02 2009 档案
摘要:比尔·盖茨在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲2007年6月7日President Bok, former President Rudenstine, incoming President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, parents, and esp...
摘要:There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who won’t agree with every decision or policy I make as president. And we know the government can’t solve every problem. But I will always be ho...
摘要:若要使用 System.Net.Mail API 从 ASP.NET 应用程序中发送电子邮件,必须配置 SMTP 电子邮件。通过配置电子邮件服务,可以指示 System.Net.Mail API 应该将应用程序生成的电子邮件传送到哪个 SMTP 服务器。 若要使用 System.Net.Mail API 从 ASP.NET 应用程序中发送电子邮件,必须配置 SMTP 电子邮件。通过配置电...
摘要:开启远程桌面后,别人远程我的电脑时,windows server 2008默认只支持一个administrator用户登陆,一个登录后另一个就被踢掉了,有没有办法像server03那样允许多用户用同时同一个用户名登录?解决办法:打开控制面板-管理工具,终端服务-终端服务配置1、连接:RDP-tcp 点右键,属性。网络适配器-最大连接数,2.。默认情况下如果你不添加终端服务功能,最大只能调整为同时2...
摘要:using System.Web.Mail; using System.Net; public string FYJ() try { MailMessage Mail = new MailMessage(); Mail.From = "ceshi@163.com";//发邮件人地址(站长) Mail.To ...
摘要:server2008开启玻璃效果打开Server Manager,点击Add Features,===》勾选desktop experience,按照提示安装desktop experience(需要重启电脑)。在services中将Themes服务设为自动并开启。这一切完成之后,如果显卡支持,显示“外观”里就会有Aero选项了,选择,OK。说明:完成以上步骤后,windows媒体播放器也会自动添...
摘要:1.This is just a test message to see whether you can receive my E-mail.2.I try calling you at that number, but the line was busy.3.Please let me know you are able to open the attachment.4.I think you ...
摘要:This article shows how to use css create a simple menu. This is a simple and effictive way to build a homepage for yourself...