
   1:  /*
   2:  @@
   3:      Author:    Justinzhang
   4:      Email:    uestczhangchao@gmail.com
   5:      time:    2012-9-1 21:40:13
   6:      desc:    find the max sum of sub arrys; This file was created at an earlier time; 
   7:              At that time, i didn't read the programming perls, in that book, there is a detailed
   8:              discussion about this problem. The fastest algrithm can solve it in O(n) time;
   9:              So if have spare time, read more of it.
  10:  @@
  11:  */
  13:  #include <iostream>
  14:  #include <vector>
  15:  #include <algorithm>
  16:  #include <iomanip>
  17:  using namespace std;
  19:  template<class type> 
  20:  type getMax(type param1, type param2)
  21:  {
  22:      return (param1>param2 ? param1 : param2);
  23:  }
  25:  template<class type> type find_max_sum_of_subarray(vector<type> vec)
  26:  {
  27:      type maxSum = 0;
  28:      type curMaxSum = 0;
  29:      for(unsigned int i=0; i < vec.size(); i++)
  30:      {
  31:          curMaxSum += vec[i];
  32:          curMaxSum = getMax(0, curMaxSum);
  33:          maxSum = getMax(maxSum, curMaxSum);
  34:      }
  35:      return maxSum;
  36:  }
  39:  int main()
  40:  {
  41:      int array[] = {-2, 5, 3,-6, 44, -8, 16};
  42:      /* /!\ note that: to use array to initialize vector, the second parameter is the length of array,
  43:         not the length of array minus 1.
  44:      */
  45:      vector<int> vec(array,array+(sizeof array / sizeof(int)));
  46:      cout << "find_max_sum_of_subArray: " << find_max_sum_of_subarray<int>(vec) << endl;
  47:      return 0;
  48:  }
posted @ 2012-09-01 23:19  justinzhang  阅读(229)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报