Convex Sets

1. Affine and convex sets

1.1 Affine sets

​ A set CRn is affine if the line through any two distinct points in C lies in C, which means x1,x2C,θR, we have θx1+(1θ)x2C.

​ An affine set C can be expressed as

C=V+x0={v+x0 | vV}

i.e., as a subspace plus an offset.

​ Every affine set can be expressed as the solution set of a system of linear equations.

C={x | Ax=b},ARm×n,bRm

​ The set of all affine combinations of points in some set CRn is called the affine hull of C, and denoted aff C:

aff C={θ1x1++θkxk | x1,...,xkC,θ1++θk=1}

  • The affine hull of the empty set is the empty set.
  • The affine hull of a singleton (a set made of one single element) is the singleton itself.
  • The affine hull of a set of two different points is the line through them.
  • The affine hull of a set of three different points not on one line is the plane going through them.
  • The affine hull of a set of four points not in a plane in R3 is the entire space R3.

1.2 Affine dimension and relative interior

​ We define the affine dimension of a set C as the dimension of its affine hull.

​ If the affine dimension of a set CRn is less than n, then the set lies in the affine set aff CRn.

​ We define the relative interior of the set C, denoted relint C, as its interior relative to aff C:

relint C={xC | B(x,r)aff CC for some r>0}

where B(x,r)={y | yxr}, the ball of radius r and center x in the norm .

In mathematics, a normed vector space is a vector space over the real or complex numbers on which a norm is defined.

A norm is a generalization of the intuitive motion of "length" in the physical world. If V is a vector space over K, where K is a field equal to C or R, then a norm on V is a map VR, typically denoted as , satisfying the following four axioms:

  1. Non-negativity: for every xV,x0
  2. Positive Definiteness: for every xV,x=0 if and only if x is the zero vector
  3. Absolute Homogeneity: for every λK,xV, λx=|λ| x
  4. Triangle Inequality: for every xV,yV, x+yx+y

The relative interior can be equivalently defined as

(1)relint C:={xC |  yC, λ>1,λx+(1λ)yC}

1.3 Convex sets

​ A set C is convex if the line segment between any two points in C lies in C.

​ Obviously every affine set is convex, since it contains the entire line between any two distinct points in it.

​ A point of the form θ1x1++θkxk, where θ1++θk=1 and θi0,i=1,...,k, is a convex combination of point x1,...,xk. A set is convex if and only if it contains every convex combination of its points.

​ The convex hull of a set C, denoted conv C, is the set of all convex combinations of points in C:

conv C={θ1x1++θkxk | xiC,θi0,i=1,...,k,θ1++θk=1}

θi0 is the key difference between convex hull and affine hull.

​ More generally, suppose p:RnR satisfies p(x)0 for all xC and Cp(x)dx=1, where CRn is convex. Then

Cp(x)x dxC

if the integral exists.

1.4 Cones

​ A set C is called a cone, or nonnegative homogeneous, if for every xC and θ0 we have θxC. A set C is a convex cone if it is convex and a cone, which means that for any x1,x1C and θ1,θ20, we have


conic combination: a point of the form θ1x1++θkxk with θ1,...,θk0.

​ Every conic combination of every point in a convex cone is also in the same convex cone.

​ The conic hull of a set C:

{θ1x1++θkxk | xiC,θi0,i=1,...,k}

1.5 Some important examples

  • The empty set , any single point, and the whole space Rn are affine(hence, convex) subsets of Rn
  • Any line is affine. If it passes zero, it is a subspace, hence also a convex cone.
  • A line segment is convex, but not affine (unless it reduces to a point)
  • A ray, which has the form {x0+θv | θ0}, where v0, is convex, but not affine. It is a convex cone if its base x0 is 0.
  • Any subspace is affine, and a convex cone (hence convex).

2. Hyperplanes and halfspaces

​ A hyperplane is a set of the form

{x | aTx=b}

where aRn,a0,bR. Analytically, it is the solution set of a nontrivial linear equation among the components of x. Geometrically, it is a hyperplane with normal vector a, the constant b is the offset of the hyperplane from the origin.

​ It can also be expressed as

{x | aT(xx0)=0}=x0+a

where a denotes the orthogonal component of a:

a={v | aTv=0}

​ A hyperplane divides Rn into two halfspaces, which has the form of

{x | aTxb}

A halfspace is convex but not affine.

2.2 Euclidean balls and ellipsoids

​ A Euclidean ball in Rn has the form

B(xc,r)={x | xxc2r}={x | (xxc)(xxc)r2}

where r>0.

​ A Euclidean ball is a convex set: if x1xc2r,x2xc2r, and 0θ1, then


​ A related family of convex sets is the ellipsoids, which have the form

ε={x | (xxc)TP1(xxc)1}

where P is symmetric and positive definite. The matrix P determines how far the ellipsoid extends in every direction from the center xc; the length of the semi-axes of ε are give by λi where λi are the eigenvalues of P.

