Convex Sets
1. Affine and convex sets
1.1 Affine sets
A set \(C\in\R^n\) is affine if the line through any two distinct points in \(C\) lies in \(C\), which means \(\forall x_1,x_2\in C,\theta\in\R\), we have \(\theta x_1+(1-\theta)x_2\in C\).
An affine set \(C\) can be expressed as
i.e., as a subspace plus an offset.
Every affine set can be expressed as the solution set of a system of linear equations.
The set of all affine combinations of points in some set \(C\in\R^n\) is called the affine hull of \(C\), and denoted \(\mathrm{aff}\ C\):
- The affine hull of the empty set is the empty set.
- The affine hull of a singleton (a set made of one single element) is the singleton itself.
- The affine hull of a set of two different points is the line through them.
- The affine hull of a set of three different points not on one line is the plane going through them.
- The affine hull of a set of four points not in a plane in \(\R^3\) is the entire space \(\R^3\).
1.2 Affine dimension and relative interior
We define the affine dimension of a set \(C\) as the dimension of its affine hull.
If the affine dimension of a set \(C\subseteq\R^n\) is less than \(n\), then the set lies in the affine set \(\mathrm{aff}\ C\ne \R^n\).
We define the relative interior of the set \(C\), denoted \(\mathrm{relint}\ C\), as its interior relative to \(\mathrm{aff}\ C\):
where \(B(x,r) = \{y\ |\ \|y-x\|\le r\}\), the ball of radius \(r\) and center \(x\) in the norm \(\|\cdot\|\).
In mathematics, a normed vector space is a vector space over the real or complex numbers on which a norm is defined.
A norm is a generalization of the intuitive motion of "length" in the physical world. If \(V\) is a vector space over \(K\), where \(K\) is a field equal to \(\C\) or \(\R\), then a norm on \(V\) is a map \(V\rightarrow \R\), typically denoted as \(\|\cdot\|\), satisfying the following four axioms:
- Non-negativity: for every \(x\in V,\|x\|\ge0\)
- Positive Definiteness: for every \(x\in V, \|x\|=0\) if and only if \(x\) is the zero vector
- Absolute Homogeneity: for every \(\lambda\in K,x\in V\), \(\|\lambda x\|=|\lambda|\ \|x\|\)
- Triangle Inequality: for every \(x\in V, y\in V\), \(\|x+y\|\le\|x\|+\|y\|\)
The relative interior can be equivalently defined as
1.3 Convex sets
A set \(C\) is convex if the line segment between any two points in \(C\) lies in \(C\).
Obviously every affine set is convex, since it contains the entire line between any two distinct points in it.
A point of the form \(\theta_1x_1+\cdots+\theta_kx_k\), where \(\theta_1+\cdots+\theta_k=1\) and \(\theta_i\ge0,i=1,...,k\), is a convex combination of point \(x_1,...,x_k\). A set is convex if and only if it contains every convex combination of its points.
The convex hull of a set \(C\), denoted \(\mathrm{conv}\ C\), is the set of all convex combinations of points in \(C\):
\(\theta_i\ge0\) is the key difference between convex hull and affine hull.
More generally, suppose \(p:\R^n\rarr\R\) satisfies \(p(x)\ge0\) for all \(x\in C\) and \(\displaystyle{\int_Cp(x)\mathrm d}x =1\), where \(C\in \R^n\) is convex. Then
if the integral exists.
1.4 Cones
A set \(C\) is called a cone, or nonnegative homogeneous, if for every \(x\in C\) and \(\theta\ge0\) we have \(\theta x\in C\). A set \(C\) is a convex cone if it is convex and a cone, which means that for any \(x_1, x_1\in C\) and \(\theta_1,\theta_2\ge 0\), we have
conic combination: a point of the form \(\theta_1x_1+\cdots+\theta_kx_k\) with \(\theta_1,...,\theta_k\ge0\).
Every conic combination of every point in a convex cone is also in the same convex cone.
The conic hull of a set \(C\):
1.5 Some important examples
- The empty set \(\empty\), any single point, and the whole space \(\R^n\) are affine(hence, convex) subsets of \(\R^n\)
- Any line is affine. If it passes zero, it is a subspace, hence also a convex cone.
- A line segment is convex, but not affine (unless it reduces to a point)
- A ray, which has the form \(\{x_0+\theta v\ |\ \theta\ge0\}\), where \(v\ne0\), is convex, but not affine. It is a convex cone if its base \(x_0\) is 0.
