Convex Functions

1. Basic properties and examples

1.1 Definitions

​ A function f:RnR is convex if dom f is a convex set and if for all x,ydom f, and θ with 0θ1, we have


We say f is concave if f is convex.

1.2 Extended-value extensions

​ It is often convenient to extend a convex function to all of Rn by defining its value to be outside its domain. If f is convex, define its extended-value extension f~:RnR{} by

f~(x)={(1)f(x)xdom f(2)xdom f

f~(x) is also convex.

1.3 First-order conditions

​ Suppose f is differentiable (i.e., its gradient f exists at each point in dom f, which is open). Then f is convex if and only if dom f is convex and


holds for all x,ydom f. Similarly, f is concave if and only if dom f is convex and


for all x,ydom f.

1.4 Second-order conditions

​ We now assume f is twice differentiable, that is, its Hessian or second derivative 2f exists at each point of dom f, which is open. Then f is convex if and only if dom f is convex and its Hessian is positive semidefinite: for all xdom f,


The Hessian matrix of function f is defined by


For a function on R, this reduces to the simple condition f(x)0, which means that the derivative is nondecreasing. The condition 2f(x)0 can be interpreted geometrically as the requirement that the graph of the function have positive curvature at x.

1.5 Examples

​ Omitted

1.6 Sublevel sets

​ The α-sublevel set of a function f:RnR is defined as

Cα={xdom f| f(x)α}

Sublevel sets of a convex function are convex, for any value of α.

​ Similarly, if f is concave, its α-superlevel set, given by {xdom f | f(x)α}, is a convex set.

1.7 Epigraph

​ The graph of a function f:RnR is defined as

{(x,f(x)) | xdom f}

which is a subset of Rn+1. The epigraph of a function f:RnR is defined as

epi f={(x,t) | xdom f,f(x)t}

A function is convex if and only if its epigraph is a convex set. A function is concave if and only if its hypograph, defined as

hypo f={(x,t) | tf(t)}

is a convex set.

​ Many results for convex functions can be proved (or interpreted) geometrically using epigraphs, and applying results for convex sets. As an example, consider the first-order condition for convexity:


where f is convex and x,ydom f. We can interpret this basic inequality geometrically in terms of epi f. If (y,t)epi f, then


We can express this as:

(y,t)epi f[f(x)1]T([yt][xf(x)])0

This means that the hyperplane defined by (f(x),1) supports epi f at the boundary point (x,f(x)).

1.8 Jensen's inequality and extensions

​ The basic inequality


is sometimes called Jensen's inequality.

​ As in the case of convex sets, the inequality extends to infinite sums, integrals, and expected values. For example, if p(x)0 on Sdom f, Sp(x)dx=1, then


​ If x is a random variable such that xdom f with probability one, and f is convex, then we have


​ All of these inequalities are now called Jensen's inequality.

2. Operations that preserve convexity

2.1 Nonnegative weighted sums

​ If f(x,y) is convex in x for every yA, and w(y)0 for every yA, then the function g defined as


is convex in x (provided that the integral exists).

2.2 Composition with an affine mapping

​ Suppose f:RnR,ARn×m,bRn Define g:RmR by


with dom g={x | Ax+bdom f}. If f is convex, then so is g.

2.3 Pointwise maximum and supremum

​ If f1 and f2 are convex functions then their pointwise maximum f, defined by


with dom f=dom f1dom f2 is also convex.

2.4 Composition

​ Suppose h:RkR,g:RnRk and they are convex, then we discuss the convexity of their composition f=hg:RnR, defined as

f=h(g(x)),dom f={xdom g | g(x)dom h}


3. The conjugate function

3.1 Definitions

The supermum of a subset S of a partially ordered set P is the least element in P that is greater than or equal to each element of S, if such an element exists.

​ Let f:RnR. The function f:RnR defined as

f(y)=supxdom f(yTxf(x))

is called the conjugate of the function f. The domain of the conjugate function consists of yRn for which the supremum is finite, i.e., for which the difference yTxf(x) is bounded above on dom f.

​ We see immediately that f is convex, since it is the pointwise supermum of a family of convex functions of y. This is true whether or not f is convex.

3.2 Basic properties

Fenchel's inequality


This is quite obvious.

Conjugate of the conjugate

​ The conjugate of the conjugate of a convex function is the original function.

Differentiable functions ★

​ The conjugate of a differentiable function f is also called the Legendre transform of f.

​ Suppose f is convex and differentiable, with dom f=Rn. Any maximizer x of yTxf(x) satisfies y=f(x), and conversely, if x satisfies y=f(x), then x maximizes yTxf(x). Therefore, if y=f(x), we have


This allows us to determine f(y) for any f for which we can solve the gradient equation y=f(z) for any z.

