then 1 else 0 end)'
from tb group by kind,sex
select @s=@s+',sum(1) 合计 from tb group by address'
北京市 11112
drop table tb
create table tb
部門名稱 varchar(100),
員工編號 varchar(100),
员工姓名 varchar(100),
請假日期 varchar(100),
假别名称 varchar(100),
請假時數 float,
時數單位 varchar(100)
insert into tb
'(K1)', 'Q-0004', '姚力 ', '20070601','年休假','1','天' union all select
'(K1)', 'Q-0004', '姚力 ', '20070608','陪產假','1','天' union all select
'(K1)', 'Q-0004', '姚力 ', '20070612','年休假','2','天' union all select
'(K1)', 'Q-0005', '顧忠 ', '20070601','年休假',0.5,'天' union all select
'(K2)', 'Q-0031', '趙丽 ', '20070601','半薪病假',8,'小时'
declare @s varchar(8000)
set @s ='select 部門名稱,員工編號,员工姓名'
select @s = @s+','+假别名称+'=sum(case 假别名称 when '''+假别名称+''' then 請假時數*(case 時數單位 when ''天'' then 8 else 1 end) else 0 end)'
from tb group by 假别名称
exec(@s+'from tb group by 部門名稱,員工編號,员工姓名')
数据多行转数据一列 类似的构造'union all select'
declare @sql varchar(8000)
set @sql=''
select @sql=@sql+'select '+name+' as name from 表名 union all ' from syscolumns where id=object_id('表名')
and colid!>2 --这是列名的序号
set @sql=left(@sql,len(@sql)-len('union all'))
declare @sql1 varchar(8000)
set @sql1=''
select @sql1=@sql1+'select '+name+' as name from 表名 union all ' from syscolumns where id=object_id('表名')
and colid>2 --这是列名的序号
set @sql1=left(@sql1,len(@sql1)-len('union all'))
drop table #t
create table #t(whid varchar(10),itemcode varchar(32),TotalAmount money,StockDate datetime)
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',100,'2007-09-01')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',null,'2007-09-02')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',null,'2007-09-03')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',200,'2007-09-04')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',null,'2007-09-05')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',null,'2007-09-06')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',null,'2007-09-07')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',null,'2007-09-08')
insert into #t values('01','40010401050075',300,'2007-09-09')
update #t
set TotalAmount=(select top 1 TotalAmount from #t where
StockDate<a.StockDate and TotalAmount is not null order by StockDate desc)
from #t a where a.TotalAmount is null
select * from #t
select top 1 TotalAmount from #t where
StockDate<a.StockDate and TotalAmount is not null order by StockDate desc
drop table tb
create table tb
name varchar(20),
kind varchar(20),
address varchar(20),
sex varchar(20)
insert into tb
'王大', '员工', '北京市 ', '男' union all select
'李小名', '员工', '天津市', '男' union all select
'周露' , '管理员' , '陕西省', '女' union all select
'吴林' , '管理员' , '北京市' , '女'
select * from tb
declare @s varchar(8000)
set @s ='select address'
select @s = @s+','+kind+'=sum(case kind when '''+kind+''' then 1 else 0 end)'+','+
sex+'=sum(case sex when '''+sex+''' then 1 else 0 end)'
from tb group by kind,sex
select @s=@s+',sum(1) 合计 from tb group by address'
北京市 11112
drop table tb
create table tb
部門名稱 varchar(100),
員工編號 varchar(100),
员工姓名 varchar(100),
請假日期 varchar(100),
假别名称 varchar(100),
請假時數 float,
時數單位 varchar(100)
insert into tb
'(K1)', 'Q-0004', '姚力 ', '20070601','年休假','1','天' union all select
'(K1)', 'Q-0004', '姚力 ', '20070608','陪產假','1','天' union all select
'(K1)', 'Q-0004', '姚力 ', '20070612','年休假','2','天' union all select
'(K1)', 'Q-0005', '顧忠 ', '20070601','年休假',0.5,'天' union all select
'(K2)', 'Q-0031', '趙丽 ', '20070601','半薪病假',8,'小时'
declare @s varchar(8000)
set @s ='select 部門名稱,員工編號,员工姓名'
select @s = @s+','+假别名称+'=sum(case 假别名称 when '''+假别名称+''' then 請假時數*(case 時數單位 when ''天'' then 8 else 1 end) else 0 end)'
from tb group by 假别名称
exec(@s+'from tb group by 部門名稱,員工編號,员工姓名')
数据多行转数据一列 类似的构造'union all select'
declare @sql varchar(8000)
set @sql=''
select @sql=@sql+'select '+name+' as name from 表名 union all ' from syscolumns where id=object_id('表名')
and colid!>2 --这是列名的序号
set @sql=left(@sql,len(@sql)-len('union all'))
declare @sql1 varchar(8000)
set @sql1=''
select @sql1=@sql1+'select '+name+' as name from 表名 union all ' from syscolumns where id=object_id('表名')
and colid>2 --这是列名的序号
set @sql1=left(@sql1,len(@sql1)-len('union all'))