Convex Functions

1. Basic properties and examples

1.1 Definitions

​ A function \(f:\R^n\rarr\R\) is convex if \(\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\) is a convex set and if for all \(x,y\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\), and \(\theta\) with \(0\le\theta\le1\), we have

\[f(\theta x+(1-\theta)y)\le\theta f(x)+(1-\theta)f(y) \]

We say \(f\) is concave if \(-f\) is convex.

1.2 Extended-value extensions

​ It is often convenient to extend a convex function to all of \(\R^n\) by defining its value to be \(\infin\) outside its domain. If \(f\) is convex, define its extended-value extension \(\tilde f: \R^n\rarr\R\cup\{\infin\}\) by

\[\tilde f(x)=\left\{\begin{align}&f(x) &x\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\\ &\infin &x\notin\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f \end{align} \right. \]

\(\tilde f(x)\) is also convex.

1.3 First-order conditions

​ Suppose \(f\) is differentiable (i.e., its gradient \(\nabla f\) exists at each point in \(\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\), which is open). Then \(f\) is convex if and only if \(\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\) is convex and

\[f(y)\ge f(x)+\nabla f(x)^T(y-x) \]

holds for all \(x,y\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\). Similarly, \(f\) is concave if and only if \(\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\) is convex and

\[f(y)\le f(x)+\nabla f(x)^T(y-x) \]

for all \(x,y\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\).

1.4 Second-order conditions

​ We now assume \(f\) is twice differentiable, that is, its Hessian or second derivative \(\nabla^2f\) exists at each point of \(\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\), which is open. Then \(f\) is convex if and only if \(\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\) is convex and its Hessian is positive semidefinite: for all \(x\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\),

\[\nabla^2f(x)\succeq0 \]

The Hessian matrix of function \(f\) is defined by

\[H_f= \begin{bmatrix} \displaystyle\frac{\part^2 f}{\part x_1^2} & \displaystyle\frac{\part^2 f}{\part x_1\part x_2} & \cdots & \displaystyle\frac{\part^2 f}{\part x_1\part x_n} \\ \displaystyle\frac{\part^2 f}{\part x_2\part x_1} & \displaystyle\frac{\part^2 f}{\part x_2^2} & \cdots & \displaystyle\frac{\part^2 f}{\part x_2\part x_n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\ \displaystyle\frac{\part^2 f}{\part x_n\part x_n} & \displaystyle\frac{\part^2 f}{\part x_n\part x_2} & \cdots & \displaystyle\frac{\part^2 f}{\part x_n^2} \end{bmatrix} \]

For a function on \(\R\), this reduces to the simple condition \(f''(x)\ge0\), which means that the derivative is nondecreasing. The condition \(\nabla^2f(x)\succeq0\) can be interpreted geometrically as the requirement that the graph of the function have positive curvature at \(x\).

1.5 Examples

​ Omitted

1.6 Sublevel sets

​ The \(\alpha\)-sublevel set of a function \(f:\R^n\rarr\R\) is defined as

\[C_\alpha =\{x\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f |\ f(x)\le\alpha\} \]

Sublevel sets of a convex function are convex, for any value of \(\alpha\).

​ Similarly, if \(f\) is concave, its \(\alpha\)-superlevel set, given by \(\{x\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\ |\ f(x)\ge\alpha\}\), is a convex set.

1.7 Epigraph

​ The graph of a function \(f:\R^n\rarr\R\) is defined as

\[\{(x,f(x))\ |\ x\in \mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\} \]

which is a subset of \(\R^{n+1}\). The epigraph of a function \(f:\R^n\rarr\R\) is defined as

\[\mathrm{\textbf{epi}}\ f=\{(x,t)\ |\ x\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f,f(x)\le t\} \]

A function is convex if and only if its epigraph is a convex set. A function is concave if and only if its hypograph, defined as

\[\mathrm{\textbf{hypo}}\ f=\{(x,t)\ |\ t\le f(t)\} \]

is a convex set.

