
    # set the size of the vanvas
    set x 0
    set y 1
    set z 0.8
    set p 0
    set q 1
    set l 0.8
    set monkeyImage []
    set glassesImage []
    set beardImage []
    set sheepImage []
    set step1Image []

    set top .top43
    toplevel $top -class Toplevel \
        -menu "$top.m63" 
    wm focusmodel $top passive
    wm geometry $top 740x530+200+250; update
    wm maxsize $top 1284 982
    wm minsize $top 115 1
    wm overrideredirect $top 0
    wm resizable $top 1 1
    wm deiconify $top
    wm title $top "Sci_Digital_Makeup"

    canvas $top.can44 \
        -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101
    canvas $top.can45 \
        -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101
    canvas $top.can46 \
        -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101
    canvas $top.can47 \
        -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101
    canvas $top.can48 \
        -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101
    canvas $top.can49 \
        -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101
    canvas $top.can50 \
        -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101
    canvas $top.can51 \
        -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101
    canvas $top.can52 \
        -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101
    canvas $top.can53 \
        -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101
    canvas $top.can54 \
        -borderwidth 2 -closeenough 1.0 -height 142 -relief ridge -width 101
    canvas $top.can1 \
        -closeenough 1.0 -height 50 -relief ridge -width 50
    canvas $top.can2 \
        -closeenough 1.0 -height 50 -relief ridge -width 50
    canvas $top.can3 \
        -closeenough 1.0 -height 50 -relief ridge -width 50
    canvas $top.can4 \
        -closeenough 1.0 -height 50 -relief ridge -width 50
    label $top.lab1 \
        -text {}
    label $top.lab2 \
        -text {}
    label $top.lab3 \
        -text {}

    #-yscrollcommand {$w.vs set} -xscrollcommand {$w.hs set}
    #scrollbar $top.vs -command {$top.can yview}
    #scrollbar $top.hs -command {$top.can xview} -orient horizontal
    #grid $top.can44 $top.vs -sticky nsew
    #grid $top.hs -sticky nsew
    #grid rowconfigure    $top 1 -weight 1
    #grid columnconfigure $top 0 -weight 1

    labelframe $top.lab45 \
        -text {Choose Images} -height 75 -width 240
    set site_3_0 $top.lab45
    label $site_3_0.lab46 \
        -text {Mask Image} 
    label $site_3_0.lab47 \
        -text {Original Image}

    button $site_3_0.but74 \
        -pady 0 -takefocus 0 -text load -command {loadExample}

