Acne & Bodybuilding - Vital Information



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For most of us, acne is something we have to deal with in the teenage years. Remember getting that pimple on your nose the same week as prom? Remember when stress of finals or the grease from school lunches would cause massive breakouts at the most socially inopportune time? Well, for most of us, those days are behind us. However, for those among us who choose to use anabolic steroids for greater physical development, acne is often an unhappy reality.

What causes acne in steroid users?


The skin contains sebaceous glands, which have receptors, like most organs and cells in the body. Just as the muscle cells respond to steroids by growing, the sebaceous glands respond to steroids (particularly the androgen Dihydrotestosterone which the body produces as a byproduct of increased testosterone) with increased secretion. Just as the teenager with high testosterone levels suffers from acne, the 40-year old man with artificially high testosterone levels will suffer from acne for the same reason. The higher the dose, the higher the testosterone level in the body, which results in worse cases of acne.


Will this acne stop when my cycle ends?

Yes. Once the body’s natural levels of testosterone production return, the sebaceous glands will return to normal production levels, and acne will subside. However, some AI/SERMs, used in PCT (post-cycle therapy) can lead to elevated testosterone levels, and therefore elevated acne levels as well.


How can I treat this acne?

Depending upon the severity of acne experienced, different treatment methods are employed. Initially, simple use of frequent cleanings with soap and water can alleviate much of the clogged pores. Taking it a step further, there is a wealth of special soaps and topical cleansers available, which can assist you in keeping the acne away. For most people, simply showering more frequently and wiping the oily regions with a clean, dry towel will eliminate much of the acne. However, for the heavier users, those who are overweight, or those who just respond strongly with great side effects, an over-the-counter oral medication might be necessary.


Many drugs exist which treat acne. However, before throwing them into your steroid stack, consult a medical professional to ensure you will not experience any drug interactions. After all, both the steroids you are taking as well as acne oral medications can be very toxic for the body. Taken together, a synergistic effect could occur which could lead to damaged organs or even death. Stay clean, and be careful!


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