#include<bits/stdc++.h> /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * debug.h * Author: M * Update Date:11/06/19 10:23 * Description:for debug ,don'to submit cpps with it(you will CE)!!! For windows * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ #define ENDL puts("") #define debug cout #define STOP_1 pause() #define STOP_2 pause(1000) #define BIGW system("mode con cols=1000 lines=1000") #define SMALLW system("mode con cols=80 lines=30") #define MIDW system("mode con cols=100 lines=100") #define NL endl #define TL "\r" #define TAB "\t" #define SP " " #define STDLINE "------------------------------------------------------------\n" #define CTIME atexit(STDTIMEOUT) using namespace std; void STDTIMEOUT(){ const string l(32,'-'); //-------------------------------- cout<<NL<<l<<NL; printf("Finished in %10dms\n",clock()); } string bin(int number,int length_of_out){ string zeros(length_of_out,'0'); if(!number)return zeros; string number_bin; while(number){ if(number&1)number_bin+='1'; else number_bin+='0'; number>>=1; } while(number_bin.length()<length_of_out)number_bin=number_bin+"0"; reverse(number_bin.begin(),number_bin.end()); return number_bin; } string bits_27(int number,int length_of_out){ string zeros(length_of_out,'_'); if(number==0)return zeros; string number_bits_27; while(number>0){ if(number%27==0){ number_bits_27+=' '; } else number_bits_27+=number%27+'A'-1; number/=27; } while(number_bits_27.length()<length_of_out)number_bits_27=number_bits_27+'_'; reverse(number_bits_27.begin(),number_bits_27.end()); return number_bits_27; } inline void pause(){ while(1); } void pause(int time_ms){ int from_time=clock(); while(clock()-from_time<=time_ms); } void pause(const char* title){ cout<<title; system("pause"); } bool openfile(string fileout,string filein){ if(!freopen(filein.c_str(),"r",stdin)){ cout<<"No file named "+filein<<endl; fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout); return false; } freopen(fileout.c_str(),"w",stdout); return true; } bool closefile(){ if(fclose(stdin)&&fclose(stdout))return 1; return 0; } template<typename T> void pour(stack <T> x,int width){ stack <T> data; if(x.empty()){ cout<<"empty\n"; } while(!x.empty()){ int; cout<<setw(width)<<r; x.pop(); } } template <typename Tp> void savein(string dn,Tp type,string OutTypeN){ fstream sout;,ios_base::out|ios_base::app); sout<<OutTypeN<<": "<<type<<endl; sout.close(); } template <typename T> void pour(vector <T> x,int width,const char *title){ cout<<title<<":"; T* b=x.begin(),e=x.end(); for(T* i=b;i<=e;i++){ cout<<setw(width)<<*i; } } template <typename Tp> void pour(Tp Arrayname,int cols_from,int cols_to,int line_from,int line_to,int width,const char *title){ cout<<title<<"Array[i][j]:\n"<<setw(width)<<"*"<<":"; for(int i=line_from;i<=line_to;i++)cout<<setw(width)<<i;ENDL; for(int i=cols_from;i<=cols_to;i++){ cout<<setw(width)<<i<<":"; for(int j=line_from;j<=line_to;j++){ cout<<setw(width)<<Arrayname[i][j]; } ENDL; } } string Bot(bool bool_type){ if(bool_type)return "true"; return "false"; } template <typename Tp> void pour(Tp Array,int from,int to,int width,const char* title){ cout<<setw(width)<<title<<":"; for(int i=to;i>=from;i--){ cout<<setw(width)<<Array[i]; } ENDL; } template <typename Tp> void pour(deque <Tp> _deque,int width,const char *title,const char *_mode){ cout<<setw(width)<<title<<":"; try{ switch(_mode[0]){ case 'f': case 'F': if(_deque.empty()) cout<<"Emtpy"; else while(!_deque.empty()){ cout<<setw(width)<<_deque.front(); _deque.pop_front(); } break; case 'B': case 'b': if(_deque.empty()) cout<<"Emtpy"; else while(!_deque.empty()){ cout<<setw(width)<<_deque.back(); _deque.pop_back(); } break; default: throw "Mode Error\nOnly Have \"Front\" or \"Back\""; break; } } catch(const char* exp){ cout<<"\nTip:"<<exp<<endl; } ENDL; } template<typename Tp> void pour(queue <Tp> _queue,int width,const char *title){ cout<<setw(width)<<title<<":"; if(_queue.empty()) cout<<"Empty"; else while(!_queue.empty()){ cout<<setw(width)<<_queue.front(); _queue.pop(); } ENDL; }