- Any subspace is affine, and a convex cone (hence convex).
2. Hyperplanes and halfspaces
A hyperplane is a set of the form
where \(a\in\R^n, a\ne 0, b\in \R\). Analytically, it is the solution set of a nontrivial linear equation among the components of \(x\). Geometrically, it is a hyperplane with normal vector \(a\), the constant \(b\) is the offset of the hyperplane from the origin.
It can also be expressed as
where \(a^\bot\) denotes the orthogonal component of \(a\):
A hyperplane divides \(\R^n\) into two halfspaces, which has the form of
A halfspace is convex but not affine.
2.2 Euclidean balls and ellipsoids
A Euclidean ball in \(\R^n\) has the form
where \(r>0\).
A Euclidean ball is a convex set: if \(\|x_1-x_c\|_2\le r,\|x_2-x_c\|_2\le r\), and \(0\le\theta\le1\), then
A related family of convex sets is the ellipsoids, which have the form
where \(P\) is symmetric and positive definite. The matrix \(P\) determines how far the ellipsoid extends in every direction from the center \(x_c\); the length of the semi-axes of \(\varepsilon\) are give by \(\sqrt{\lambda_i}\) where \(\lambda_i\) are the eigenvalues of \(P\).
2.3 Norm balls and norm cones
The norm cone associated with the norm \(\|\cdot\|\) is the set
2.4 Polyhedra
A polyhedra is defined a solution set of a finite number of equalities and inequalities:
A polyhedra is thus the intersection of a finite number of halfspaces and hyperplanes. Affine sets, rays, line segments, and halfspaces are all polyhedra.
The compact notation:
Simplexes are another important family of polyhedra. Suppose the \(k+1\) points \(v_0,...,v_k\in\R^n\) are affinely independent, which means that \(v_1-v_0,...,v_k-v_0\) are linearly independent. The simplex determined by them is given by
The affine dimension of this simplex is \(k\), so it sometimes referred to as a \(k\)-dimensional simplex in \(\R^n\).
- A 1-dimensional simplex is a line segment.
- A 2-dimensional simplex is a triangle includes it interior.
- A 3-dimensional simplex is a tetrahedron.
- The unit complex is the n-dimensional simplex determined by a zero-vector and the unit vectors.
To describe the simplex as a polyhedron, we define \(y=(\theta_1,...,\theta_k)\) and
we can say that \(x\in C\) if and only if
Note that matrix \(B\) has rank \(k\), so there exists a nonsingular matrix \(A=(A_1,A_2)\in\R^{n\times n}\) such that
Multiplying on the left with \(A\), we get
As \(y\) satisfies \(y\succeq0\) and \(\textbf 1^Tyt\le1\), in other words we have \(x\in C\) if and only if
which is a set of linear equalities and inequalities in \(x\), and so describes a polyhedron.
Convex hull description of polyhedra
The convex hull of polyhedron:
A generalization of this convex hull description:
where \(m\le k\). We only require the first \(m\) coefficients to sum to one.
2.5 The positive semidefinite cone
Notation \(S^n\) represents a symmetric \(n\times n\) matrix
which is a vector space with dimension \(n(n+1)/2\). Also
3. Operations that preserve convexity
3.1 Intersection
Convexity is preserved under intersection: if \(S_1\) and \(S_2\) are convex, then \(S_1\cap S_2\) is convex.
This property extends to the intersection of an infinite number of sets: if \(S_\alpha\) is convex for every \(\alpha\in\mathcal A\), then \(\bigcap_{\alpha\in\mathcal A}S_\alpha\) is convex. The positive semidefinite cone can be expressed as
In fact, a closed convex set \(S\) is the intersection of all halfspaces that contain it:
3.2 Affine functions
A function \(f: \R^n\rarr\R^m\) is affine if it is a sum of a linear function and a constant, i.e., if it has the form \(f(x)=Ax+b\), where \(A\in\R^{m\times n},b\in\R^m\).
Suppose \(S\subseteq\R^n\) is convex and \(f:\R^n\rarr\R^m\) is an affine function, then the image of \(S\) under \(f\)
is convex. Similarly, if \(f:\R^k\rarr\R^n\) is an affine function, the inverse image of \(S\) under \(f\)
is convex.