    button $site_3_0.but75 \
        -pady 0 -takefocus 0 -text load -command {loadSubject}
    entry $site_3_0.ent77 \
        -background white -takefocus 0
    label $site_3_0.lab79 \
        -text (1~10) 
    entry $site_3_0.ent80 \
        -background white -takefocus 0
    label $site_3_0.lab81 \
        -text (1~10)
    place $site_3_0.lab46 \
        -in $site_3_0 -x 9 -y 49 -width 84 -height 18 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $site_3_0.lab47 \
        -in $site_3_0 -x 9 -y 21 -width 84 -height 18 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $site_3_0.but74 \
        -in $site_3_0 -x 180 -y 49 -width 51 -height 19 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $site_3_0.but75 \
        -in $site_3_0 -x 180 -y 21 -width 51 -height 19 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $site_3_0.ent77 \
        -in $site_3_0 -x 100 -y 53 -width 29 -height 16 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $site_3_0.lab79 \
        -in $site_3_0 -x 128 -y 25 -width 48 -height 18 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $site_3_0.ent80 \
        -in $site_3_0 -x 100 -y 25 -width 29 -height 16 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $site_3_0.lab81 \
        -in $site_3_0 -x 128 -y 53 -width 42 -height 18 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    labelframe $top.lab51 \
        -text Parameters -height 220 -width 240 
    set site_3_0 $top.lab51
    labelframe $site_3_0.lab52 \
        -text {Skin Detail Transfer} -height 110 -width 200 
    set site_4_0 $site_3_0.lab52
    label $site_4_0.lab53 \
        -text {Delta I} 
    label $site_4_0.lab54 \
        -text {Delta E} 
    scale $site_4_0.sca83 \
        -bigincrement 0.0 -from 0.0 -orient horizontal -resolution 0.05 \
        -takefocus 0 -tickinterval 0.0 -to 1.0 -variable p -command onDeltaIChange
    scale $site_4_0.sca84 \
        -bigincrement 0.0 -from 0.0 -orient horizontal -resolution 0.05 \
        -takefocus 0 -tickinterval 0.0 -to 1.0 -variable q -command onDeltaEChange
    place $site_4_0.lab53 \
        -in $site_4_0 -x 30 -y 30 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $site_4_0.lab54 \
        -in $site_4_0 -x 30 -y 75 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $site_4_0.sca83 \
        -in $site_4_0 -x 85 -y 13 -width 106 -height 39 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $site_4_0.sca84 \
        -in $site_4_0 -x 85 -y 56 -width 106 -height 39 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    labelframe $site_3_0.lab59 \
        -text {Color Transfer} -height 65 -width 200 
    set site_4_0 $site_3_0.lab59
    label $site_4_0.lab60 \
        -text gama 
    scale $site_4_0.sca85 \
        -bigincrement 0.0 -from 0.0 -orient horizontal -resolution 0.05 \
        -takefocus 0 -tickinterval 0.0 -to 1.0 -variable l  -command onGamaChange
    place $site_4_0.lab60 \
        -in $site_4_0 -x 45 -y 30 -width 30 -height 18 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $site_4_0.sca85 \
        -in $site_4_0 -x 83 -y 13 -width 106 -height 39 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $site_3_0.lab52 \
        -in $site_3_0 -x 20 -y 25 -width 200 -height 110 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $site_3_0.lab59 \
        -in $site_3_0 -x 20 -y 140 -width 200 -height 65 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    button $top.but62 \
        -pady 0 -text {Make Up!} -command {Make_up}
    button $top.but63 \
        -pady 0 -text {ClearAll} -command {clearAll}
    menu $top.m63 \
        -activeborderwidth 1 -borderwidth 1 -tearoff 0

    $top.m63 add cascade \
        -menu "$top.m63.men64" -label Decomposition
    set site_3_0 $top.m63
    menu $site_3_0.men64 \
        -activeborderwidth 1 -borderwidth 1 -tearoff 0 
    $site_3_0.men64 add command \
        -command {showDecOriginal} -label {Original} 
    $site_3_0.men64 add command \
        -command {showDecMask} -label {Mask}

    $top.m63 add cascade \
        -menu "$top.m63.men96" -label Funny_effects
    set site_3_0 $top.m63
    menu $site_3_0.men96 \
        -activeborderwidth 1 -borderwidth 1 -tearoff 0 
    $site_3_0.men96 add command \
        -command {showBeard} -label {Beard_Man} 
    $site_3_0.men96 add command \
        -command {showSheep} -label {Sheep_Man} 
    $site_3_0.men96 add command \
        -command {showMonkey} -label {Monkey_Man} 
    $site_3_0.men96 add command \
        -command {showGlasses} -label {Glasses_Man}

