平台: Windows 10
IDE : Visual studio 2017
总结一下关键点. (注意:官网教程里的SDK目录和项目目录是同级目录,所以使用了相对路径,实际项目中要依据情况更改)
1. 将 sciter-sdk\include 加入包含目录
2. 更改输出目录(可选)
3. 更改DPI 识别选项
4. 将 sciter-sdk/include/sciter-win-main.cpp 文件添加到项目
5.替换IDE自动生成的 helloWorld.cpp 为
// HelloWorld.cpp : Defines the entry point for the application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "HelloWorld.h" #include "sciter-x-window.hpp" class frame : public sciter::window { public: frame() : window(SW_TITLEBAR | SW_RESIZEABLE | SW_CONTROLS | SW_MAIN | SW_ENABLE_DEBUG) {} }; #include "resources.cpp" int uimain(std::function<int()> run) { //sciter::debug_output_console console; - uncomment it if you will need console window sciter::archive::instance().open(aux::elements_of(resources)); // bind resources[] (defined in "resources.cpp") with the archive frame *pwin = new frame(); // note: this:://app URL is dedicated to the sciter::archive content associated with the application pwin->load(WSTR("this://app/main.htm")); pwin->expand(); return run(); }
6.在项目根目录下添加 res/main.htm
<html> <head> <title>Test</title> <style></style> <script type="text/tiscript"></script> </head> <body> Hello World! </body> </html>
7.在项目根目录下添加 pack-resources.bat . 然后保存运行
..\sciter-sdk\bin\packfolder.exe res resources.cpp -v "resources"
8.将 sciter.dll 移动到输出目录,即可编译运行