Make Mint Bubble Bath


Measure 1 cup of liquid peppermint castile soap in a large measuring cup with pour spout. Castile soap in a natural cleanser that is the foaming agent your mint bubble bath. Castile soap is made up entirely of olive oil and is a gentle moisturizer that will leave your skin clean and glowing.

Add 1 oz. of almond oil to the measuring cup. Almond oil is another natural moisturizer that penetrates the deep tissues of the skin. Not only does almond oil moisturize the skin without leaving an oily build-up on your skin, it also helps to soothe aches and pains after a long hard day.

Pour in 1 oz. of coconut oil. Coconut oil is a natural healing element, which is the perfect ingredient for sore, tired muscles. Coconut oil is not only a great smelling moisturizer, it can also help to relieve painful inflammation and heal dry, cracking skin. Coconut oil is a great bubble bath ingredient for those who suffer from arthritis.

Stir in five drops of mint essential oil and five drops of eucalyptus essential oil, mixing well. Your mint bubble bath is the perfect way to relax everyday, but can also be used to help soothe congestion of the nose and chest during a cold.

Mix the ingredients well and pour the mint bubble bath carefully into a clean plastic bottle with a tight fitting lid. Shake the bottle gently before using. To use, simply pour approximately one quarter of the bottle under hot running water and enjoy a relaxing soak.

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