Children's Privacy Policy

Thank you for using our app! We value your privacy and are committed to providing a safe and child-friendly digital experience. Please read the following to understand how we handle user information.

Information Collection:

Our app does not collect personal information, including but not limited to names, addresses, email addresses, etc.

We do not collect any children's information. Our app is explicitly designed to avoid inducing or consciously collecting personal identification information from children.

Purpose of Use:

The primary purpose of our app is to provide entertainment and education, without involving the collection, usage, or sharing of user information.

Third-Party Sharing:

Our app does not share user information with third parties. All user data is strictly confined to internal use within the app.

Third-Party Analytics:

We do not utilize third-party analytics tools, and thus, no data about your app usage is collected.

Parental Rights:

For our app, parents have the right to access, correct, or delete information about their children within the app. If you are a parent and wish to view, correct, or delete information about your child within the app, please contact us.


If you have any questions regarding our Children's Privacy Policy or the privacy practices of our app, please contact us

In conclusion, we emphasize our commitment to providing a secure, enjoyable digital experience, and safeguarding the privacy of users and families is our top priority.

Thank you!

posted on 2024-01-26 10:51  金字塔上D蜗牛  阅读(14)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
