Homework Exercises 1
2013-02-04 21:48 Justany_WhiteSnow 阅读(747) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报
- 1 <= k < N
- N可被k整除
/* 1a. */ /** Returns the sum of all integers, k, such that 1 <= k < N and * N is evenly divisible by k. */ static int factorSum(int N) { // Fill in here }
static int factorSum(int N) { int i = 0; int j = 0; for (; i <= N / 2; i++) { if (N % i == 0) { j += i; } } return j; }
打印出0 - N间的所有相亲数,每一对占一行,小的在前,大的在后。
- 220的全部约数(除掉本身)相加是:1+2+4+5+10+11+20+22+44+55+110=284
- 284的全部约数(除掉284本身)相加的和是:1+2+4+71+142=220
/* 1b. */ /** Print the set of all sociable pairs whose members are all * between 1 and N>=0 (inclusive) on the standard output (one pair per * line, smallest member of each pair first, with no repetitions). */ static void printSociablePairs(int N) { // Fill in here }
static void printSociablePairs(int N) { int i = 0; int j = 0; for(; i<=N; i++){ j = factorSum(i) if (j > i){ system.out.println(i + ", " + j); } } }
import java.util.Formatter; /** Scheme-like pairs that can be used to form a list of integers. * @author P. N. Hilfinger * [Do not modify this file.] */ public class IntList { /** First element of list. */ public int head; /** Remaining elements of list. */ public IntList tail; /** A List with head HEAD0 and tail TAIL0. */ public IntList(int head0, IntList tail0) { head = head0; tail = tail0; } /** A List with null tail, and head = 0. */ public IntList() { /* NOTE: public IntList () { } would also work. */ this (0, null); } /** Returns a new IntList containing the ints in ARGS. */ public static IntList list(Integer ... args) { IntList result, p; if (args.length > 0) { result = new IntList(args[0], null); } else { return null; } int k; for (k = 1, p = result; k < args.length; k += 1, p = p.tail) { p.tail = new IntList(args[k], null); } return result; } /** Returns true iff X is an IntList containing the same sequence of ints * as THIS. */ public boolean equals(Object x) { if (!(x instanceof IntList)) { return false; } IntList L = (IntList) x; IntList p; for (p = this; p != null && L != null; p = p.tail, L = L.tail) { if (p.head != L.head) { return false; } } if (p != null || L != null) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return head; } @Override public String toString() { Formatter out = new Formatter(); String sep; sep = "("; for (IntList p = this; p != null; p = p.tail) { out.format("%s%d", sep, p.head); sep = ", "; } out.format(")"); return out.toString(); } }
返回一个IntList包含IntList A,后面跟着IntList B,不允许使用new。
/* 2a. */ /** Returns a list consisting of the elements of A followed by the * elements of B. May modify items of A. Don't use 'new'. */ static IntList dcatenate(IntList A, IntList B) { // Fill in here }
static IntList dcatenate(IntList A, IntList B) { IntList p for (p = A; p != null; p = p.tail;){ if(p.tail == null){ p.tail = B; } } return A; }
返回一个IntList的一部分,从原IntList L的第start个元素开始,长度为len。不允许改变原IntList的每个元素,如果元素不存在会抛出错误。
/* 2b. */ /** Returns the sublist consisting of LEN items from list L, * beginning with item #START (where the first item is #0). * Does not modify the original list elements. * It is an error if the desired items don't exist. */ static IntList sublist(IntList L, int start, int len) { //Fill in here }
static IntList sublist(IntList L, int start, int len) { IntList p; IntList k; IntList j; int i = 0; int head0; for (p = L; i < start + len; p = p.tail, i++){ if (i == start){ head0 = p.head; k = new IntList(head0, null); j = k; } else if (i > start && i < start + len) head0 = p.head; j.tail = new IntList(head0, null); j = j.tail; } } return k; }
返回一个IntList的一部分,从原IntList L的第start个元素开始,长度为len。需要改变原IntList的元素,如果元素不存在会抛出错误。
/* 2c. */ /** Returns the sublist consisting of LEN items from list L, * beginning with item #START (where the first item is #0). * May modify the original list elements. Don't use 'new'. * It is an error if the desired items don't exist. */ static IntList dsublist(IntList L, int start, int len) { // Fill in here }
static IntList dsublist(IntList L, int start, int len) { IntList p; int i = 0; for (p = L; i <= start + len; p = p.tail, i++){ if (i == start){ L = p; } else if (i == start + len){ p = null; } } return L; }