new NioEventLoopGroup() ->
EventLoopGroup(其实是MultithreadEventExecutorGroup) 内部维护一个类型为 EventExecutor children 数组, 其大小是 nThreads, 这样就构成了一个线程池, Netty 的 EventLoopGroup 的实现机制其实就建立在 MultithreadEventExecutorGroup 之上. 每当 Netty 需要一个 EventLoop 时, 会调用 next() 方法获取一个可用的 EventLoop
如果我们在实例化 NioEventLoopGroup 时, 如果指定线程池大小, 则 nThreads 就是指定的值, 反之是处理器核心数 * 2
MultithreadEventExecutorGroup 中会调用 newChild 抽象方法来初始化 children 数组
抽象方法 newChild 是在 NioEventLoopGroup 中实现的, 它返回一个 NioEventLoop 实例.
NioEventLoop 属性:
SelectorProvider provider 属性: NioEventLoopGroup 构造器中通过 SelectorProvider.provider() 获取一个 SelectorProvider
Selector selector 属性: NioEventLoop 构造器中通过调用通过 selector = provider.openSelector() 获取一个 selector 对象.
- 创建一个线程选择器chooser,作用是从children线程组中,选取一个线程。
protected MultithreadEventExecutorGroup(int nThreads, Executor executor, EventExecutorChooserFactory chooserFactory, Object... args) { //nThreads个数默认是cpu核数的两倍 if (nThreads <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("nThreads: %d (expected: > 0)", nThreads)); } //线程创建器,里面主要是execute方法<br> //execute方法为threadFactory.newThread(command).start(); 每次执行任务的时候,都会创建一个线程 if (executor == null) { executor = new ThreadPerTaskExecutor(newDefaultThreadFactory()); } children = new EventExecutor[nThreads]; for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i ++) { boolean success = false; try { //详见下面newChild的分析
//数组中每个元素其实就是一个EventLoop,EventLoop是EventExecutor的子接口。 children[i] = newChild(executor, args); success = true; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: Think about if this is a good exception type throw new IllegalStateException("failed to create a child event loop", e); } finally { if (!success) { for (int j = 0; j < i; j ++) { children[j].shutdownGracefully(); } for (int j = 0; j < i; j ++) { EventExecutor e = children[j]; try { while (!e.isTerminated()) { e.awaitTermination(Integer.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } catch (InterruptedException interrupted) { // Let the caller handle the interruption. Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); break; } } } } } //创建线程选择器 chooser = chooserFactory.newChooser(children); final FutureListener<Object> terminationListener = new FutureListener<Object>() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future<Object> future) throws Exception { if (terminatedChildren.incrementAndGet() == children.length) { terminationFuture.setSuccess(null); } } }; for (EventExecutor e: children) { e.terminationFuture().addListener(terminationListener); } //将children线程组,存放到一个不可变的集合中,作为只读Set Set<EventExecutor> childrenSet = new LinkedHashSet<EventExecutor>(children.length); Collections.addAll(childrenSet, children); readonlyChildren = Collections.unmodifiableSet(childrenSet); }
- 保存线程创建器ThreadPerTaskExecutor
- 创建一个TaskQueue
- 创建一个selector
构造器里面传入了 NioEventLoopGroup、Executor、SelectorProvider、SelectStrategyFactory、RejectedExecutionHandler。从这里可以看出,一个NioEventLoop属于某一个NioEventLoopGroup, 且处于同一个NioEventLoopGroup下的所有NioEventLoop 公用Executor、SelectorProvider、SelectStrategyFactory和RejectedExecutionHandler。
还有一点需要注意的是,这里的SelectorProvider构造参数传入的是通过在NioEventLoopGroup里面的构造器里面的 SelectorProvider.provider();
方式获取的, 而这个方法返回的是一个单例的SelectorProvider, 所以所有的NioEventLoop公用同一个单例SelectorProvider。
protected EventLoop newChild(Executor executor, Object... args) throws Exception { return new NioEventLoop(this, executor, (SelectorProvider) args[0], ((SelectStrategyFactory) args[1]).newSelectStrategy(), (RejectedExecutionHandler) args[2]); } NioEventLoop(NioEventLoopGroup parent, Executor executor, SelectorProvider selectorProvider, SelectStrategy strategy, RejectedExecutionHandler rejectedExecutionHandler) { //调用父类构造器去保存线程创建器和创建TaskQueue super(parent, executor, false, DEFAULT_MAX_PENDING_TASKS, rejectedExecutionHandler); if (selectorProvider == null) { throw new NullPointerException("selectorProvider"); } if (strategy == null) { throw new NullPointerException("selectStrategy"); } provider = selectorProvider; selector = openSelector(); selectStrategy = strategy; }
protected Queue<Runnable> newTaskQueue(int maxPendingTasks) { return new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(maxPendingTasks); }
NioEventLoop 继承于 SingleThreadEventLoop, 而 SingleThreadEventLoop 又继承于 SingleThreadEventExecutor. SingleThreadEventExecutor 是 Netty 中对本地线程的抽象, 它内部有一个 Thread thread 属性, 存储了一个本地 Java 线程. 因此我们可以认为, 一个 NioEventLoop 其实和一个特定的线程绑定, 并且在其生命周期内, 绑定的线程都不会再改变.