​ Many results for convex functions can be proved (or interpreted) geometrically using epigraphs, and applying results for convex sets. As an example, consider the first-order condition for convexity:

\[f(y)\ge f(x)+\nabla f(x)^T(y-x) \]

where \(f\) is convex and \(x,y\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\). We can interpret this basic inequality geometrically in terms of \(\mathrm{\textbf{epi}}\ f\). If \((y,t)\in \mathrm{\textbf{epi}}\ f\), then

\[t\ge f(y)\ge f(x)+\nabla f(x)^T(y-x) \]

We can express this as:

\[(y,t)\in\mathrm{\textbf{epi}}\ f\Longrightarrow \begin{bmatrix} \nabla f(x)\\ -1 \end{bmatrix}^T \left( \begin{bmatrix}y\\t \end{bmatrix}- \begin{bmatrix}x\\f(x) \end{bmatrix} \right)\le 0 \]

This means that the hyperplane defined by \((\nabla f(x),-1)\) supports \(\mathrm{\textbf{epi}}\ f\) at the boundary point \((x,f(x))\).

1.8 Jensen's inequality and extensions

​ The basic inequality

\[f(\theta x+(1-\theta)y) \le\theta f(x)+(1-\theta)f(y) \]

is sometimes called Jensen's inequality.

​ As in the case of convex sets, the inequality extends to infinite sums, integrals, and expected values. For example, if \(p(x)\ge0\) on \(S\subseteq\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\), \(\int_Sp(x)\mathrm dx=1\), then

\[f\left(\int_Sp(x)x\mathrm dx \right)\le\int_Sf(x)p(x)\mathrm dx \]

​ If \(x\) is a random variable such that \(x\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\) with probability one, and \(f\) is convex, then we have

\[f(\mathrm{\textbf{E}}x)\le \mathrm{\textbf{E}}f(x) \]

​ All of these inequalities are now called Jensen's inequality.

2. Operations that preserve convexity

2.1 Nonnegative weighted sums

​ If \(f(x,y)\) is convex in \(x\) for every \(y\in\mathcal A\), and \(w(y)\ge0\) for every \(y\in\mathcal A\), then the function \(g\) defined as

\[g = \int_{\mathcal A}w(y)f(x,y)\mathrm dy \]

is convex in \(x\) (provided that the integral exists).

2.2 Composition with an affine mapping

​ Suppose \(f: \R^n\rarr\R,A\in\R^{n\times m},b\in\R^n\) Define \(g:\R^m\rarr\R\) by

\[g(x)=f(Ax+b) \]

with \(\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ g=\{x\ |\ Ax+b\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\}\). If \(f\) is convex, then so is \(g\).

2.3 Pointwise maximum and supremum

​ If \(f_1\) and \(f_2\) are convex functions then their pointwise maximum \(f\), defined by

\[f(x) = \max\{f_1(x),f_2(x)\} \]

with \(\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f=\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f_1\cap\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f_2\) is also convex.

2.4 Composition

​ Suppose \(h:\R^k\rarr\R,g:\R^n\rarr\R^k\) and they are convex, then we discuss the convexity of their composition \(f=h\circ g:\R^n\rarr\R\), defined as

\[f = h(g(x)),\quad \mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f=\{x\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ g\ |\ g(x)\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ h\} \]


3. The conjugate function

3.1 Definitions

The supermum of a subset \(S\) of a partially ordered set \(P\) is the least element in \(P\) that is greater than or equal to each element of \(S\), if such an element exists.

​ Let \(f:\R^n\rarr\R\). The function \(f^*:\R^n\rarr\R\) defined as

\[f^*(y)=\sup_{x\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f}(y^Tx-f(x)) \]

is called the conjugate of the function \(f\). The domain of the conjugate function consists of \(y\in\R^n\) for which the supremum is finite, i.e., for which the difference \(y^Tx-f(x)\) is bounded above on \(\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\).

​ We see immediately that \(f^*\) is convex, since it is the pointwise supermum of a family of convex functions of \(y\). This is true whether or not \(f\) is convex.

3.2 Basic properties

Fenchel's inequality

\[f^*(y)+f(x)\ge y^Tx \]

This is quite obvious.

Conjugate of the conjugate

​ The conjugate of the conjugate of a convex function is the original function.

Differentiable functions ★

​ The conjugate of a differentiable function \(f\) is also called the Legendre transform of \(f\).

​ Suppose \(f\) is convex and differentiable, with \(\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f=\R^n\). Any maximizer \(x^*\) of \(y^Tx-f(x)\) satisfies \(y=\nabla f(x^*)\), and conversely, if \(x^*\) satisfies \(y=\nabla f(x^*)\), then \(x^*\) maximizes \(y^Tx-f(x)\). Therefore, if \(y=\nabla f(x^*)\), we have

\[f^*(y)=x^{*T}\nabla f(x^*)-f(x^*) \]

This allows us to determine \(f^*(y)\) for any \(f\) for which we can solve the gradient equation \(y=\nabla f(z)\) for any \(z\).

