Deeply embedded subqueries, Sub-query hell
1. Deeply embedded sql query (Inventory management for KidProof Canada)
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2. Some stored procedures for JobController
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contactid is ignored CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SearchJobs(@companyID int , @contactID int , @search nvarchar(50), @employeeID int , @QALevel int , @IncludeArchived bit ) AS Begin if @CompanyID<> 0 and @contactID<> 0 begin if @IncludeArchived = 1 if exists( select top 1 CompanyContactID from dbo.EmployeeSpecialCompanyLink where CompanyContactID = @contactID and EmployeeID =@employeeID ) SELECT Jobs.JobsID AS ID, cast (DateCreated as smalldatetime) as [ Date ], LastName + N ',' + FirstName AS Name , BackCheckFileNumber AS File#, RushJob AS Rush, dbo.GetStatusName(CanadianCriminalCheckStatus,CanadianCriminalCheck) AS [Can Criminal], RefEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + RefEmp.EmployeeLastName AS RefLead, EduEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + EduEmp.EmployeeLastName AS EduLead, Complete, ( case when isnull (ReferenceCheck,0)=0 then null else isnull (ReferenceCheckStatus,0) end ) as ReferenceCheckStatus, ( case when isnull (EducationVerification,0)=0 then null else isnull (EducationVerificationStatus,0) end ) as EducationVerificationStatus, 1 as IsSpecial FROM dbo.Employee EduEmp INNER JOIN dbo.EducationVerification ON EduEmp.EmployeeID = EducationVerification.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Employee RefEmp INNER JOIN dbo.ReferenceCheck ON RefEmp.EmployeeID = ReferenceCheck.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Jobs ON ReferenceCheck.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID ON EducationVerification.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID where CompanyID = @companyID and CompanyContactID = @contactID and ISNULL (Jobs.Status,0)=0 and ( (FirstName + N ' ' + LastName + N ',' + FirstName like @search) or (BackCheckFileNumber like @search ) or dbo.JobHasEducationName(Jobs.JobsID, EducationVerification, @search)=1 or dbo.JobHasReferenceName(Jobs.JobsID, ReferenceCheck, @search)=1 ) ORDER BY convert ( nchar (10),DateCreated,102),3,1 else SELECT Jobs.JobsID AS ID, cast (DateCreated as smalldatetime) as [ Date ], LastName + N ',' + FirstName AS Name , BackCheckFileNumber AS File#, RushJob AS Rush, dbo.GetStatusName(CanadianCriminalCheckStatus,CanadianCriminalCheck) AS [Can Criminal], RefEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + RefEmp.EmployeeLastName AS RefLead, EduEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + EduEmp.EmployeeLastName AS EduLead, Complete, ( case when isnull (ReferenceCheck,0)=0 then null else isnull (ReferenceCheckStatus,0) end ) as ReferenceCheckStatus, ( case when isnull (EducationVerification,0)=0 then null else isnull (EducationVerificationStatus,0) end ) as EducationVerificationStatus, 0 as IsSpecial FROM dbo.Employee EduEmp INNER JOIN dbo.EducationVerification ON EduEmp.EmployeeID = EducationVerification.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Employee RefEmp INNER JOIN dbo.ReferenceCheck ON RefEmp.EmployeeID = ReferenceCheck.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Jobs ON ReferenceCheck.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID ON EducationVerification.