2.3 Norm balls and norm cones

​ The norm cone associated with the norm is the set

C={(x,t) | xt}Rn+1

2.4 Polyhedra

​ A polyhedra is defined a solution set of a finite number of equalities and inequalities:

P={x | ajTxbj,j=1,...,m, cjTx=dj,j=1,...,p}

A polyhedra is thus the intersection of a finite number of halfspaces and hyperplanes. Affine sets, rays, line segments, and halfspaces are all polyhedra.

​ The compact notation:

P={x | Axb,Cx=d}




Simplexes are another important family of polyhedra. Suppose the k+1 points v0,...,vkRn are affinely independent, which means that v1v0,...,vkv0 are linearly independent. The simplex determined by them is given by

C=conv{v1,...,vk}={θ0v0++θkvk | θ0,1Tθ=1}

The affine dimension of this simplex is k, so it sometimes referred to as a k-dimensional simplex in Rn.

  • A 1-dimensional simplex is a line segment.
  • A 2-dimensional simplex is a triangle includes it interior.
  • A 3-dimensional simplex is a tetrahedron.
  • The unit complex is the n-dimensional simplex determined by a zero-vector and the unit vectors.

​ To describe the simplex as a polyhedron, we define y=(θ1,...,θk) and


we can say that xC if and only if


Note that matrix B has rank k, so there exists a nonsingular matrix A=(A1,A2)Rn×n such that


Multiplying on the left with A, we get


As y satisfies y0 and 1Tyt1, in other words we have xC if and only if


which is a set of linear equalities and inequalities in x, and so describes a polyhedron.

Convex hull description of polyhedra

​ The convex hull of polyhedron:

conv{v1,...,vk}={θ1v1++θkvk | θ0,1Tθ=1}

A generalization of this convex hull description:

{θ1v1++θkvk | θ1++θm=1,θi0,i=1,...,k}

where mk. We only require the first m coefficients to sum to one.

2.5 The positive semidefinite cone

​ Notation Sn represents a symmetric n×n matrix

Sn={XRn×n | X=XT}

which is a vector space with dimension n(n+1)/2. Also

(5)S+n={XRn×n | X0}(6)S++n={XRn×n | X0}

3. Operations that preserve convexity

3.1 Intersection

​ Convexity is preserved under intersection: if S1 and S2 are convex, then S1S2 is convex.

​ This property extends to the intersection of an infinite number of sets: if Sα is convex for every αA, then αASα is convex. The positive semidefinite cone can be expressed as

z0{XSn | zTXz0}

In fact, a closed convex set S is the intersection of all halfspaces that contain it:

S= {H | H halfspace,SH}

3.2 Affine functions

​ A function f:RnRm is affine if it is a sum of a linear function and a constant, i.e., if it has the form f(x)=Ax+b, where ARm×n,bRm.

​ Suppose SRn is convex and f:RnRm is an affine function, then the image of S under f

f(S)={f(x) | xS}

is convex. Similarly, if f:RkRn is an affine function, the inverse image of S under f

f1(S)={x | f(x)S}

is convex.

3.3 Linear-fractional and perspective functions

The perspective function

​ We define the perspective function P:Rn+1Rn, with domain dom P=Rn×R++. The perspective function scales or normalizes vectors so the last component is one, and then drops the last component.

​ Suppose that x=(x~,xn+1),y=(y~,yn+1)Rn+1 with xn+1>0,yn+1>0. Then for 0<θ<1




The correspondence between μ and θ is monotonic.

​ The inverse image of a convex set under the perspective function is also convex: if CRn is convex, then

P1(C)={(x,t) | x/tC,t>0}

is convex.

Linear-fractional functions

​ A linear-fractional function is formed by composing the perspective function with an affine function. Suppose g:RnRm+1 is affine, i.e.,


where ARm×n,bRm,cRn,dR. The function f:RnRm given by f=Pg, i.e.,

f(x)=(Ax+b)/(cTx+d),dom f={x | cTx+d>0}

is called a linear-fractional (or projective) function.

​ Like the perspective function, linear-fractional functions preserve convexity.

4. Generalized inequalities

4.1 Proper cones and generalized inequalities

​ A cone KRn is called a proper cone if it satisfies the following:

  • K is convex
  • K is closed
  • K is solid, which means it has nonempty interior
  • K is pointed, which means it contains no line (or equivalently, xK,xKx=0)

​ We associate with the proper cone K the partial ordering on Rn defined by


Similarly, we define an associated strict partial ordering by

xKyyxint K

int K represents the interior of K.

​ When K=R+, the partial ordering is on R.