​ We can express this another way. Let \(z\in\R^n\) be arbitrary and define \(y=\nabla f(z)\). Then we have

\[f^*(y)=z^T\nabla f(z)-f(z) \]

Scaling and composition with affine transformation

​ Suppose \(A\in\R^{n\times n}\) is nonsingular and \(b\in\R^n\). Then the conjugate of \(g(x)=f(Ax+b)\) is

\[g^*(y)=f^*(A^{-T}y)-b^TA^{-T}y \]

with \(\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ g^* = A^T\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f^*\).

Sums of independent functions

​ If \(f(u,v) = f_1(u)+f_2(v)\), where \(f_1\) and \(f_2\) are convex functions with conjugates \(f_1^*\) and \(f_2^*\), respectively, then

\[f^*(w,z)=f_1^*(w)+f^*_2(z) \]

4. Quasiconvex functions

4.1 Definition

​ A function \(f:\R^n\rarr\R\) is called quasiconvex if its domain and all its sublevel sets

\[S_\alpha=\{x\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\ |\ f(x)\le\alpha\} \]

for all \(\alpha\in\R\), are convex. A function is quasiconcave if \(-f\) is quasiconvex, i.e., every superlevel set \(\{x\ |\ f(x)\ge\alpha\}\) is convex.

​ A function that is both quasiconvex and quasiconcave is called quasilinear. If a function is quasilinear, then its domain, and every level set \(\{x\ |\ f(x)=\alpha\}\) is convex.

​ For a function on \(\R\), quasiconvexity requires that each sublevel set to be an interval. All convex functions are quasiconvex, but not all quasiconvex functions are convex, so quasiconvexity is a generalization of convexity.

4.2 Basic properties

​ A function is quasiconvex if and only \(\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\) is convex and for any \(x,y\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\) and \(0\le\theta\le1\),

\[f(\theta x+(1-\theta y))\le\max\{f(x),f(y)\} \]

Quasiconvex functions on \(\R\)

​ A continuous function \(f:\R\rarr\R\) is quasiconvex if and only if at least one of the following conditions holds:

  • \(f\) is nondecreasing
  • \(f\) is nonincreasing
  • there is a point \(c\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\) such that for \(t\le c\) (and \(t\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\)), \(f\) is nonincreasing, and for \(t\ge c\) (and \(t\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\)), \(f\) is nondecreasing.

4.3 Differentiable quasiconvex functions

First-order conditions

​ Suppose \(f:\R^n\rarr\R\) is differentiable. Then \(f\) is quaisconvex if and only if \(\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\) is convex and for all \(x,y\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\)

\[f(y)\le f(x)\Longrightarrow\nabla f(x)^T(y-x)\le 0\tag{4.1} \]

Proof It suffices to proove the result for a function on \(\R\); the general result follows by restrication to an arbitrary line.

​ Suppose \(f\) is differentiable function on \(\R\) and satisfies

\[f(y)\le f(x)\Longrightarrow f'(x)(y-x)\le 0 \]

Suppose \(f(x_1)\ge f(x_2)\) where \(x_1\ne x_2\). We assume \(x_2>x_1\), and show that \(f(z)\le f(x_1)\) for \(z\in[x_1,x_2]\). Suppose there exists a \(z\in[x_1,x_2]\) with \(f(z)>f(x_1)\). Since \(f\) is differentiable, we can choose a \(z\) that also satisfies \(f'(z)<0\). Because

\[f(x_2)\le f(x_1)<f(z)\Longrightarrow f'(z)(x_2-z)\le 0 \]

However, \(f(x_1)<f(z)\Longrightarrow f'(z)(x_1-z)\le0\) implies \(f'(z)\ge0\), which contradicts \(f'(z)<0\).

​ To prove sufficiency, assume \(f\) is quasiconvex. Suppose \(f(x)\ge f(y)\). By the definition of quasiconvexity \(f(x+t(y-x))\le f(x)\) for \(0<t\le1\). Diving both sides by \(t\), taking limit for \(t\rarr0\), we obtain

\[\lim_{t\rarr0}\frac{f(x+t(y-x))-f(x)}t=f'(x)(y-x)\le0 \]

​ The condition (4.1) has a simple geometric interpretation when \(\nabla f(x)\ne0\). It states that \(\nabla f(x)\) defines a supporting hyperplane to the sublevel set \(\{y\ |\ f(y)\le f(x)\}\), at the point \(x\).