/* * debug.h * * Copyright (C) 2019 - Miemeng * * debug.h is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * debug.h is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with . If not, see <>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >Before you use it ,you need to know... * Name:debug.h * Author: Miemeng * Update Date:15/09/19 * Description: + For debug ,Don't submit your codes with: - #include "debug.h" + This is a version for Linux + Latest Update - Counters - Some Small Details ;) - Some limits for C++11 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ #ifndef DEBUG_H //For redefination #define DEBUG_H #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define ENDL std::cerr<<std::endl #define debug std::cerr #define STOP_1 pause() #define STOP_2 pause(1000) #define NL "\n" #define TL "\r" #define TAB "\t" #define SP " " #define CTIME atexit(STDTIMEOUT) #define name(k) #k #define Out(k) std::cerr<<name(k)<<":"<<k<<std::endl #define STDLINE "-----------------------------------------" /* This Namespace contains some var for Debug. So you can change them to custom your Codes. */ namespace Debug_var{ std::string True("true"),False("false"), leftBracket("("),rightBracket(")"); } void STDTIMEOUT(); class Warranty_t{ public: Warranty_t(const char* warning){ std::cerr<<"[WARNING]:"<<warning<<std::endl; } }; /* This will remind you of this header. So you will not submit your code with it ;) */ const Warranty_t Pub_warning("You Are Using The Header \"debug.h\""); class timer{ public: timer(){ CTIME; } }; /* This is a timer that runs when the program stops. */ const timer stdtimer; class Counter{ int Count_number; std::string Name; public: Counter(const char *st){ Count_number=0; Name=st; } ~Counter(){ std::cerr<<"[NOTE]:The Counter("\ <<this->Name\ <<") Runs "\ <<std::setw(8)<<this->Count_number\ <<" times"<<std::endl; } int operator () (void){ this->Count_number++; return this->Count_number; } }; using namespace std; /* Turn int to string */ std::string intstr(int int_var){ stringstream ss; string res; ss<<int_var; ss>>res; return res; } /* Turn bin int to a string for your dp. */ std::string int_toseq(int int_var,int minBit,int maxBit){ std::string str; for(int id_1=minBit;id_1<=maxBit;id_1++){ int id_2=1<<id_1; if(int_var&id_2)str+=Debug_var::leftBracket; else str+=SP; str+=intstr(id_1); if(int_var&id_2)str+=Debug_var::rightBracket; else str+=SP; } return str; } std::string int_toseq(int int_var,int minBit,int maxBit,int _delta_t){ //A version for different beginning std::string str; for(int id_1=minBit;id_1<=maxBit;id_1++){ int id_2=1<<(id_1-_delta_t); if(int_var&id_2)str+=Debug_var::leftBracket; else str+=SP; str+=intstr(id_1); if(int_var&id_2)str+=Debug_var::rightBracket; else str+=SP; } return str; } /* This function prints a increasing number. */ void t_counter(){ static int times=0; std::cerr<<"#" <<++times<<"Runs"<<std::endl; } /* Turn bool to a string . */ string Bot(bool bool_type){ if(bool_type)return Debug_var::True; return Debug_var::False; } /* The time output. When you use it,you will get a time output */ void STDTIMEOUT(){ std::cerr<<NL<<STDLINE<<NL; std::cerr<<"Runing