NioEventLoop -> SingleThreadEventLoop -> SingleThreadEventExecutor -> AbstractScheduledEventExecutor
- 服务端启动绑定端口
- 新连接接入通过chooser绑定一NioEventLoop
bind -> execute(task) 入口
-> startThread() -> doStartThread() 创建线程
-> 启动
public void execute(Runnable task) { if (task == null) { throw new NullPointerException("task"); } boolean inEventLoop = inEventLoop(); if (inEventLoop) { addTask(task); } else { startThread(); addTask(task); if (isShutdown() && removeTask(task)) { reject(); } } if (!addTaskWakesUp && wakesUpForTask(task)) { wakeup(inEventLoop); } } private void doStartThread() { assert thread == null; //此处的executor即为ThreadPerTaskExecutor,调用execute则会创建一个新线程 executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { thread = Thread.currentThread(); if (interrupted) { thread.interrupt(); } boolean success = false; updateLastExecutionTime(); try {; success = true; } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("Unexpected exception from an event executor: ", t); } } }); }
- NioEventLoop执行
-> -> for(;;)
select() 检查是否有io事件
processSelectedKeys() 处理io事件
runAllTasks() 处理异步任务队列
for (;;) { try { switch (selectStrategy.calculateStrategy(selectNowSupplier, hasTasks())) { case SelectStrategy.CONTINUE: continue; case SelectStrategy.SELECT: //轮询注册在selector上的io事件 select(wakenUp.getAndSet(false)); if (wakenUp.get()) { selector.wakeup(); } default: // fallthrough } cancelledKeys = 0; needsToSelectAgain = false; //ioRatio如果没有设置的话,默认是50 final int ioRatio = this.ioRatio; if (ioRatio == 100) { try { processSelectedKeys(); } finally { // Ensure we always run tasks. runAllTasks(); } } else { final long ioStartTime = System.nanoTime(); try { processSelectedKeys(); } finally { // Ensure we always run tasks. final long ioTime = System.nanoTime() - ioStartTime; //此处传进去的是一个处理io的时间 runAllTasks(ioTime * (100 - ioRatio) / ioRatio); } } } catch (Throwable t) { handleLoopException(t); } }
- io事件检测,select()方法的执行逻辑
- 用户代码NioEventLoopGroup() 时,一组NioEventLoop被创建,创建时,每个NioEventLoop会创建一个selector和一个定时任务队列
- NioEventLoop首次调用execute()时,会创建一个新线程,然后将线程保存到成员变量,这样以后就能判断是否是该线程。
- NioEventLoop的执行逻辑在run()方法中,主要包括三个过程:检测io事件,处理io事件,执行任务队列。
- netty外部线程调用execute()方法时,需要通过inEventLoop()方法判断得出是外部线程,则会把操作封装成一个task,丢到任务队列里,然后等到NioEventLoop执行逻辑的第三个过程,这些task被执行。