随笔分类 - SuperSocket
About SuperSocket
该版本下载地址: http://superwebsocket.codeplex.com/releases/view/56547
SuperWebSocket项目主页: http://superwebsocket.codeplex.com/
作为HTML5的一个重要新特性,WebSocket 规范的目标是在浏览器中实现和服务器端双向通信.双向通信可以拓展浏览器上的应用类型,例如实时的数据推送(股票行情),游戏,聊天/im 等.
SuperWebSocket是基于.NET开源Socket框架SuperSocket开发的, SuperSocket所支持的大部分功能在SuperWebSocket中得到了继承。用户可通过SuperWebSocket来快速的构建可靠的,高性能的websocket服务器端应用程序。
摘要:前不久,SuperSocket v1.0 正式发布了。 作为.NET语言为数不多的socket服务器端框架, SuperSocket很好的支持了命令行格式的协议,很多经典的应用都可以用它来构建, 例如FTP, SMTP/POP3等等。 近期,SuperSocket又进行了几次比较大的重构,扩展性又将得到进一步提升。不久,SuperSocket将会支持自定义协议的功能,内嵌包括命令行格式协议和终止符格式协议,用户也可以定制开发符合自己项目需求的协议。项目地址:http://supersocket.codeplex.com
摘要:项目首页: http://supersocket.codeplex.com/下载地址:http://supersocket.codeplex.com/releases/view/54186什么是SuperSocket? SuperSocket 是一个轻量级的可扩展的 Socket 开发框架,可用来构建一个基于命令的服务器端 Socket 程序,而无需了解如何使用 Socket,如何维护Socket连接,Socket是如何工作的。该项目使用纯 C# 开发,易于扩展和集成到已有的项目。只要你的已有系统(forum/CRM/MIS/HRM/ERP)是使用.NET开发的,你都能够使用 SuperS
摘要:Release Notes Includes: Source codeQuick start examplesChanges: Refactored the code about async receive commandImproved the code about receiving binary dataAdded independent logging files support for each socket server instancesAdded unit test projectImproved CommandParser and CommandParameterParser
摘要:Main changes:
* Fixed bugs in socket communications
* Added more socket server configurations
* Improved the command parser structure
* Implemented the best async socket communication practice using SocketAsyncEventArgs and BufferManager
* Removed/moved unused files
* Changed license to Apache License Version 2.0
摘要:This guide will introduce how to create a simple command line socket application using SupperSocket application framework.
About SuperSocket: http://www.cnblogs.com/jzywh/archive/2010/06/09/supersocket.html
摘要:SuperSocket is an extensible socket application framework. You can use it to build a command based server side socket application easily without thinking about how to use socket, how to maintain the socket connections and how socket works(synchronize/asynchronize).
It is a pure C# project which is designed to be extended, so it is easy to be integrated to your existing system. As long as your systems (like forum/CRM/MIS/HRM/ERP) are developed in .NET language, you must be able to use SuperSoc