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID where CompanyID = @companyID and CompanyContactID = @contactID and Jobs.QALevel <= @QALevel and ISNULL (Jobs.Status,0)=0 and ( (FirstName + N ' ' + LastName + N ',' + FirstName like @search) or (BackCheckFileNumber like @search ) or dbo.JobHasEducationName(Jobs.JobsID, EducationVerification, @search)=1 or dbo.JobHasReferenceName(Jobs.JobsID, ReferenceCheck, @search)=1 ) ORDER BY convert ( nchar (10),DateCreated,102),3,1) else if exists( select top 1 CompanyContactID from dbo.EmployeeSpecialCompanyLink where CompanyContactID = @contactID and EmployeeID =@employeeID ) SELECT Jobs.JobsID AS ID, cast (DateCreated as smalldatetime) as [ Date ], LastName + N ',' + FirstName AS Name , BackCheckFileNumber AS File#, RushJob AS Rush, dbo.GetStatusName(CanadianCriminalCheckStatus,CanadianCriminalCheck) AS [Can Criminal], RefEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + RefEmp.EmployeeLastName AS RefLead, EduEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + EduEmp.EmployeeLastName AS EduLead, Complete, ( case when isnull (ReferenceCheck,0)=0 then null else isnull (ReferenceCheckStatus,0) end ) as ReferenceCheckStatus, ( case when isnull (EducationVerification,0)=0 then null else isnull (EducationVerificationStatus,0) end ) as EducationVerificationStatus, 1 as IsSpecial FROM dbo.Employee EduEmp INNER JOIN dbo.EducationVerification ON EduEmp.EmployeeID = EducationVerification.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Employee RefEmp INNER JOIN dbo.ReferenceCheck ON RefEmp.EmployeeID = ReferenceCheck.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Jobs ON ReferenceCheck.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID ON EducationVerification.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID where CompanyID = @companyID and CompanyContactID = @contactID and ISNULL (Jobs.Status,0)=0 and isnull (Jobs.Archived,0)=0 and ( (FirstName + N ' ' + LastName + N ',' + FirstName like @search) or (BackCheckFileNumber like @search ) or dbo.JobHasEducationName(Jobs.JobsID, EducationVerification, @search)=1 or dbo.JobHasReferenceName(Jobs.JobsID, ReferenceCheck, @search)=1 ) ORDER BY convert ( nchar (10),DateCreated,102),3,1 else SELECT Jobs.JobsID AS ID, cast (DateCreated as smalldatetime) as [ Date ], LastName + N ',' + FirstName AS Name , BackCheckFileNumber AS File#, RushJob AS Rush, dbo.GetStatusName(CanadianCriminalCheckStatus,CanadianCriminalCheck) AS [Can Criminal], RefEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + RefEmp.EmployeeLastName AS RefLead, EduEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + EduEmp.EmployeeLastName AS EduLead, Complete, ( case when isnull (ReferenceCheck,0)=0 then null else isnull (ReferenceCheckStatus,0) end ) as ReferenceCheckStatus, ( case when isnull (EducationVerification,0)=0 then null else isnull (EducationVerificationStatus,0) end ) as EducationVerificationStatus, 0 as IsSpecial FROM dbo.Employee EduEmp INNER JOIN dbo.EducationVerification ON EduEmp.EmployeeID = EducationVerification.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Employee RefEmp INNER JOIN dbo.ReferenceCheck ON RefEmp.EmployeeID = ReferenceCheck.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Jobs ON ReferenceCheck.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID ON EducationVerification.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID where CompanyID = @companyID and CompanyContactID = @contactID and Jobs.QALevel <= @QALevel and ISNULL (Jobs.Status,0)=0 and isnull (Jobs.Archived,0)=0 and ( (FirstName + N ' ' + LastName + N ',' + FirstName like @search) or (BackCheckFileNumber like @search ) or dbo.JobHasEducationName(Jobs.JobsID, EducationVerification, @search)=1 or dbo.JobHasReferenceName(Jobs.JobsID, ReferenceCheck, @search)=1 ) ORDER BY convert ( nchar (10),DateCreated,102),3,1 return 0 end SET NOCOUNT ON create table #SearchJobsTmp ( ID int unique nonclustered, [ Date ] smalldatetime, [ Name ] nvarchar(100), File# nvarchar(50), Rush bit , [Can Criminal] nvarchar(20), [Can Credit] nvarchar(20), [US Criminal] nvarchar(20), [US Credit] nvarchar(20), Drivers nvarchar(20), [ Database ] nvarchar(20), Interview nvarchar(20), [ Int Criminal] nvarchar(20), [Cred Verify] nvarchar(20), RefLead nvarchar(100), EduLead nvarchar(100), Complete bit , ReferenceCheckStatus int , EducationVerificationStatus int , IsSpecial bit ) create table #SearchJobsTmp2 (ID int unique nonclustered, [ Date ] smalldatetime, [ Name ] nvarchar(100), File# nvarchar(50), Rush bit , [Can Criminal] nvarchar(20), [Can Credit] nvarchar(20), [US Criminal] nvarchar(20), [US Credit] nvarchar(20), Drivers nvarchar(20), [ Database ] nvarchar(20), Interview nvarchar(20), [ Int Criminal] nvarchar(20), [Cred Verify] nvarchar(20), RefLead nvarchar(100), EduLead nvarchar(100), Complete bit , ReferenceCheckStatus int , EducationVerificationStatus int , IsSpecial bit ) if @CompanyID<> 0 -- @contactID must be zero begin Insert into #SearchJobsTmp SELECT Jobs.JobsID, DateCreated, LastName + N ',' + FirstName, BackCheckFileNumber, RushJob, dbo.GetStatusName(CanadianCriminalCheckStatus,CanadianCriminalCheck), RefEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + RefEmp.EmployeeLastName AS RefLead, EduEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + EduEmp.EmployeeLastName AS EduLead, Complete, ( case when isnull (ReferenceCheck,0)=0 then null else isnull (ReferenceCheckStatus,0) end ), ( case when isnull (EducationVerification,0)=0 then null else isnull (EducationVerificationStatus,0) end ), 1 FROM dbo.Employee EduEmp INNER JOIN dbo.EducationVerification ON EduEmp.EmployeeID = EducationVerification.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Employee RefEmp INNER JOIN dbo.ReferenceCheck ON RefEmp.EmployeeID = ReferenceCheck.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Jobs INNER JOIN dbo.EmployeeSpecialCompanyLink as link ON Jobs.CompanyContactID = link.CompanyContactID ON ReferenceCheck.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID ON EducationVerification.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID where link.EmployeeID = @employeeID and link.CompanyID = @CompanyID and ISNULL (Jobs.Status,0)=0 and (@IncludeArchived = 1 or isnull (Jobs.Archived,0)=0) and ( (FirstName + N ' ' + LastName + N ',' + FirstName like @search) or (BackCheckFileNumber like @search ) or dbo.JobHasEducationName(Jobs.JobsID, EducationVerification, @search)=1 or dbo.JobHasReferenceName(Jobs.JobsID, ReferenceCheck, @search)=1 ) order by convert ( nchar (10),DateCreated,102),3,1 Insert into #SearchJobsTmp2 SELECT Jobs.JobsID, DateCreated, LastName + N ',' + FirstName, BackCheckFileNumber, RushJob, dbo.GetStatusName(CanadianCriminalCheckStatus,CanadianCriminalCheck), RefEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + RefEmp.EmployeeLastName AS RefLead, EduEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + EduEmp.EmployeeLastName AS EduLead, Complete, ( case when isnull (ReferenceCheck,0)=0 then null else isnull (ReferenceCheckStatus,0) end ), ( case when isnull (EducationVerification,0)=0 then null else isnull (EducationVerificationStatus,0) end ), 0 FROM dbo.Employee EduEmp INNER JOIN dbo.EducationVerification ON EduEmp.EmployeeID = EducationVerification.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Employee RefEmp INNER JOIN dbo.ReferenceCheck ON RefEmp.EmployeeID = ReferenceCheck.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Jobs ON ReferenceCheck.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID ON EducationVerification.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID where CompanyID = @CompanyID and Jobs.QALevel < = @QALevel and ISNULL (Jobs.Status,0)= 0 and (@IncludeArchived = 1 or isnull (Jobs.Archived,0)=0) and NOT EXISTS ( select 1 from #SearchJobsTmp where Jobs.JobsID = #SearchJobsTmp.