以下内容整理自Oracle 官方文档


      一 概念

      A synonym is an alias for any table, view,materialized view, sequence, procedure, function, package, type, Java classschema object, user-defined object type, or another synonym. Because a synonymis simply an alias, it requires no storage other than its definition in thedata dictionary.



      Synonyms are often used for security andconvenience. For example, they can do the following:


      1. Mask the name and owner of anobject  伪装对象名称和其所有者。

      2. Provide location transparency for remoteobjects of a distributed database 为分布式数据库远程对象提供位置透明性

      3. Simplify SQL statements for databaseusers 简化数据库用户访问对象SQL语句

      4. Enable restricted access similar tospecialized views when exercising fine-grained access control 当行使精细化访问控制时提供类似指定视图的访问限制

      You can create both public and privatesynonyms. A public synonym is owned by the special user group named PUBLIC andevery user in a database can access it. A private synonym is in the schema of aspecific user who has control over its availability to others.


      Synonyms are very useful in bothdistributed and nondistributed database environments because they hide theidentity of the underlying object, including its location in a distributedsystem. This is advantageous because if the underlying object must be renamedor moved, then only the synonym needs to be redefined. Applications based onthe synonym continue to function without modification.


      Synonyms can also simplify SQL statementsfor users in a distributed database system. The following example shows how andwhy public synonyms are often created by a database administrator to hide theidentity of a base table and reduce the complexity of SQL statements. Assume thefollowing:


      A table called SALES_DATA is in the schemaowned by the user JWARD.

      JWARD用户下有一张表 SALES_DATA

      The SELECT privilege for the SALES_DATAtable is granted to PUBLIC.


      At this point, you have to query the tableSALES_DATA with a SQL statement similar to the following:


      SELECT * FROM jward.sales_data;

      Notice how you must include both the schemathat contains the table along with the table name to perform the query.

      Assume that the database administratorcreates a public synonym with the following SQL statement:

      假如数据库管理员创建了一个public 同义词:

      CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM sales FORjward.sales_data;

      After the public synonym is created, youcan query the table SALES_DATA with a simple SQL statement:


      SELECT * FROM sales;

      Notice that the public synonym SALES hidesthe name of the table SALES_DATA and the name of the schema that contains thetable.


      二、CREATE SYNONYM 创建同义词



      To create a private synonym in your own schema, you must have the CREATE SYNONYM system privilege.

      在自己模式下创建私有同义词需要CREATE SYNONYM权限。

      To create a private synonym in another user's schema, you must have the CREATE ANY SYNONYM system privilege.

      在其他用户模式下创建私有同义词需要CREATE ANY SYNONYM权限。

      To create a PUBLIC synonym, you must have the CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM system privilege.

      创建公有同义词,需要有CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM权限。


      sqlplus / as sysdba

      CREATE SYNONYM offices

      FOR hr.locations;

      GRANT SELECT ON hr.locations to SCOTT;



      USING 'orcl';



      GRANT SELECT ON HR.employees to SCOTT;

      conn scott/tiger@orcl

      SELECT count(*) from sys.offices;

      select count(*) from emp_table;


      三、DROP SYNONYM  删除同义词




      To drop a private synonym, either the synonym must be in your own schema or you must have the DROP ANY SYNONYM system privilege.

      删除私有同义词需要有DROP ANY SYNONYM权限。

      To drop a PUBLIC synonym, you must have the DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM system privilege.

      删除公有同义词需要有DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM权限。



      SYS@orcl>DROP SYNONYM emp_table;

      DROPSYNONYM emp_table


      第 1 行出现错误:


      SYS@orcl>DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM emp_table;



      DROP SYNONYM offices;


      四、Q&A 问答

      Q: 可以对同义词做INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE操作吗?


      SCOTT@orcl> UPDATE sys.offices t'Shanghai' WHERE location_id=1000;

      UPDATE sys.offices t SET'Shanghai'WHERE location_id=1000


      第 1 行出现错误:

      ORA-01031: 权限不足

      SYS@orcl> grant update on hr.locationsto scott;


      SCOTT@orcl> /

      已更新 1 行。

      SO: 用户对同义词的操作权限都是基于对其底层对象有哪些操作权限。


      Dylan   Presents.

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