findpanel 的相关代码
In addition to this method,
you can use the following controller methods to switch the visibility of the Find Panel and customize its search string:
ClearFindFilterText, GetFindFilterText, ShowFindPanel, HideFindPanel, and IsFindPanelVisible.
var AFindPanel: TcxGridFindPanel; begin AFindPanel := TcxGridFindPanel.Create(<AcxGridDBTableView>.Controller); <AcxGridDBTableView>.Controller.ApplyFindFilterText(<your text>); end;
type TcxGridTableControllerAccess = class(TcxGridTableController); procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); var AEdit: TcxGridFindPanelMRUEdit; begin AEdit := TcxGridTableControllerAccess(cxGrid1DBTableView1.Controller).FindPanel.Edit; if (AEdit <> nil) and AEdit.Focused then Caption := '+' else Caption := '-'; end;
type TcxGridTableControllerAccess = class(TcxGridTableController); procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin TcxGridTableControllerAccess(cxGrid1DBTableView1.Controller).FindPanel.Edit.Properties.ImmediateDropDownWhenKeyPressed := False; TcxGridTableControllerAccess(cxGrid1DBTableView1.Controller).FindPanel.Edit.Properties.Buttons[0].Visible := False; end;
<AcxGridDBTableView>.FindPanel.UseExtendedSyntax := True; //enable this option
Additional information:
Use the new Options.UseExtendedSyntax property to enable the extended syntax for Find Panel search strings, allowing end-users to apply multiple conditions. According to the extended syntax, words separated by the space character are treated as individual conditions combined by the OR logical operator. The grid shows records that match at least one of these conditions. The extended syntax includes support for the following specifiers and wildcards:
- The "+" specifier. Preceding a condition with this specifier causes the grid to display only records that match this condition. The "+" specifier implements the logical AND operator. There should be no space character between the "+" sign and the condition.
- The "–" specifier. Preceding a condition with "–" excludes records that match this condition from search results. There should be no space between the "–" sign and the condition.
- The percent ("%") wildcard. This wildcard substitutes any number of characters in a condition.
- The underscore ("_") wildcard. This wildcard represents any single character in a condition.
For more information about the extended syntax, refer to the corresponding section in the "Find Panel" help topic.
dxCore, cxGridStrs; initialization cxSetResourceString(@scxGridFindPanelClearButtonCaption, '清空'); cxSetResourceString(@scxGridFindPanelFindButtonCaption , '搜索');