

  1. 新建一个Eclipse的workspace。
  2. 打开Window—>Preferences,如下图所示:
  3. 打开Preferences后,点击Maven,可以看到右边Maven下的Download repository index updates on startp。取消该项的勾选,点击Apply后点击OK即可。如下图所示:
  1. 在之前已经有下载好的repository index 已有工作空间下,找到.metadata.pluginsorg.maven.ide.eclipsenexus。把该目录下的 central文件夹整个复制到新建的workspace下对应 的.metadata.pluginsorg.maven.ide.eclipsenexus目录下。替代原系统自动生成的central文件夹及其内 容。
  2. 完成以上步骤,下面我们来进行手动设置nexus-maven-repository-index更新。打开Eclipse的Window—>Show View—>Other…,如下图所示:
  1. 打开后,找到Maven,点击就可以看到Maven Indexes,选中点击OK进入。如下图所示:
  1. 下面就自动出现视图窗口,里面应该有好三列记录,分别是workspace, local和central,分别对应了该工程的java代码,本地MAVEN库和官方库。如下图所示:
  1. 选中local并点击右键,会出现Update Index,点击Update Index,即完成了手动更新nexus-maven-repository-index,不用再从远程官方库来下载了。


First check all of your dependencies including plugins and children in the dependency tree,
try to replace snapshot versions with release versions,
as snapshot versions will always look for a later update, whereas
release versions are deemed to be stable and updates are not expected for the same version number.

Secondly, assuming that you are working on a LAN, I would suggest that you install a local maven repository manager such as Nexus, and then redirect your artifact requests by setting
<mirrorOf>*</mirrorOf> in your ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml

This will enable your downloads to be resolved quickly against a local mirror, rather than continually checking against repositories on the internet.


posted @ 2015-09-05 22:16  暗渡陈仓xy  阅读(7102)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报