3.3 Linear-fractional and perspective functions
The perspective function
We define the perspective function \(P: \R^{n+1}\rarr\R^n\), with domain \(\mathrm{\textbf{dom}}\ P=\R^n\times\R_{++}\). The perspective function scales or normalizes vectors so the last component is one, and then drops the last component.
Suppose that \(x=(\tilde x, x_{n+1}), y=(\tilde y, y_{n+1})\in\R^{n+1}\) with \(x_{n+1}>0,y_{n+1}>0\). Then for \(0<\theta<1\)
The correspondence between \(\mu\) and \(\theta\) is monotonic.
The inverse image of a convex set under the perspective function is also convex: if \(C\subseteq\R^n\) is convex, then
is convex.
Linear-fractional functions
A linear-fractional function is formed by composing the perspective function with an affine function. Suppose \(g:\R^n\rarr\R^{m+1}\) is affine, i.e.,
where \(A\in\R^{m\times n}, b\in\R^m,c\in\R^n, d\in R\). The function \(f:\R^n\rarr\R^m\) given by \(f = P\circ g\), i.e.,
is called a linear-fractional (or projective) function.
Like the perspective function, linear-fractional functions preserve convexity.
4. Generalized inequalities
4.1 Proper cones and generalized inequalities
A cone \(K\subseteq\R^n\) is called a proper cone if it satisfies the following:
- \(K\) is convex
- \(K\) is closed
- \(K\) is solid, which means it has nonempty interior
- \(K\) is pointed, which means it contains no line (or equivalently, \(x\in K, -x\in K\Longrightarrow x=0\))
We associate with the proper cone \(K\) the partial ordering on \(\R^n\) defined by
Similarly, we define an associated strict partial ordering by
\(\mathrm{\textbf{int}}\ K\) represents the interior of \(K\).
When \(K=\R_+\), the partial ordering is \(\le\) on \(\R\).
Properties of generalized inequalities
A generalized inequality \(\preceq_K\) satisfies many properties, such as
- preserved under addition
- transitive
- preserved under nonnegative scaling
- reflexive: \(x\preceq_K x\)
- antisymmetric: if \(x\preceq_Ky\) and \(y\preceq_Kx\), then \(x=y\)
- preserved under limits: if \(x_i\preceq_K y_i\), for \(i=1,...,x_i\rarr x\) and \(y_i\rarr y\) as \(i\rarr\infin\), then \(x\preceq_K y\)
4.2 Minimum and minimal elements
We say that \(x\in S\) is the minimum element of \(S\) if for every \(y\in S\), \(x\preceq_K y\). We define the maximum element in a similar way. If a set has minimum element, the set is unique.
We say that \(x\in S\) is the minimal element of \(S\) if \(y\in S, y\preceq_K x\), then \(y = x\). A set can have many different minimal (maximal) elements.
A point \(x\in S\) is the minimum element of \(S\) if and only if
A point \(x\in S\) is the minimal element of \(S\) if and only if
5. Separating and supporting hyperplanes
5.1 Separating hyperplane theorem
separating hyperplane theorem: Suppose \(C\) and \(D\) are nonempty disjoint convex sets, and \(C\cap D=\empty\), then there exists \(a\ne0\) and \(b\) such that for all \(x\in C\), \(ax\le b\), and for every \(x\in D\), \(ax\ge b\).
Proof of separating hyperplane theorem
Here we consider a special case, we assume that the Euclidean distance between \(C\) and \(D\), defined as
\(\inf S\) represents the greatest lower bound of set \(S\).
is positive, and there exists \(c\in C, d\in D\) that achieve the minimum distance.
Now we need to prove that the affine function
is nonpositive on \(C\), and nonnegative on \(D\), i.e., the hyperplane \(\{x\ |\ a^Tx=b\}\) separates \(C\) and \(D\). This hyperplane is perpendicular to the line segment between \(c\) and \(d\).
We first show that \(f\) is nonnegative on \(D\), suppose there is point \(u\in D\) for which
Obviously \((d-c)^T(u-d)<0\), now we observe that
so for some small \(t>0\), with \(t\le1\), we have
i.e., the point \(d+t(u-d)\) is a closer point to \(c\) than \(d\) is, which is contradictory to our assumption. So \(f\) is nonnegative on \(D\).