    $top.m63 add cascade \
        -menu "$top.m63.men86" -label help 
    set site_3_0 $top.m63
    menu $site_3_0.men86 \
        -activeborderwidth 1 -borderwidth 1 -tearoff 0 
    $site_3_0.men86 add command \
        -command {showHow} -label {How to use} 
    $site_3_0.men86 add command \
        -command {showAboutUs} -label {About us} 
    $site_3_0.men86 add command \
        -command {showLogo} -label {Our logo}
    $site_3_0.men86 add command \
        -command {showContact} -label {Contact Us}
    place $top.can44 \
        -in $top -x 30 -y 20 -width 101 -height 142 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.can1 \
        -in $top -x 131 -y 76 -width 50 -height 50 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.can45 \
        -in $top -x 183 -y 20 -width 101 -height 142 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.can2 \
        -in $top -x 284 -y 76 -width 50 -height 50 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.can46 \
        -in $top -x 336 -y 20 -width 101 -height 142 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.can47 \
        -in $top -x 10 -y 200 -width 101 -height 142 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.can3 \
        -in $top -x 111 -y 236 -width 50 -height 50 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.can48 \
        -in $top -x 161 -y 200 -width 101 -height 142 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.can49 \
        -in $top -x 264 -y 200 -width 101 -height 142 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.can50 \
        -in $top -x 367 -y 200 -width 101 -height 142 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.can51 \
        -in $top -x 10 -y 350 -width 101 -height 142 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.can4 \
        -in $top -x 111 -y 396 -width 50 -height 50 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.can52 \
        -in $top -x 161 -y 350 -width 101 -height 142 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.can53 \
        -in $top -x 264 -y 350 -width 101 -height 142 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.can54 \
        -in $top -x 367 -y 350 -width 101 -height 142 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.lab45 \
        -in $top -x 485 -y 60 -width 240 -height 75 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.lab51 \
        -in $top -x 485 -y 187 -width 240 -height 220 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.but62 \
        -in $top -x 535 -y 442 -width 62 -height 24 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore 
    place $top.but63 \
        -in $top -x 620 -y 442 -width 62 -height 24 -anchor nw \
        -bordermode ignore
    place $top.lab1 -x 170 -y 180 -width 84 -height 18
    place $top.lab2 -x 272 -y 180 -width 84 -height 18
    place $top.lab3 -x 375 -y 180 -width 84 -height 18

    #showImage $AImage 44
    #showImage $BImage 45
    #showImage $whoImage 46
# load the example image and show it on the canvas
# when you click the 'load' button
proc loadExample {} {
      global image_path
      global ExampleImage
      global ExampleImagePath
      global EqImage

      set ExampleImagePath [.top43.lab45.ent77 get]
      if {$ExampleImagePath==""} {
    ScilabEval "error 'you must choose a mask image first!'"
    return ;
      set temp_image_path $image_path
      set ExampleImagePath [append temp_image_path $ExampleImagePath]
      append ExampleImagePath 1.jpg
      ScilabEval "temp=imread(TCL_GetVar('ExampleImagePath'));temp=Sci2TCLFormat(temp);TCL_SetVar('ExampleImage',temp);printf('Mask image loaded!\n\n');TCL_EvalFile(gui_path+'showExample.tcl')"

# load the subject image and show it on the canvas
# when you click the 'load' button
proc loadSubject {} {
      global SubjectImagePath
      global image_path
      global SubjectImage
      global plusImage

 .top43.can45 delete item
 .top43.can2 delete item

      set SubjectImagePath [.top43.lab45.ent80 get]
      if {$SubjectImagePath==""} {
      ScilabEval "error 'you must choose a original image first!'"
      return ;
      set temp_image_path $image_path
      set SubjectImagePath [append temp_image_path $SubjectImagePath]
      append SubjectImagePath 2.jpg
      ScilabEval "temp=imread(TCL_GetVar('SubjectImagePath'));temp=Sci2TCLFormat(temp);TCL_SetVar('SubjectImage',temp);printf('Original image loaded!\n\n');TCL_EvalFile(gui_path+'showSubject.tcl');"

# Main process of digital
# makeup.It is defined in
# the 'make_up_tcl.sci' file
proc Make_up {} {
        global resultImage

        wm title .top43 "Sci_Digital_Makeup—Digital Makeup is under processing.Please wait..."
 ScilabEval "exec(core_path +'make_up_tcl.sci',-1);temp=Sci2TCLFormat(rgb);TCL_SetVar('resultImage',temp);TCL_EvalFile(gui_path+'showResult.tcl');"

# Show a image on the tcl canvas.
# The parameter 'imagedata' passes
# the data we want to show,and 'pos'
# refer to the index of the canvas 
# to show the image on
proc showImage {imagedata pos} {
 global canvaswidth
 global canvasheight
 global imagewidth
 global imageheight
        set canvas can
        append canvas $pos
        set tkimg tkimage
        append tkimg $pos
 #create image
 image create photo $tkimg

