# 2020-10-02 #「Jenkins Pipeline」- expected to call xxx but wound up catching xxx


在 Jenkins Pipeline 中,我们从控制台中看到类似如下提示信息:

expected to call org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer.download but wound up catching artifactoryDownload; 
see: https://jenkins.io/redirect/pipeline-cps-method-mismatches/


正如页面 Pipeline CPS Method Mismatches / Use of Pipeline steps from @NonCPS 所说:


but non-CPS-transformed code may not call CPS-transformed code.


我们出现该警告的原因是:在添加 NonCPS 注解的方法中调用 Jenkins Pipepline 的步骤(Step)


1)去掉方法的 NonCPS 注解
2)或者在添加 NonCPS 注解的方法中调用 Jenkins Pipepline 的步骤(Step)


K4NZ / expected to call xxx but wound up catching xxx
Pipeline CPS Method Mismatches

posted @ 2020-10-02 18:04  研究林纳斯写的  阅读(421)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报