Firstly download the sdk from Perforce official site's download page.

It's a .zip file, extract it to disk and you'll find a README.txt for how to create a .net application to use the API.

And here is the C# code to update a submitted changelist's description:

 1 using Perforce.P4;
 3 namespace ModifyP4CLDescription
 4 {
 5     class Program
 6     {
 7         static void Main(string[] args)
 8         {
 9             string uri = "my_perforce_server:1666";
10             string user = "my_user_name";
11             string ws_client = "my_work_space_name";
13             Server server = new Server(new ServerAddress(uri));
14             Repository rep = new Repository(server);
15             Connection con = rep.Connection;
17             con.UserName = user;
18             con.Client = new Client();
19             con.Client.Name = ws_client;
21             con.Connect(null);
23             Changelist c = rep.GetChangelist(123456);
24             string newDiscription = c.Description + "modify my description";
25             c.Description = newDiscription;
26             ChangeCmdOptions opts = new ChangeCmdOptions(ChangeCmdFlags.Update);
28             c = rep.UpdateChangelist(c, opts);            
29         }
30     }
31 }


posted on 2017-04-25 09:41  Kai.Zhang  阅读(415)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报