Win 7下搞定 DELL Precision M4500的指纹识别
首先,需要安装Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package,64 bit的在这里,32 bit的在这里。
然后,下载一个Dell ControlVault Windows Biometric Framework。
解压以后,找到Dell ControlVault WBF Driver下的USH64文件夹,运行CVHCI64.msi
安装完毕以后可能会提示你Firmware版本过旧,需要更新,这时运行Dell ControlVault WBF Firmware的firmware下的ushupgrade.exe,开始自动更新(那个BAT就是坑爹的,运行提示64bit系统不支持)
更新完重启,进入开始菜单,找到Control Vault WBF,运行,然后选Enable,点Set。
之后进入控制面板,搜索Biometric,选"Use your fingerprint with Windows",按提示操作就行了。
English Version:
To make DELL Precision M4500's fingerprint reader work under Windows 7, first, you need Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package, for 64 bit OS, for 32 bit OS.
Then, download Dell ControlVault Windows Biometric Framework.
Run the self-extract pack downloaded in previous step, go to the extracted files' folder, and execute CVHCI64.msi under the "Dell ControlVault WBF Driver\USH64" subfolder.
You may be prompt for firmware too old after the installation. To update the firmware, execute ushupgrade.exe under the "Dell ControlVault WBF Firmware\firmware" subfolder. (the bat doesn't work for my 64 bit OS)
Restart follow the prompt, then in Start menu, find Control Vault WBF, run, Enable the Windows Biometric Framework.
Then go to Control Panel, search for "Biometric", click "Use your fingerprint with Windows", take actions follow the wizard.