 #put image data to tkimage
 $tkimg put $imagedata

 .top43.$canvas delete item
 .top43.$canvas create image 0 0 -tags item -image $tkimg  -anchor nw
 .top43.$canvas configure -scrollregion [.top43.can44 bbox all]

proc showDecOriginal {} {
     global SubjectImage
        global slargeScaleImage
        global sskinImage
        global RcaImage
        global arrowImage

        showImage $slargeScaleImage 48
        showImage $sskinImage 49
        showImage $RcaImage 50
   showImage $SubjectImage 47
        showImage $arrowImage 3
        .top43.lab1 configure -text {Face Structure}
        .top43.lab2 configure -text {Skin Detail}
        .top43.lab3 configure -text {Color}

proc showDecMask {} {
     global ExampleImage
        global RdImage
        global elargeScaleImage
        global aeImage
        global arrowImage

        showImage $elargeScaleImage 52
        showImage $RdImage 53
        showImage $aeImage 54
 showImage $ExampleImage 51
        showImage $arrowImage 4
        .top43.lab1 configure -text {Face Structure}
        .top43.lab2 configure -text {Skin Detail}
        .top43.lab3 configure -text {Color}

proc showMonkey {} {
       global monkeyImage


       wm title .top43 "Sci_Digital_Makeup—The Monkey_Man is under processing.Please wait..."

       if {$monkeyImage !=[]} { \
                       ScilabEval "TCL_EvalFile(gui_path+'showMonkey.tcl');" \
                  } \
       else { \
                       ScilabEval "exec(core_path+'monkey.sce');TCL_EvalFile(gui_path+'showMonkey.tcl');" \

proc showGlasses {} {
       global glassesImage


       wm title .top43 "Sci_Digital_Makeup—The Glasses_Man is under processing.Please wait..."

       if {$glassesImage !=[]} { \
                      ScilabEval "TCL_EvalFile(gui_path+'showGlasses.tcl');" \
                  } \
       else { \
                      ScilabEval "exec(core_path+'glasses.sce');TCL_EvalFile(gui_path+'showGlasses.tcl');" \
               } \

proc showBeard {} {
       global beardImage

       wm title .top43 "Sci_Digital_Makeup—The Beard_Man is under processing.Please wait..."

       if {$beardImage !=[]} { \
                    ScilabEval "TCL_EvalFile(gui_path+'showBeard.tcl');"  \
                 } \
       else  { \
                     ScilabEval "exec(core_path+'beard.sce');TCL_EvalFile(gui_path+'showBeard.tcl');" \              

proc showSheep {} {
       global sheepImage

       wm title .top43 "Sci_Digital_Makeup—The Sheep_Man is under processing.Please wait..."

       if {$sheepImage !=[]} { \
                   ScilabEval "TCL_EvalFile(gui_path+'showSheep.tcl');" \
                } \
       else { \
                   ScilabEval "exec(core_path+'sheep.sce');TCL_EvalFile(gui_path+'showSheep.tcl');" \

proc clearSome1 {} {
 .top43.can3 delete item
 .top43.can4 delete item
 .top43.can47 delete item
 .top43.can48 delete item
 .top43.can49 delete item
 .top43.can50 delete item
 .top43.can51 delete item
 .top43.can52 delete item
 .top43.can53 delete item
 .top43.can54 delete item

proc clearSome2 {} {
 .top43.can46 delete item


proc clearAll {} {
 .top43.can1 delete item
 .top43.can2 delete item
 .top43.can44 delete item
 .top43.can45 delete item

proc onDeltaIChange {value} {
       global x
       set x $value
       ScilabEval "deltaI=str2num(TCL_GetVar('x'));"

proc onDeltaEChange {value} {
       global y
       set y $value
       ScilabEval "deltaE=str2num(TCL_GetVar('y'));"

proc onGamaChange {value} {
       global z
       set z $value
       ScilabEval "gama=str2num(TCL_GetVar('z'));"

proc showHow {} {
 ScilabEval "loadSteps;TCL_EvalFile(gui_path+'steps\\step1.tcl');"

proc showLogo {} {
       ScilabEval "imshow(logoImage)"

proc showAboutUs {} {
        ScilabEval "imshow(aboutUsImage)";

proc showContact {} {
 ScilabEval "TCL_EvalFile(gui_path+'showContact.tcl');"

posted on 2011-12-19 22:47  balabala已被注册  阅读(5081)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报