​ We can express this another way. Let zRn be arbitrary and define y=f(z). Then we have


Scaling and composition with affine transformation

​ Suppose ARn×n is nonsingular and bRn. Then the conjugate of g(x)=f(Ax+b) is


with dom g=ATdom f.

Sums of independent functions

​ If f(u,v)=f1(u)+f2(v), where f1 and f2 are convex functions with conjugates f1 and f2, respectively, then


4. Quasiconvex functions

4.1 Definition

​ A function f:RnR is called quasiconvex if its domain and all its sublevel sets

Sα={xdom f | f(x)α}

for all αR, are convex. A function is quasiconcave if f is quasiconvex, i.e., every superlevel set {x | f(x)α} is convex.

​ A function that is both quasiconvex and quasiconcave is called quasilinear. If a function is quasilinear, then its domain, and every level set {x | f(x)=α} is convex.

​ For a function on R, quasiconvexity requires that each sublevel set to be an interval. All convex functions are quasiconvex, but not all quasiconvex functions are convex, so quasiconvexity is a generalization of convexity.

4.2 Basic properties

​ A function is quasiconvex if and only dom f is convex and for any x,ydom f and 0θ1,


Quasiconvex functions on R

​ A continuous function f:RR is quasiconvex if and only if at least one of the following conditions holds:

  • f is nondecreasing
  • f is nonincreasing
  • there is a point cdom f such that for tc (and tdom f), f is nonincreasing, and for tc (and tdom f), f is nondecreasing.

4.3 Differentiable quasiconvex functions

First-order conditions

​ Suppose f:RnR is differentiable. Then f is quaisconvex if and only if dom f is convex and for all x,ydom f


Proof It suffices to proove the result for a function on R; the general result follows by restrication to an arbitrary line.

​ Suppose f is differentiable function on R and satisfies


Suppose f(x1)f(x2) where x1x2. We assume x2>x1, and show that f(z)f(x1) for z[x1,x2]. Suppose there exists a z[x1,x2] with f(z)>f(x1). Since f is differentiable, we can choose a z that also satisfies f(z)<0. Because


However, f(x1)<f(z)f(z)(x1z)0 implies f(z)0, which contradicts f(z)<0.

​ To prove sufficiency, assume f is quasiconvex. Suppose f(x)f(y). By the definition of quasiconvexity f(x+t(yx))f(x) for 0<t1. Diving both sides by t, taking limit for t0, we obtain


​ The condition (4.1) has a simple geometric interpretation when f(x)0. It states that f(x) defines a supporting hyperplane to the sublevel set {y | f(y)f(x)}, at the point x.

Second-order conditions

​ Now suppose f is twice differentiable. If f is quasiconvex, then for all xdom f, and all yRn, we have


For a quasicconvex function on R, this reduces a simple condition


For a quasiconvex function on Rn, when f(x)0, the condition (4.2) means that 2f(x) is positive semidefinite on the (n1)-dimensional subspace f(x). This implies that 2f(x) can have at most one negative eigenvalue.

​ As a (partial) converse, if f satisfies


for xdom f and all yRn,y0, then f is quasiconvex.

4.4 Operations that preserve quasiconvexity


4.5 Representation via family of convex functions

​ In the sequel, it will be convenient to represent the sublevel sets of a quasiconvex function f (which are convex) via inequalities of convex functions. We seek a family of convex functions ϕt:RnR, indexed by tR, with


​ To see that such a representable always exists, we can take


5. Log-concave and log-convex functions


6. Convexity with respect to generalized inequalities

6.1 Monotonicity with respect to a generalized inequality

​ Suppose KRn is a proper cone with associated generalized inequality K. A function f:RnR is called K-nondecreasing if


and K-increasing if


Gradient conditions with monotonicity

​ A differentiable function f, with convex domain, is K-nondecreasing if and only if


for all xdom f. The converse is not true.

6.2 Convexity with respect to a generalized inequality

​ Suppose KRm is a proper cone with associated generalized inequality K. We say f:RnRm is K-convex if for all x,y, and 0θ1,


Dual characterization of K-convexity

​ A function f is K-convex if and only for every wK0, the function wTf is convex.

Differentiable K-convex functions

​ A differentiable function f is K-convex if and only if its domain is convex, and for all x,ydom f,


(Here Df(x)Rm×n is the derivative or Jacobian matrix of f at x).

Suppose f:RnRm, the Jacobian matrix of f is defined as


Composition theorem

​ If g:RnRp is K-convex, h:RpR is convex, and h~(the extended-value extensions of h) is K-nondecreasing, then hg is convex.

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