Strict separation
If the separating hyperplane we constructed above satisfies the stronger condition that \(a^Tx<b\) for all \(x\in C\) and \(a^Tx>b\) for all \(x\in D\). This is called strict separation of the sets \(C\) and \(D\).
Converse separating hyperplane theorems
The converse of the separating hyperplane theorem (i.e., existence of a separating hyperplane implies that \(C\) and \(D\) do not intersect) is not true.
But by adding conditions on \(C\) and \(D\), we can have the following result: any two convex sets, at lease one of which is open, are disjoint if and only if exists a separating hyperplane.
5.2 Supporting hyperplanes
Suppose \(C\subseteq\R^n\), and \(x_0\) is a point in its boundary \(\mathrm{\textbf{bd}}\ C\).
If \(a\ne0\) satisfies \(a^Tx\le a^Tx_0\) for all \(x\in C\), then the hyperplane \(\{x\ |\ a^Tx=a^Tx_0\}\) is called a supporting hyperplane to \(C\) at the point \(x_0\). This is equivalent to saying that the set \(C\) and the point \(x_0\) are separated by the hyperplane \(\{x\ |\ a^Tx=a^Tx_0\}\). And \(a\) is the normal vector of this hyperplane.
A basic result, called the supporting hyperplane theorem, states that for any point \(x_0\in\mathrm{\textbf{bd}}\ C\), there exists a supporting hyperplane to \(C\) at \(x_0\).
We distinguish two cases, if the interior of set \(C\) is not empty, the result follows immediately by applying the separating hyperplane theorem to the sets \(\{x_0\}\) and \(\mathrm{\textbf{int}}\ C\). If the interior of \(C\) is empty, then \(C\) must lies in a affine set of dimension less than \(n\). and any hyperplane containing that affine set contains \(C\) and \(x_0\), and is a supporting hyperplane.
6. Dual cones and generalized inequalities
6.1 Dual cones
Let \(K\) be a cone. The set
is called a dual cone of \(K\). \(K^*\) is a cone, and is always convex, even when the original cone \(K\) is not.
Geometrically, \(y\in K^*\) if and only if \(-y\) is the normal of a hyperplane that supports \(K\) at the origin.
A cone whose dual cone is itself is called a self-dual cone.
Dual cones satisfy several properties, such as:
- closed and convex.
- \(K_1\subseteq K_2\) implies \(K_1^*\subseteq K_2^*\).
- If \(K\) has nonempty interior, then \(K^*\) is pointed.
- If the closure of \(K\) is pointed then \(K^*\) has nonempty interior.
- \(K^{**}\) is the closure of convex hull of \(K\). (Hence is \(K\) is convex and closed, \(K^{**}=K\).)
6.2 Dual generalized and inequalities
Now suppose that the convex cone \(K\) is proper, so it induces a generalized inequality \(\preceq_K\). The its dual cone \(K^*\) is also proper, and induces a generalized inequality \(\preceq_{K^*}\). We refer it as the dual of the generalized inequality \(\preceq_K\).
Some important proprtties relating a generalized inequality and its dual are:
- \(x\preceq_Ky\) if and only if \(\lambda^Tx\le\lambda^Ty\) for all \(\lambda\succeq_{K^*}0\).
- \(x\prec_Ky\) if and only if \(\lambda^Tx<\lambda^Ty\) for all \(\lambda\succeq_{K^*}0,\lambda\ne0\).
6.3 Minimum and minimal elements via dual inequalities
Dual characterization of minimum element
\(x\) is the minimum element of \(S\), with respect to the generalized inequality \(\preceq_K\), if and only if for all \(\lambda\succ_{K^*}0\), \(x\) is the unique minimizer of \(\lambda^Tz\) over \(z\in S\). Geometrically, this means that for any \(\lambda\succ_{K^*}0\), the hyperplane
is a strict supporting hyperplane to \(S\) at \(x\).
Dual characterization of minimal element
If \(\lambda\succ_{K^*}0\) and \(x\) minimizes \(\lambda^Tz\) over \(z\in S\), then \(x\) is minimal.
Convexity plays an important role in the converse, provided the set \(S\) is convex, we can say that for any minimal element \(x\) there exists a nonzero \(\lambda\succeq_{K^*}0\) such that \(x\) minimizes \(\lambda^Tz\) over \(z\in S\).
This converse theorem cannot be strengthened to \(\lambda\succ_{K^*}0\).