1: //:c08:Quoter.cpp 2: //random quote selection 3: /* 4: *C++编程思想第八章,关于const成员函数的例子 5: *这个例子说明,const对象只能调用cosnt成员函数,例子利用随机数生成器构造了 6: *一个选举器,每次都从若干句话中选出与上次不同的一句话,打印输出。 7: *时间:201... 阅读全文
1: /* 2: author:justinzhang 3: email:uestczhangchao@gmail.com 4: time:2012-8-30 16:58:38 5: desc:for the practice of interview problem 6: */ 7: #include <iostream> 8: using na... 阅读全文
1: //file :4pqueue-test.cpp 2: #include <queue> 3: #include <iostream> 4: #include <algorithm> 5: using namespace std; 6: 7: int main() 8: { 9: //test priority queue..... 阅读全文
1: /* 2: author:justinzhang 3: email:uestczhangchao@gmail.com 4: time:2012-8-23 10:28:53 5: desc: value_type , from <the annotated stl source>, chapter 3, p86 6: iterator_traits wil... 阅读全文
1: /* 2: author:justinzhang 3: email:uestczhangchao@gmail.com 4: time:2012-8-22 16:23:08 5: desc: mmap()practice from man mmap 6: */ 7: #include <sys/mman.h> 8: #include <sys/... 阅读全文
1: /* 2: @@ 3: Author: JustinZhang 4: Email: uestczhangchao@gmail.com 5: Time: 2012-9-1 23:32:22 6: desc: Example from man, write by hand, test under ubu... 阅读全文
1: /* 2: author:justinzhang 3: email:uestczhangchao@gmail.com 4: time:2012-8-22 18:50:23: 5: desc: a buggy program from bbs.qshpan.com, i use strerror(errno) to locate 6: the proble... 阅读全文
1: /* 2: author:justinzhang 3: email:uestczhangchao@gmail.com 4: time:2012-8-30 22:53:33 5: desc: from a interview question, fork plus printf buffer is a littel tricky~~ 6: */ 7: ... 阅读全文
1: /* 2: Author:Justinzhang 3: email:uestczhangchao@gmail.com 4: time:2012-8-30 22:17:23 5: desc:fork problem, from www.qshpan.com 6: */ 7: 8: #include <stdio.h> 9: #inclu... 阅读全文
1: /* 2: author:justinzhang 3: email:uestczhangchao@gmail.com 4: time:2012-8-30 18:54:01 5: desc: binary search from the aocp p380 6: */ 7: 8: #include <iostream> 9: #incl... 阅读全文
1: /* 2: author:justinzhang 3: email:uestczhangchao@gmail.com 4: time:2012-8-20 15:52:27 5: des.:using non recursive method to traverse binary tree 6: */ 7: #include <iostream> ... 阅读全文
1: /* 2: @@ 3: Author: Justinzhang 4: Email: uestczhangchao@gmail.com 5: Time: 2012-9-1 22:08:31 6: Desc: It's a problem meet a long time ago. i've tried... 阅读全文
1: /* 2: author:justinzhang 3: email:uestczhangchao@gmail.com 4: time:2012-8-19 9:44:46 5: des.: to left rotate a string,e.g, abcedef->cedefab 6: */ 7: 8: #include <iostream>... 阅读全文
1: /* 2: @@ 3: Author: Justinzhang 4: Email: uestczhangchao@gmail.com 5: time: 2012-9-1 21:40:13 6: desc: find the max sum of sub arrys; This file was cr... 阅读全文
1: /* 2: @@ 3: Author: justinzhang 4: Email: uestczhangchao@gmail.com 5: Time: 2012-9-1 20:37:37 6: desc: double list related code 7: */ 8: #include <iostream> 9: #inc... 阅读全文
/*@@author:justinzhangemail:uestczhangchao@gmail.comtime:2012-9-1 18:51:44desc: all the list related operation will be place here; including: 1> combine_list(list<type> *l1, list<type>* l2);... 阅读全文
/************************************************************************* Author:justinzhang* Email:uestczhangchao@gmail.com* Time:2011年5月26日19:42:29* Discription:百度之星-05年,第一题,一个整数可以表示为n个连续整数之和。****... 阅读全文