「ASCII Table」- 整理(ASCII 码表) @20210219

控制字符(Control Characters)

NUL 0 0 0 ^@ Null character
SOH 1 1 1 ^A Start of heading, = console interrupt
STX 2 2 2 ^B Start of text, maintenance mode on HP console
ETX 3 3 3 ^C End of text
EOT 4 4 4 ^D End of transmission, not the same as ETB
ENQ 5 5 5 ^E Enquiry, goes with ACK; old HP flow control
ACK 6 6 6 ^F Acknowledge, clears ENQ logon hand
BEL 7 7 7 ^G Bell, rings the bell...
BS 10 8 8 ^H Backspace, works on HP terminals/computers
HT 11 9 9 ^I Horizontal tab, move to next tab stop
LF 12 10 a ^J Line Feed
VT 13 11 b ^K Vertical tab
FF 14 12 c ^L Form Feed, page eject
CR 15 13 d ^M Carriage Return
SO 16 14 e ^N Shift Out, alternate character set
SI 17 15 f ^O Shift In, resume defaultn character set
DLE 20 16 10 ^P Data link escape
DC1 21 17 11 ^Q XON, with XOFF to pause listings; ":okay to send".
DC2 22 18 12 ^R Device control 2, block-mode flow control
DC3 23 19 13 ^S XOFF, with XON is TERM=18 flow control
DC4 24 20 14 ^T Device control 4
NAK 25 21 15 ^U Negative acknowledge
SYN 26 22 16 ^V Synchronous idle
ETB 27 23 17 ^W End transmission block, not the same as EOT
CAN 30 24 17 ^X Cancel line, MPE echoes !!!
EM 31 25 19 ^Y End of medium, Control-Y interrupt
SUB 32 26 1a ^Z Substitute
ESC 33 27 1b ^[ Escape, next character is not echoed
FS 34 28 1c ^\ File separator
GS 35 29 1d ^] Group separator
RS 36 30 1e ^^ Record separator, block-mode terminator
US 37 31 1f ^_ Unit separator

可打印字符(Printing Characters)

SP 40 32 20   Space
! 41 33 21   Exclamation mark
" 42 34 22   Quotation mark (" in HTML)
# 43 35 23   Cross hatch (number sign)
$ 44 36 24   Dollar sign
% 45 37 25   Percent sign
& 46 38 26   Ampersand
` 47 39 27   Closing single quote (apostrophe)
( 50 40 28   Opening parentheses
) 51 41 29   Closing parentheses
* 52 42 2a   Asterisk (star, multiply)
+ 53 43 2b   Plus
, 54 44 2c   Comma
- 55 45 2d   Hyphen, dash, minus
. 56 46 2e   Period
/ 57 47 2f   Slant (forward slash, divide)
0 60 48 30   Zero
1 61 49 31   One
2 62 50 32   Two
3 63 51 33   Three
4 64 52 34   Four
5 65 53 35   Five
6 66 54 36   Six
7 67 55 37   Seven
8 70 56 38   Eight
9 71 57 39   Nine
: 72 58 3a   Colon
; 73 59 3b   Semicolon
< 74 60 3c   Less than sign (< in HTML)
= 75 61 3d   Equals sign
> 76 62 3e   Greater than sign (> in HTML)
? 77 63 3f   Question mark
@ 100 64 40   At-sign
A 101 65 41   Uppercase A
B 102 66 42   Uppercase B
C 103 67 43   Uppercase C
D 104 68 44   Uppercase D
E 105 69 45   Uppercase E
F 106 70 46   Uppercase F
G 107 71 47   Uppercase G
H 110 72 48   Uppercase H
I 111 73 49   Uppercase I
J 112 74 4a   Uppercase J
K 113 75 4b   Uppercase K
L 114 76 4c   Uppercase L
M 115 77 4d   Uppercase M
N 116 78 4e   Uppercase N
O 117 79 4f   Uppercase O
P 120 80 50   Uppercase P
Q 121 81 51   Uppercase Q
R 122 82 52   Uppercase R
S 123 83 53   Uppercase S
T 124 84 54   Uppercase T
U 125 85 55   Uppercase U
V 126 86 56   Uppercase V
W 127 87 57   Uppercase W
X 130 88 58   Uppercase X
Y 131 89 59   Uppercase Y
Z 132 90 5a   Uppercase Z
[ 133 91 5b   Opening square bracket
\ 134 92 5c   Reverse slant (Backslash)
] 135 93 5d   Closing square bracket
^ 136 94 5e   Caret (Circumflex)
_ 137 95 5f   Underscore
` 140 96 60   Opening single quote
a 141 97 61   Lowercase a
b 142 98 62   Lowercase b
c 143 99 63   Lowercase c
d 144 100 64   Lowercase d
e 145 101 65   Lowercase e
f 146 102 66   Lowercase f
g 147 103 67   Lowercase g
h 150 104 68   Lowercase h
i 151 105 69   Lowercase i
j 152 106 6a   Lowercase j
k 153 107 6b   Lowercase k
l 154 108 6c   Lowercase l
m 155 109 6d   Lowercase m
n 156 110 6e   Lowercase n
o 157 111 6f   Lowercase o
p 160 112 70   Lowercase p
q 161 113 71   Lowercase q
r 162 114 72   Lowercase r
s 163 115 73   Lowercase s
t 164 116 74   Lowercase t
u 165 117 75   Lowercase u
v 166 118 76   Lowercase v
w 167 119 77   Lowercase w
x 170 120 78   Lowercase x
y 171 121 79   Lowercase y
z 172 122 7a   Lowercase z
{ 173 123 7b   Opening curly brace
| 174 124 7c   Vertical line
} 175 125 7d   Cloing curly brace
~ 176 126 7e   Tilde (approximate)
DEL 177 127 7f   Delete (rubout), cross-hatch box


Control codes - converting to ASCII, hex or decimal
Ascii Table - ASCII character codes and html, octal, hex and decimal chart conversion

posted @ 2021-02-19 20:05  研究林纳斯写的  阅读(281)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报