jetty compile

lifecycle cant been covered,

需要m2e-extra,在elcipse marcketplace找,不是叫做这个名。




ok,mvn test

有一个地方抛出的异常和代码里不一样导致test failed,修改为真实抛出的类名;idontexist竟然能resolved,导致test failed.修改resolve.conf为8。8。8。8,ok。(后来发现只要是1个或者2个字母的域名,就不会resolved,不用设置8。8。8。8)

Some nameservers deliberately return IPs for nonexistent domains. ISPs are notorious for doing this - they can actually monetize on advertising given on landing pages for nonexistent domains.

You could always change your resolv.conf file to use public DNS servers that are known for sure not to exhibit this behavior. Google's DNS ( and and Level3's DNS ( through both provide public DNS access and do not redirect unknown domains. (Source:


posted @ 2014-08-14 10:27  jvava  阅读(327)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报