Knowledge 1:Propositional Logic 命题逻辑基础及符号


  • reasoning 推理
  • Deductive reasoning(for a basic logic) 演绎推理
  • analogy 类比;比喻 /əˈnælədʒi/ 
  • definition of terminology  /ˌtɜːmɪˈnɒlədʒi/术语的定义
  • proposition/ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃn/命题
  • distinction/dɪˈstɪŋkʃn/n. 区别;差别
  • arithmetic /əˈrɪθmətɪk/ 算术,算法
  • anthropomorphize/,ænθrəpəʊ'mɔːfaɪz/vt. 赋与人性,人格化
  • knowledge base(KB) 知识库
  • connectionism /kə'nekʃənizəm/ 联结主义
  • retrieval /rɪˈtriːvl/n. 检索;恢复;取回;拯救
  • inference: 推理
  • entailment:蕴含
  • syntax:  /ˈsɪntæks/n. 语法;句法;
  • semantic: /sɪˈmæntɪk/adj. 语义的;语义学的
  • falsity: /ˈfɔːlsəti/n. 虚伪;错误;谎言;不真实
  • notation /nəʊˈteɪʃn/n. 符号
  • terminology:/ˌtɜːmɪˈnɒlədʒi/n. 术语,术语学;用辞
  • theorem/ˈθɪərəm/n. [数] 定理;原理
  • axiom: /ˈæksiəm/n. [数] 公理
  • iff: 当且仅当
  • K |= a是语义蕴含,K |- b是形式推演

What's all the Fuss about?#

  • Resources required to solve a problem
    • Time(computational complexity)
    • Memory
  • Some problem are easy to solve
    • 1+1=?
    • This is good!
  • Some problems are difficult to solve
    • Playing chess, scheduling/timetabling...
    • Is this bad?
  • Some problems cannot be solved!
    • Reasoning, planning,...

What is knowledge?#

  • taking the world to be one way and not another
  • the propositions for the true or false encode what you know about the world.

What is representation?#

  • symbolic encoding of propositions believed by some agent 命题的符号编码,由某些行为者相信
  • symbols standing for things in the world

What is reasoning?#

  • Manipulation of symbols encoding propositions to produce representations of new propositions.对编码命题的符号进行操作,以产生新命题的表示。

Why knowledge?#

  • taking an intentional stance

Why representation?#

  • intentional stance says nothing about what is / is not represented symbolically

Why reasoning?#

  • Want knowledge to affect action
    • We don't want to do action A if sentence P is in KB,
    • But rather do action A if world believed in satisfies P
  • Difference:
    • P may not be explicitly represented
    • Need to apply what is known to particulars of given situation
  • Usually need more than just DB-style retrieval of facts in the KB


  • Sentences P1, P2, ..., Pn entail sentence P iff the truth of P is implicit in the truth of P1, P2, ..., Pn
  • Inference: the process of calculating entailments
    • sound: get only entailment
    • complete: get all entailment
  • Sometimes want unsound / incomplete reasoning
  • Logic: study of entailment relations

Using Logic#

  • No universal language / semantics
  • No universal reasoning scheme
  • Start with first-order predicate calculus(FOL)

Why do we need formal Knowledge Representation?#

  • Natural languages exhibit ambiguity
  • ambiguity make it difficult to make any inferences

Syntax vs Semantics#

  • Syntax: Describe the legal sentences in a knowledge representation language.
  • Semantics: Refers to the meaning of sentences. Semantics talks about truth and falsity.


  • Propositions are statements of fact.
  • We shall use single letters to represent propositions
    • P: Socrates is bald.

Formulae in Propositional Logic#



  • BNF grammar
    • Sentence ::= AtomicSentence || ComplexSentence
    • AtomicSentence ::= True || False || P || Q || R || . .
    • ComplexSentence ::= ( Sentence ) || Sentence Connective Sentence || ¬ Sentence
    • Connective ::= ∧ || ∨ || → || ↔


  • The semantics of the connectives can be given by truth tables. It determines the semantics for complex formulae.



What is a logic?#

  • A logic consists of:
    • A formal system for expressing knowledge about a domain consisting of
      • Syntax: Sentences(well formed formulae)
      • Semantics: Meaning
    • A proof theory: rules of inference for deducing sentences from a knowledge base


  • λ ⊢ ρ: we can construct a proof for ρ from λ using axioms and rules  of inference
  • If λ is empty (i.e., 0⊢ρ) and ρ is a single formula, then we say that ρ is a theorem of the logic


  • λ |= ρ: whenever the formula(s) λ are true, one of the formula(s) in ρ is true
  • In the case where ρ is a single formula, we can determine whether  λ |= ρ by constructing a truth table for λ and ρ. If, in any row of the  truth table where all the formulae in λ are true, ρ is also true, then  λ |= ρ.
  • If λ is empty, we say that ρ is a tautology

Soundness and Completeness#

  • λ |= a是语义蕴含, λ |- b是形式推演
  • An inference procedure (and hence a logic) is sound if and only if it  preserves truth
    • In other words ⊢ is sound iff whenever λ ⊢ ρ, then λ |= ρ
      • Soundness 是说右侧推演的知识都是被λ蕴含的(推出来的知识都是正确的)
  • A logic is complete if and only if it is capable of proving all truths
    • In other words, whenever λ |= ρ, then λ ⊢ ρ
      • Completeness 是说,左侧蕴含出来的知识都可以推演出来
  • A logic is decidable if and only if we can write a mechanical procedure (computer program) which when asked λ ⊢ ρ it can eventually halt and answer “yes” or answer “no”

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