摘要:将.js文件放到Standard Assets目录下,否则无法编译通过 CS_test.cs : using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class CS_test : MonoBehaviour { void OnGUI() { if(GUI.Button(new Rect(10...
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09 2014 档案
摘要:将.js文件放到Standard Assets目录下,否则无法编译通过 CS_test.cs : using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class CS_test : MonoBehaviour { void OnGUI() { if(GUI.Button(new Rect(10...
摘要:如果已安装旧版,先卸载,然后在安装新版本; 安装完毕后,打开Unity,在Build Settings中设置: Import the Visual Studio Tools Unity package You can import it like a standard asset package. It may take a restart of Unity for it to r...
摘要:在Windows Phone 7 Tips (5) 中曾经提到,在Windows Phone 7 中页面的布局一般分为:Panoramic、Pivot、List和Full Screen。而通常List的实现方式就是ListBox。 一、什么是ListBox? ListBox 是一个显示项集合的控件。一次可以显示 ListBox 中的多个项。 ListBox继承自ItemsControl,可以使...
摘要:One of the UI features of lists on Windows Phone 7 is that the "scroll bars" don't really act like traditional scroll bars; they are non-interactive and they only appear when the list is actually scro...
摘要:How to access a Control placed inside ListBox ItemTemplate in WP7(转) In this post I am going to talk about how to access a Control inside the ListBox ItemPanelTemplate/DataTemplate in Silverlight for ...