What are current fashion trends in Sydney?



Q:I am going to study abroad in Sydney for a few years and was wondering what kind of clothes and accessories to buy. I have never been to Australia before so I don't know what types of clothes people typically wear. Any suggestions or information would be great. I'm looking to buy every day wear for college, jackets, and accessories. Thanks!
A:Same as London, NY, Paris, Rome, except that it's now our Winter. It's a cosmopolitan city of 4m+ in a country of 20m.

So, if you live in a large city/town, chances are the fashions will be similar in Sydney.
A:Hi There,

Alot of the young women here wear outfits with flat shoes, footless tights, a long top/dress over the tights with a big wide belt.

Boots are very popular as well. Boots (either high heel, or low riding type boots) with jeans tucked in is also very popular right now as well.

Hope this helps. I have found clothes, especially shoes to be very expensive here. I wish I had brought more from the US when we moved here!
A:dkw: I buy a most of my shoes and other clothes from the USA - particularly now that we are just about on parity with the US. I love the brands and the US made shoes and it is a change from everything made in China. Travel Smith is having a 70% sale right now and I have got an order in for clothes from there - the freight is not bad either and it makes the purchase a lot cheaper than buying locally.
A:AT the risk of not being able to get what I want because everyone will rush this online store, here is the website for clothing and goods which are not only designed for the travelling public but which are lovely anyway - this is the 70% off site


If you want to pack light you will find lots of great ideas on this site and the clothes which are designed for travelling are non iron, lightwight and very smart. I took travel underwear last trip, camisoles, a couple of shirts and a couple of the crinkle cotton pants and each one would dry overnight - fantastic!!!!!
A:PS - its OK as I have put in my order. Regarding Travel Smith If you cannot use the checkout just send them an email and they will tell you what to do.
posted @ 2008-10-31 16:51  KK in cnblog  阅读(246)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报