[ID]) and ( (FirstName + N ' ' + LastName + N ',' + FirstName like @search) or (BackCheckFileNumber like @search ) or dbo.JobHasEducationName(Jobs.JobsID, EducationVerification, @search)=1 or dbo.JobHasReferenceName(Jobs.JobsID, ReferenceCheck, @search)=1 ) order by convert ( nchar (10),DateCreated,102),3,1 -- order by dbo.Jobs.BackCheckFileNumber asc end else -- even if contactid is not zero, since companyid is zero, so we regard both be zero, so no company -- and contact were specified begin Insert into #SearchJobsTmp SELECT Jobs.JobsID, DateCreated, LastName + N ',' + FirstName, BackCheckFileNumber, RushJob, dbo.GetStatusName(CanadianCriminalCheckStatus,CanadianCriminalCheck) , RefEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + RefEmp.EmployeeLastName AS RefLead, EduEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + EduEmp.EmployeeLastName AS EduLead, Complete, ( case when isnull (ReferenceCheck,0)=0 then null else isnull (ReferenceCheckStatus,0) end ), ( case when isnull (EducationVerification,0)=0 then null else isnull (EducationVerificationStatus,0) end ), 1 FROM dbo.Employee EduEmp INNER JOIN dbo.EducationVerification ON EduEmp.EmployeeID = EducationVerification.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Employee RefEmp INNER JOIN dbo.ReferenceCheck ON RefEmp.EmployeeID = ReferenceCheck.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Jobs INNER JOIN dbo.EmployeeSpecialCompanyLink as link ON Jobs.CompanyContactID = link.CompanyContactID ON ReferenceCheck.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID ON EducationVerification.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID where link.EmployeeID = @employeeID and ISNULL (Jobs.Status,0)=0 and (@IncludeArchived = 1 or isnull (Jobs.Archived,0)=0) and ( (FirstName + N ' ' + LastName + N ',' + FirstName like @search) or (BackCheckFileNumber like @search ) or dbo.JobHasEducationName(Jobs.JobsID, EducationVerification, @search)=1 or dbo.JobHasReferenceName(Jobs.JobsID, ReferenceCheck, @search)=1 ) order by convert ( nchar (10),DateCreated,102),3,1 Insert into #SearchJobsTmp2 SELECT Jobs.JobsID, DateCreated, LastName + N ',' + FirstName, BackCheckFileNumber, RushJob, dbo.GetStatusName(CanadianCriminalCheckStatus,CanadianCriminalCheck), RefEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + RefEmp.EmployeeLastName AS RefLead, EduEmp.EmployeeFirstName + N ' ' + EduEmp.EmployeeLastName AS EduLead, Complete, ( case when isnull (ReferenceCheck,0)=0 then null else isnull (ReferenceCheckStatus,0) end ), ( case when isnull (EducationVerification,0)=0 then null else isnull (EducationVerificationStatus,0) end ), 0 FROM dbo.Employee EduEmp INNER JOIN dbo.EducationVerification ON EduEmp.EmployeeID = EducationVerification.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Employee RefEmp INNER JOIN dbo.ReferenceCheck ON RefEmp.EmployeeID = ReferenceCheck.FileLeadEmployeeID RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Jobs ON ReferenceCheck.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID ON EducationVerification.JobsID = Jobs.JobsID where Jobs.QALevel <= @QALevel and ISNULL (Jobs.Status,0)= 0 and (@IncludeArchived= 1 or isnull (Jobs.Archived,0)=0) and NOT EXISTS ( select 1 from #SearchJobsTmp where Jobs.JobsID = #SearchJobsTmp.[ID]) and ( (FirstName + N ' ' + LastName + N ',' + FirstName like @search) or (BackCheckFileNumber like @search ) or dbo.JobHasEducationName(Jobs.JobsID, EducationVerification, @search)=1 or dbo.JobHasReferenceName(Jobs.JobsID, ReferenceCheck, @search)=1 ) order by convert ( nchar (10),DateCreated,102),3,1 -- order by dbo.Jobs.BackCheckFileNumber asc end SET NOCOUNT OFF select * from #SearchJobsTmp union all select * from #SearchJobstmp2 END GO |
posted on 2017-03-07 23:13 SuperSaiyan 阅读(76) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报
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