Second-order conditions

​ Now suppose \(f\) is twice differentiable. If \(f\) is quasiconvex, then for all \(x\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\), and all \(y\in\R^n\), we have

\[y^T\nabla f(x)=0\Longrightarrow y^T\nabla^2f(x)y\ge0\tag{4.2} \]

For a quasicconvex function on \(\R\), this reduces a simple condition

\[f'(x)=0\Longrightarrow f''(x)\ge0 \]

For a quasiconvex function on \(\R^n\), when \(\nabla f(x)\ne0\), the condition (4.2) means that \(\nabla^2f(x)\) is positive semidefinite on the \((n-1)\)-dimensional subspace \(\nabla f(x)^{\perp}\). This implies that \(\nabla^2f(x)\) can have at most one negative eigenvalue.

​ As a (partial) converse, if \(f\) satisfies

\[y^T\nabla f(x)=0\Longrightarrow y^T\nabla^2f(x)y\ge0 \]

for \(x\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\) and all \(y\in\R^n,y\ne0\), then \(f\) is quasiconvex.

4.4 Operations that preserve quasiconvexity


4.5 Representation via family of convex functions

​ In the sequel, it will be convenient to represent the sublevel sets of a quasiconvex function \(f\) (which are convex) via inequalities of convex functions. We seek a family of convex functions \(\phi_t:\R^n\rarr\R\), indexed by \(t\in\R\), with

\[f(x)\le t\Longleftrightarrow\phi_t(x)\le0\tag{4.3} \]

​ To see that such a representable always exists, we can take

\[\phi_t(x)=\left\{\begin{align}&0&&f(x)\le t\\&\infin&&\mathrm{otherwise} \end{align}\right. \]

5. Log-concave and log-convex functions


6. Convexity with respect to generalized inequalities

6.1 Monotonicity with respect to a generalized inequality

​ Suppose \(K\subseteq\R^n\) is a proper cone with associated generalized inequality \(\preceq_K\). A function \(f:\R^n\rarr\R\) is called K-nondecreasing if

\[x\preceq_K y\Longrightarrow f(x)\le f(y) \]

and K-increasing if

\[x\prec_K y,x\ne y\Longrightarrow f(x)<f(y) \]

Gradient conditions with monotonicity

​ A differentiable function \(f\), with convex domain, is \(K\)-nondecreasing if and only if

\[\nabla f(x)\succeq_{K^*}0 \]

for all \(x\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\). The converse is not true.

6.2 Convexity with respect to a generalized inequality

​ Suppose \(K\subseteq\R^m\) is a proper cone with associated generalized inequality \(\preceq_K\). We say \(f: \R^n\rarr\R^m\) is \(K\)-convex if for all \(x,y\), and \(0\le\theta\le1\),

\[f(\theta x+(1-\theta)y)\preceq_K\theta f(x)+(1-\theta)f(y) \]

Dual characterization of \(K\)-convexity

​ A function \(f\) is \(K\)-convex if and only for every \(w\succeq_{K^*}0\), the function \(w^Tf\) is convex.

Differentiable \(K\)-convex functions

​ A differentiable function \(f\) is \(K\)-convex if and only if its domain is convex, and for all \(x,y\in\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ f\),

\[f(y)\succeq_Kf(x)+\mathrm Df(x)(y-x) \]

(Here \(\mathrm Df(x)\in\R^{m\times n}\) is the derivative or Jacobian matrix of \(f\) at \(x\)).

Suppose \(f:\R^n\rarr\R^m\), the Jacobian matrix of \(f\) is defined as

\[J= \begin{bmatrix} \displaystyle\frac{\part f_1}{\part x_1}& \cdots& \displaystyle\frac{\part f_1}{\part x_n}\\ \vdots & \ddots &\vdots\\ \displaystyle\frac{\part f_m}{\part x_1}& \cdots& \displaystyle\frac{\part f_m}{\part x_n} \end{bmatrix} \]

Composition theorem

​ If \(g:\R^n\rarr\R^p\) is \(K\)-convex, \(h:\R^p\rarr\R\) is convex, and \(\tilde h\)(the extended-value extensions of \(h\)) is \(K\)-nondecreasing, then \(h\circ g\) is convex.

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