Time:"<<setw(10)<<clock()/1000.0<<" ms"; std::cerr<<NL<<STDLINE<<NL; } /* Return a value you need. */ template <typename Tp> Tp In(Tp &Type){ std::cin>>Type; return Type; } #if __cplusplus >= 201103 template <typename Tp=int> #else template <typename Tp> #endif Tp getval(){ Tp k; std::cin>>k; return k; } /* Turn a DEC number to BIN */ string bin(int number,unsigned int length_of_out){ string zeros(length_of_out,'0'); if(!number)return zeros; string number_bin; while(number){ if(number&1)number_bin+='1'; else number_bin+='0'; number>>=1; } while(number_bin.length()<length_of_out)number_bin=number_bin+"0"; reverse(number_bin.begin(),number_bin.end()); return number_bin; } /* Pause; */ inline void pause(){ std::cerr<<"Paused"<<std::endl; while(1); } void pause(int time_ms){ time_t from_time=clock(); while(clock()-from_time<=time_ms*1000); } /* Quick freopen */ bool openfile(string filein,string fileout){ if(!freopen(filein.c_str(),"r",stdin)){ std::cerr<<"No file named "+filein<<std::endl; fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout); return false; } freopen(fileout.c_str(),"w",stdout); return true; } /* Quick fclose */ bool closefile(){ if(fclose(stdin)&&fclose(stdout))return 1; return 0; } /* Pours */ #if __cplusplus >= 201103 template<typename Tp> void pour(Tp _type,int width,const char *title){ std::cerr<<title<<":"; for(auto _it:_type){ std::cerr<<setw(width)<<_it; } ENDL; } template<typename Tp,typename Outer> void pour(Tp _type,Outer _out,const char *title){ std::cerr<<title<<":"; for(auto _it:_type){ _out(_it); } puts(STDLINE); } #endif template<typename T> void pour(stack <T> x,int width){ stack <T> data; if(x.empty()){ std::cerr<<"empty\n"; } while(!x.empty()){ int; std::cerr<<setw(width)<<r; x.pop(); } } template <typename Tp> void savein(string FIle_Name,Tp type,string OutTypeN){ fstream sout;,ios_base::out|ios_base::app); sout<<OutTypeN<<": "<<type<<std::endl; sout.close(); } template <typename Tp> void pour(Tp Arrayname,int cols_from,int cols_to,int line_from,int line_to,int width,const char *title){ std::cerr<<title<<"_Array[][]:"<<std::endl<<setw(width)<<"*"<<":"; for(int id=line_from;id<=line_to;id++)std::cerr<<setw(width)<<id;ENDL; for(int id_1=cols_from;id_1<=cols_to;id_1++){ std::cerr<<setw(width)<<id_1<<":"; for(int id_2=line_from;id_2<=line_to;id_2++){ std::cerr<<setw(width)<<Arrayname[id_1][id_2]; } ENDL; } } template <typename Tp> void pour(Tp Array,int from,int to,int width,const char* title){ std::cerr<<setw(width)<<title<<":"; for(int id=from;id<=to;id++) std::cerr<<setw(width)<<Array[id]; ENDL; } template <typename Tp,typename Out_Func> void pour(Tp Array,int from,int to,Out_Func _out,const char *title){ std::cerr<<title<<":"<<std::endl; for(int id=from;id<=to;id++) _out(Array[id]); ENDL; } template <typename Tp> void pour(deque <Tp> _deque,int width,const char *title,const char *_mode){ std::cerr<<setw(width)<<title<<":"; try{ switch(_mode[0]){ case 'f': case 'F': if(_deque.empty()) std::cerr<<"Emtpy"; else while(!_deque.empty()){ std::cerr<<setw(width)<<_deque.front(); _deque.pop_front(); } break; case 'B': case 'b': if(_deque.empty()) std::cerr<<"Emtpy"; else while(!_deque.empty()){ std::cerr<<setw(width)<<_deque.back(); _deque.pop_back(); } break; default: throw "Mode Error\nOnly Have \"Front\" or \"Back\""; break; } } catch(const char* exp){ std::cerr<<"\n[ERROR]:"<<exp<<std::endl; } ENDL; } template<typename Tp> void pour(queue <Tp> _queue,int width,const char *title){ std::cerr<<setw(width)<<title<<":"; if(_queue.empty()) std::cerr<<"Empty"; else while(!_queue.empty()){ std::cerr<<setw(width)<<_queue.front(); _queue.pop(); } ENDL; } #endif