Properties of generalized inequalities

​ A generalized inequality K satisfies many properties, such as

  • preserved under addition
  • transitive
  • preserved under nonnegative scaling
  • reflexive: xKx
  • antisymmetric: if xKy and yKx, then x=y
  • preserved under limits: if xiKyi, for i=1,...,xix and yiy as i, then xKy

4.2 Minimum and minimal elements

​ We say that xS is the minimum element of S if for every yS, xKy. We define the maximum element in a similar way. If a set has minimum element, the set is unique.

​ We say that xS is the minimal element of S if yS,yKx, then y=x. A set can have many different minimal (maximal) elements.

​ A point xS is the minimum element of S if and only if


​ A point xS is the minimal element of S if and only if


5. Separating and supporting hyperplanes

5.1 Separating hyperplane theorem

separating hyperplane theorem: Suppose C and D are nonempty disjoint convex sets, and CD=, then there exists a0 and b such that for all xC, axb, and for every xD, axb.

Proof of separating hyperplane theorem

​ Here we consider a special case, we assume that the Euclidean distance between C and D, defined as

dist(C,D)=inf{uv2 | uC,vD}

infS represents the greatest lower bound of set S.

is positive, and there exists cC,dD that achieve the minimum distance.

​ Define


Now we need to prove that the affine function


is nonpositive on C, and nonnegative on D, i.e., the hyperplane {x | aTx=b} separates C and D. This hyperplane is perpendicular to the line segment between c and d.

​ We first show that f is nonnegative on D, suppose there is point uD for which


Obviously (dc)T(ud)<0, now we observe that


so for some small t>0, with t1, we have


i.e., the point d+t(ud) is a closer point to c than d is, which is contradictory to our assumption. So f is nonnegative on D.

Strict separation

​ If the separating hyperplane we constructed above satisfies the stronger condition that aTx<b for all xC and aTx>b for all xD. This is called strict separation of the sets C and D.

Converse separating hyperplane theorems

​ The converse of the separating hyperplane theorem (i.e., existence of a separating hyperplane implies that C and D do not intersect) is not true.

​ But by adding conditions on C and D, we can have the following result: any two convex sets, at lease one of which is open, are disjoint if and only if exists a separating hyperplane.

5.2 Supporting hyperplanes

​ Suppose CRn, and x0 is a point in its boundary bd C.

If a0 satisfies aTxaTx0 for all xC, then the hyperplane {x | aTx=aTx0} is called a supporting hyperplane to C at the point x0. This is equivalent to saying that the set C and the point x0 are separated by the hyperplane {x | aTx=aTx0}. And a is the normal vector of this hyperplane.

​ A basic result, called the supporting hyperplane theorem, states that for any point x0bd C, there exists a supporting hyperplane to C at x0.

​ We distinguish two cases, if the interior of set C is not empty, the result follows immediately by applying the separating hyperplane theorem to the sets {x0} and int C. If the interior of C is empty, then C must lies in a affine set of dimension less than n. and any hyperplane containing that affine set contains C and x0, and is a supporting hyperplane.

6. Dual cones and generalized inequalities

6.1 Dual cones

​ Let K be a cone. The set

K={y | xTy0 for all xK}

is called a dual cone of K. K is a cone, and is always convex, even when the original cone K is not.

​ Geometrically, yK if and only if y is the normal of a hyperplane that supports K at the origin.

​ A cone whose dual cone is itself is called a self-dual cone.

​ Dual cones satisfy several properties, such as:

  • closed and convex.
  • K1K2 implies K1K2.
  • If K has nonempty interior, then K is pointed.
  • If the closure of K is pointed then K has nonempty interior.
  • K is the closure of convex hull of K. (Hence is K is convex and closed, K=K.)

6.2 Dual generalized and inequalities

​ Now suppose that the convex cone K is proper, so it induces a generalized inequality K. The its dual cone K is also proper, and induces a generalized inequality K. We refer it as the dual of the generalized inequality K.

​ Some important proprtties relating a generalized inequality and its dual are:

  • xKy if and only if λTxλTy for all λK0.
  • xKy if and only if λTx<λTy for all λK0,λ0.

6.3 Minimum and minimal elements via dual inequalities

Dual characterization of minimum element

x is the minimum element of S, with respect to the generalized inequality K, if and only if for all λK0, x is the unique minimizer of λTz over zS. Geometrically, this means that for any λK0, the hyperplane

{z | λT(zx)=0}

is a strict supporting hyperplane to S at x.

Dual characterization of minimal element

​ If λK0 and x minimizes λTz over zS, then x is minimal.

​ Convexity plays an important role in the converse, provided the set S is convex, we can say that for any minimal element x there exists a nonzero λK0 such that x minimizes λTz over zS.

​ This converse theorem cannot be strengthened to λK0.

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